

你想用反射做什么? 可以使用Boost类型特征和typeof库作为编译时反射的有限形式。也就是说,您可以检查和修改传递给模板的类型的基本属性。






Inspection by iterating over members of a type, enumerating its methods and so on. This is not possible with C++. Inspection by checking whether a class-type (class, struct, union) has a method or nested type, is derived from another particular type. This kind of thing is possible with C++ using template-tricks. Use boost::type_traits for many things (like checking whether a type is integral). For checking for the existence of a member function, use Templated check for the existence of a class member function? . For checking whether a certain nested type exists, use plain SFINAE .


一个元编译器,如Qt元对象编译器,它翻译你的代码,添加额外的元信息。 由宏组成的框架,允许您添加所需的元信息。你需要告诉框架所有的方法、类名、基类和它需要的一切。


如果你正在寻找相对简单的c++反射——我从各种来源的宏/定义中收集了它们,并注释了它们的工作方式。你可以下载页眉 这里的文件:



https://github.com/tapika/TestCppReflect/blob/master/CppReflect.h https://github.com/tapika/TestCppReflect/blob/master/CppReflect.cpp https://github.com/tapika/TestCppReflect/blob/master/TypeTraits.h

示例应用程序驻留在git存储库以及,在这里: https://github.com/tapika/TestCppReflect/


#include "CppReflect.h"
using namespace std;

class Person

    // Repack your code into REFLECTABLE macro, in (<C++ Type>) <Field name>
    // form , like this:

    REFLECTABLE( Person,
        (CString)   name,
        (int)       age,

void main(void)
    Person p;
    p.name = L"Roger";
    p.age = 37;

    // And here you can convert your class contents into xml form:

    CStringW xml = ToXML( &p );
    CStringW errors;

    People ppl2;

    // And here you convert from xml back to class:

    FromXml( &ppl2, xml, errors );
    CStringA xml2 = ToXML( &ppl2 );
    printf( xml2 );



我已经使用pugi xml解析器获取演示代码到xml并从xml恢复回来。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<People groupName="Group1">
        <Person name="Roger" age="37" />
        <Person name="Alice" age="27" />
        <Person name="Cindy" age="17" />



该解决方案适用于Windows / Visual studio。它可以移植到其他操作系统/编译器,但还没有这样做。(如果你真的喜欢解决方案,请问我,我可能会帮助你)





c++运行时类型反射 https://youtu.be/TN8tJijkeFE




c.General.IntDir = LR"(obj\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\)";
c.General.OutDir = LR"(bin\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\)";
c.General.UseDebugLibraries = true;
c.General.LinkIncremental = true;
c.CCpp.Optimization = optimization_Disabled;
c.Linker.System.SubSystem = subsystem_Console;
c.Linker.Debugging.GenerateDebugInformation = debuginfo_true;

但是这里的每一步实际上都会导致函数调用 使用c++属性__declspec(property(get =, put…).







看起来c++仍然没有这个特性。 c++ 11也有延迟反射(


I did something like what you're after once, and while it's possible to get some level of reflection and access to higher-level features, the maintenance headache might not be worth it. My system was used to keep the UI classes completely separated from the business logic through delegation akin to Objective-C's concept of message passing and forwarding. The way to do it is to create some base class that is capable of mapping symbols (I used a string pool but you could do it with enums if you prefer speed and compile-time error handling over total flexibility) to function pointers (actually not pure function pointers, but something similar to what Boost has with Boost.Function--which I didn't have access to at the time). You can do the same thing for your member variables as long as you have some common base class capable of representing any value. The entire system was an unabashed ripoff of Key-Value Coding and Delegation, with a few side effects that were perhaps worth the sheer amount of time necessary to get every class that used the system to match all of its methods and members up with legal calls: 1) Any class could call any method on any other class without having to include headers or write fake base classes so the interface could be predefined for the compiler; and 2) The getters and setters of the member variables were easy to make thread-safe because changing or accessing their values was always done through 2 methods in the base class of all objects.

It also led to the possibility of doing some really weird things that otherwise aren't easy in C++. For example I could create an Array object that contained arbitrary items of any type, including itself, and create new arrays dynamically by passing a message to all array items and collecting the return values (similar to map in Lisp). Another was the implementation of key-value observing, whereby I was able to set up the UI to respond immediately to changes in the members of backend classes instead of constantly polling the data or unnecessarily redrawing the display.



As to how to implement something like this: just use shared and weak pointers to some common base (mine was very imaginatively called "Object") and derive for all the types you want to use. I'd recommend installing Boost.Function instead of doing it the way I did, which was with some custom crap and a ton of ugly macros to wrap the function pointer calls. Since everything is mapped, inspecting objects is just a matter of iterating through all of the keys. Since my classes were essentially as close to a direct ripoff of Cocoa as possible using only C++, if you want something like that then I'd suggest using the Cocoa documentation as a blueprint.