typeof NaN是number似乎不太符合逻辑。就像NaN === NaN或NaN == NaN返回false。这是JavaScript的特性之一吗,或者有什么原因吗?
与NaN的比较总是返回无序结果,即使是与NaN本身比较也是如此。比较谓词是信号或非信号,信号版本表示此类比较的无效异常。等式和不等式谓词是非信号,因此x = x返回false可用于测试x是否为静态NaN。
与NaN的比较总是返回无序结果,即使是与NaN本身比较也是如此。比较谓词是信号或非信号,信号版本表示此类比较的无效异常。等式和不等式谓词是无信号的,因此x = x返回false可用于测试x是否为静态NaN。
等式和不等式谓词是无信号的,因此x = x返回false可用于测试x是否为静态NaN。
相等(等于,不等于)的测试永远不会发出信号,因此使用它们不会导致异常。如果有一个正则数x,那么x == x总是成立的。如果x是一个NaN,那么x == x将永远是假的。它为您提供了一种轻松(悄悄)检测NaN的方法。
There are three kinds of operation
which return NaN:
Operations with a NaN as at least one operand
Indeterminate forms
The divisions 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞/−∞, −∞/∞, and −∞/−∞
The multiplications 0×∞ and 0×−∞
The power 1^∞
The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions.
Real operations with complex results:
The square root of a negative number
The logarithm of a negative number
The tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees (or π/2 radians)
The inverse sine or cosine of a number which is less than −1 or
greater than +1.
所有这些值可能都不相同。NaN的一个简单测试是测试value == value为false。
typeof NaN返回'number',因为:
ECMAScript spec says the Number type includes NaN:
4.3.20 Number type
set of all possible Number values including the special “Not-a-Number”
(NaN) values, positive infinity, and negative infinity
So typeof returns accordingly:
11.4.3 The typeof Operator
The production UnaryExpression : typeof UnaryExpression is
evaluated as follows:
Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
If Type(val) is Reference, then
If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined".
Let val be GetValue(val).
Return a String determined by Type(val) according to Table 20.
Table 20 — typeof Operator Results
| Type of val | Result |
| Undefined | "undefined" |
| Null | "object" |
| Boolean | "boolean" |
| Number | "number" |
| String | "string" |
| Object (native and does | "object" |
| not implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (native or host and | "function" |
| does implement [[Call]]) | |
| Object (host and does not | Implementation-defined except may |
| implement [[Call]]) | not be "undefined", "boolean", |
| | "number", or "string". |
此行为符合IEEE浮点运算标准(IEEE 754):
4.3.19 Number value
primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary
format IEEE 754 value
4.3.23 NaN
number value that is a IEEE 754 “Not-a-Number” value
8.5 The Number Type
The Number type has exactly 18437736874454810627 (that is, 253−264+3)
values, representing the double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754
values as specified in the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
Arithmetic, except that the 9007199254740990 (that is, 253−2) distinct
“Not-a-Number” values of the IEEE Standard are represented in
ECMAScript as a single special NaN value. (Note that the NaN value
is produced by the program expression NaN.)
The infamous non-equality of NaN to itself, both == and === is a manifestation of the confusing design forcing this exception object into being a primitive type. This breaks the fundamental principle that a primitive is uniquely determined by its value. If NaN is preferred to be seen as exception (of which there can be different kinds), then it should not be "sold" as primitive. And if it is wanted to be primitive, that principle must hold. As long as it is broken, as we have in JavaScript, and we can't really decide between the two, the confusion leading to unnecessary cognitive load for everyone involved will remain. Which, however, is really easy to fix by simply making the choice between the two:
将NaN强制转换为数字类型的唯一可以想象的好处是能够将其扔回任何数值表达式中。然而,这使得它成为脆弱的选择,因为任何包含NaN的数值表达式的结果都将是NaN,或者导致不可预测的结果,例如NaN < 0求值为false,即返回布尔值而不是保持异常。