和在。net Framework 4.5中实现了IDisposable(通过System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker)。


作为规则,当使用IDisposable对象时,应该声明和 在using语句中实例化它。


var baseAddress = new Uri("");
var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookieContainer })
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = baseAddress })
    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("foo", "bar"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("baz", "bazinga"),
    cookieContainer.Add(baseAddress, new Cookie("CookieName", "cookie_value"));
    var result = client.PostAsync("/test", content).Result;


最初的博客文章宣布HttpClient的发布。 HttpClient的实际MSDN文档。 BingTranslateSample GoogleMapsSample WorldBankSample


在检查了你的样品后,我发现你没有进行处理 对HttpClient实例的操作。我已经使用了HttpClient的所有实例 在我的应用程序上使用声明,我认为这是正确的方式 因为HttpClient实现了IDisposable接口。我是在 正确的道路?


一般来说,这是正确的,尽管你必须小心 "using"和async,因为它们在。net 4和。net 4.5中不能真正混合 可以在“using”语句中使用“await”。 顺便说一句,你可以重复使用同一个HttpClient,次数不限 通常情况下,您不会一直创建/处理它们。




Is it necessary, given the current implementation (.NET Framework 4.5), to call Dispose() on HttpClient and HttpClientHandler instances? Clarification: by "necessary" I mean if there are any negative consequences for not disposing, such as resource leakage or data corruption risks. If it's not necessary, would it be a "good practice" anyway, since they implement IDisposable? If it's necessary (or recommended), is this code mentioned above implementing it safely (for .NET Framework 4.5)? If these classes don't require calling Dispose(), why were they implemented as IDisposable? If they require, or if it's a recommended practice, are the Microsoft examples misleading or unsafe?



Generally speaking most IDisposable objects should ideally be disposed when you are done with them, especially those that own Named/shared OS resources. HttpClient is no exception, since as Darrel Miller points out it allocates cancellation tokens, and request/response bodies can be unmanaged streams. However, the best practice for HttpClient says you should create one instance and reuse it as much as possible (using its thread-safe members in multi-threaded scenarios). Therefore, in most scenarios you'll never dispose of it simply because you will be needing it all the time. The problem with re-using the same HttpClient "forever" is that the underlying HTTP connection might remain open against the originally DNS-resolved IP, regardless of DNS changes. This can be an issue in scenarios like blue/green deployment and DNS-based failover. There are various approaches for dealing with this issue, the most reliable one involving the server sending out a Connection:close header after DNS changes take place. Another possibility involves recycling the HttpClient on the client side, either periodically or via some mechanism that learns about the DNS change. See for more information (I suggest reading it carefully before blindly using the code suggested in the linked blog post).


我认为应该使用单例模式来避免创建HttpClient实例并一直关闭它。如果你使用的是。net 4.0,你可以使用下面的示例代码。有关单例模式检查的更多信息,请点击这里。

class HttpClientSingletonWrapper : HttpClient
    private static readonly Lazy<HttpClientSingletonWrapper> Lazy= new Lazy<HttpClientSingletonWrapper>(()=>new HttpClientSingletonWrapper()); 

    public static HttpClientSingletonWrapper Instance {get { return Lazy.Value; }}

    private HttpClientSingletonWrapper()


var client = HttpClientSingletonWrapper.Instance;


HttpClientHandler.cs -特性




internal static readonly TimerThread.Callback s_IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutCallback);
private static volatile TimerThread.Queue s_ServicePointIdlingQueue = TimerThread.GetOrCreateQueue(100000);

private static void IdleServicePointTimeoutCallback(TimerThread.Timer timer, int timeNoticed, object context)
  ServicePoint servicePoint = (ServicePoint) context;
  if (Logging.On)
    Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_closed_idle", (object) "ServicePoint", (object) servicePoint.GetHashCode()));
  lock (ServicePointManager.s_ServicePointTable)
    ServicePointManager.s_ServicePointTable.Remove((object) servicePoint.LookupString);



public void DoServiceCall() {
  var client = new HttpClient();
  await client.PostAsync();




Generally speaking most IDisposable objects should ideally be disposed when you are done with them, especially those that own Named/shared OS resources. HttpClient is no exception, since as Darrel Miller points out it allocates cancellation tokens, and request/response bodies can be unmanaged streams. However, the best practice for HttpClient says you should create one instance and reuse it as much as possible (using its thread-safe members in multi-threaded scenarios). Therefore, in most scenarios you'll never dispose of it simply because you will be needing it all the time. The problem with re-using the same HttpClient "forever" is that the underlying HTTP connection might remain open against the originally DNS-resolved IP, regardless of DNS changes. This can be an issue in scenarios like blue/green deployment and DNS-based failover. There are various approaches for dealing with this issue, the most reliable one involving the server sending out a Connection:close header after DNS changes take place. Another possibility involves recycling the HttpClient on the client side, either periodically or via some mechanism that learns about the DNS change. See for more information (I suggest reading it carefully before blindly using the code suggested in the linked blog post).



引用自官方文档的“HttpClient旨在被实例化一次,并在应用程序的整个生命周期中被重用”。 一个IDisposable对象被假定/建议被释放。



见到人不是巧合 在一些博客文章中指责HttpClient的IDisposable接口 使他们倾向于使用using (var client = new HttpClient()){…}模式 然后导致套接字处理程序耗尽的问题。

我认为这可以归结为一个未说出口的(错误的)概念: “一个IDisposable对象预期是短命的”。


using (var foo = new SomeDisposableObject())

IDisposable的官方文件 从来没有提到IDisposable对象必须是短命的。 根据定义,IDisposable只是一种允许您释放非托管资源的机制。 仅此而已。从这个意义上说,你最终会触发处置, 但它并不要求你在短时间内这样做。

因此,正确选择何时触发处置是你的工作, 基于真实对象的生命周期需求。 没有什么能阻止你长久地使用一次性卫生纸:

using System;
namespace HelloWorld
    class Hello
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                for (...) { ... }  // A really long loop

                // Or you may even somehow start a daemon here


            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

With this new understanding, now we revisit that blog post, we can clearly notice that the "fix" initializes HttpClient once but never dispose it, that is why we can see from its netstat output that, the connection remains at ESTABLISHED state which means it has NOT been properly closed. If it were closed, its state would be in TIME_WAIT instead. In practice, it is not a big deal to leak only one connection open after your entire program ends, and the blog poster still see a performance gain after the fix; but still, it is conceptually incorrect to blame IDisposable and choose to NOT dispose it.