// These items will be displayed in a list on the screen.
public interface IListItem {
string ScreenName();
public class Animal: IListItem {
// All animals will be called "Animal".
public static string ScreenName() {
return "Animal";
public class Person: IListItem {
private string name;
// All persons will be called by their individual names.
public string ScreenName() {
return name;
I think the question is getting at the fact that C# needs another keyword, for precisely this sort of situation. You want a method whose return value depends only on the type on which it is called. You can't call it "static" if said type is unknown. But once the type becomes known, it will become static. "Unresolved static" is the idea -- it's not static yet, but once we know the receiving type, it will be. This is a perfectly good concept, which is why programmers keep asking for it. But it didn't quite fit into the way the designers thought about the language.
public interface IZeroWrapper<TNumber> {
TNumber Zero {get;}
public class DoubleWrapper: IZeroWrapper<double> {
public double Zero { get { return 0; } }
interface INumber<T>
static abstract T Zero { get; }
struct Fraction : INumber<Fraction>
public static Fraction Zero { get; } = new Fraction();
public long Numerator;
public ulong Denominator;
请注意,根据你的Visual Studio版本和你安装的。net SDK,你必须至少更新其中一个(或两个),或者你必须启用预览功能(参见在Visual Studio中使用预览功能和预览语言)。
https://khalidabuhakmeh.com/static-abstract-members-in-csharp-10-interfaces: ~:文本=静态% 20文摘% 20成员% 20允许% 20,像% 20 % 20其他% 20接口% 20的定义。