// These items will be displayed in a list on the screen.
public interface IListItem {
string ScreenName();
public class Animal: IListItem {
// All animals will be called "Animal".
public static string ScreenName() {
return "Animal";
public class Person: IListItem {
private string name;
// All persons will be called by their individual names.
public string ScreenName() {
return name;
Regarding static methods used in non-generic contexts I agree that it doesn't make much sense to allow them in interfaces, since you wouldn't be able to call them if you had a reference to the interface anyway. However there is a fundamental hole in the language design created by using interfaces NOT in a polymorphic context, but in a generic one. In this case the interface is not an interface at all but rather a constraint. Because C# has no concept of a constraint outside of an interface it is missing substantial functionality. Case in point:
T SumElements<T>(T initVal, T[] values)
foreach (var v in values)
initVal += v;
constraint CHasPlusEquals
static CHasPlusEquals operator + (CHasPlusEquals a, CHasPlusEquals b);
T SumElements<T>(T initVal, T[] values) where T : CHasPlusEquals
foreach (var v in values)
initVal += v;
举一个例子,我既没有接口方法的静态实现,也没有Mark Brackett介绍的“所谓的类型方法”:
interface IDataRow {
string GetDataSTructre(); // How to read data from the DB
void Read(IDBDataRow); // How to populate this datarow from DB data
public class DataTable<T> : List<T> where T : IDataRow {
public string GetDataStructure()
// Desired: Static or Type method:
// return (T.GetDataStructure());
// Required: Instantiate a new class:
return (new T().GetDataStructure());