


当你编写一个实现文件(.cpp, .cxx等)时,你的编译器会生成一个翻译单元。这是你实现的源文件,加上你#包含在其中的所有头文件。





// In namespace scope or global scope.
int i; // extern by default
const int ci; // static by default
extern const int eci; // explicitly extern
static int si; // explicitly static

// The same goes for functions (but there are no const functions).
int f(); // extern by default
static int sf(); // explicitly static 


namespace {
  int i; // extern by default but unreachable from other translation units
  class C; // extern by default but unreachable from other translation units

全局变量默认具有外部链接。通过在另一个文件中给出匹配的extern声明,可以将其作用域扩展到其他文件,而不是包含它。 通过在声明前加上关键字static,可以将全局变量的作用域限制在包含其声明的文件中。这样的变量被称为具有内部联系。


1. cpp

void f(int i);
extern const int max = 10;
int n = 0;
int main()
    int a;

函数f的签名将f声明为具有外部链接的函数(默认值)。它的定义必须在后面的文件或其他翻译单元中提供(如下所示)。 Max被定义为一个整数常数。常量的默认链接是内部的。使用关键字extern将其链接更改为外部链接。现在max可以在其他文件中访问。 N定义为整数变量。在函数体外定义的变量的默认链接是external。

2. cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

extern const int max;
extern int n;
static float z = 0.0;

void f(int i)
    static int nCall = 0;
    int a;
    a = max * z;
    cout << "f() called " << nCall << " times." << endl;

max is declared to have external linkage. A matching definition for max (with external linkage) must appear in some file. (As in 1.cpp) n is declared to have external linkage. z is defined as a global variable with internal linkage. The definition of nCall specifies nCall to be a variable that retains its value across calls to function f(). Unlike local variables with the default auto storage class, nCall will be initialized only once at the first invocation of f(). The storage class specifier static affects the lifetime of the local variable and not its scope.





Local variable : Scope is only inside a function. It resides in the STACK area of RAM. Which means that every time a function gets called all the variables that are the part of that function, including function arguments are freshly created and are destroyed once the control goes out of the function. (Because the stack is flushed every time function returns) Static variable: Scope of this is for a file. It is accessible every where in the file in which it is declared. It resides in the DATA segment of RAM. Since this can only be accessed inside a file and hence INTERNAL linkage. Any other files cannot see this variable. In fact STATIC keyword is the only way in which we can introduce some level of data or function hiding in 'C' Global variable: Scope of this is for an entire application. It is accessible form every where of the application. Global variables also resides in DATA segment Since it can be accessed every where in the application and hence EXTERNAL Linkage

默认情况下,所有函数都是全局的。以防万一,如果你需要 从外部隐藏一些函数在文件中,你可以前缀静态 函数的关键字。: -)





Different translation units can share the same declaration by header/source file (yes, it is the standard's wording) inclusion. So you may refer the same name in different translation units. If the name declared has external linkage, the identity of the entity referred by the name is also shared. If the name declared has internal linkage, the same name in different translation units denotes different entities, but you can refer the entity in different scopes of the same translation unit. If the name has no linkage, you simply cannot refer the entity from other scopes.



Visibility (of a name). It is also a property of declared name, but with a meaning different to linkage. Visibility (of a side effect). This is not related to this topic. Visibility (of a symbol). This notion can be used by actual implementations. In such implementations, a symbol with specific visibility in object (binary) code is usually the target mapped from the entity definition whose names having the same specific linkage in the source (C++) code. However, it is usually not guaranteed one-to-one. For example, a symbol in a dynamic library image can be specified only shared in that image internally from source code (involved with some extensions, typically, __attribute__ or __declspec) or compiler options, and the image is not the whole program or the object file translated from a translation unit, thus no standard concept can describe it accurately. Since symbol is not a normative term in C++, it is only an implementation detail, even though the related extensions of dialects may have been widely adopted. Accessibility. In C++, this is usually about property of class members or base classes, which is again a different concept unrelated to the topic. Global. In C++, "global" refers something of global namespace or global namespace scope. The latter is roughly equivalent to file scope in the C language. Both in C and C++, the linkage has nothing to do with scope, although scope (like linkage) is also tightly concerned with an identifier (in C) or a name (in C++) introduced by some declaration.

The linkage rule of namespace scope const variable is something special (and particularly different to the const object declared in file scope in C language which also has the concept of linkage of identifiers). Since ODR is enforced by C++, it is important to keep no more than one definition of the same variable or function occurred in the whole program except for inline functions. If there is no such special rule of const, a simplest declaration of const variable with initializers (e.g. = xxx) in a header or a source file (often a "header file") included by multiple translation units (or included by one translation unit more than once, though rarely) in a program will violate ODR, which makes to use const variable as replacement of some object-like macros impossible.


A translation unit refers to an implementation (.c/.cpp) file and all header (.h/.hpp) files it includes. If an object or function inside such a translation unit has internal linkage, then that specific symbol is only visible to the linker within that translation unit. If an object or function has external linkage, the linker can also see it when processing other translation units. The static keyword, when used in the global namespace, forces a symbol to have internal linkage. The extern keyword results in a symbol having external linkage. The compiler defaults the linkage of symbols such that: Non-const global variables have external linkage by default Const global variables have internal linkage by default Functions have external linkage by default


Extern链接变量在所有文件中可见 内部链接变量在单个文件中可见。


缺省情况下,全局变量为外部链接 但是,const全局变量是内部链接 Extra, extern const全局变量是外部链接



链接确定具有相同名称的标识符是否引用相同的对象、函数或其他实体,即使这些标识符出现在不同的转换单元中。标识符的链接取决于它是如何声明的。 有三种类型的连杆:

内部链接:标识符只能在翻译单元中看到。 外部链接:标识符可以在其他翻译单元中看到(并引用)。 没有链接:标识符只能在定义它们的作用域中看到。 链接不影响作用域


来源:IBM Program Linkage




文件作用域中的静态对象或函数名对于翻译单元是本地的。这是 称为内部联动
