为了解释代码,这是一款基于同时回合制的游戏。两名玩家各有四个操作按钮,结果来自一个数组(0-3),但变量“1”和“2”可以赋值任何东西,如果这有帮助的话。结果是,0 =双方都不赢,1 = p1赢,2 = p2赢,3 =双方都赢。
public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
if(one == 0 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 2) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 3) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 2) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 1 && two == 3) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 0) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 1) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 2 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 0) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 1) { result = 2; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
else if(one == 3 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
return result;
static final int BLOCK_HIGH = 0;
static final int BLOCK_LOW = 1;
static final int ATTACK_HIGH = 2;
static final int ATTACK_LOW = 3;
public static int fightMath(int one, int two) {
boolean player1Wins = handleAttack(one, two);
boolean player2Wins = handleAttack(two, one);
return encodeResult(player1Wins, player2Wins);
private static boolean handleAttack(int one, int two) {
return one == ATTACK_HIGH && two != BLOCK_HIGH
|| one == ATTACK_LOW && two != BLOCK_LOW
|| one == BLOCK_HIGH && two == ATTACK_HIGH
|| one == BLOCK_LOW && two == ATTACK_LOW;
private static int encodeResult(boolean player1Wins, boolean player2Wins) {
return (player1Wins ? 1 : 0) + (player2Wins ? 2 : 0);
class PlayerMove {
PlayerMovePosition pos;
PlayerMoveType type;
enum PlayerMovePosition {
enum PlayerMoveType {
class AttackResult {
boolean player1Wins;
boolean player2Wins;
public AttackResult(boolean player1Wins, boolean player2Wins) {
this.player1Wins = player1Wins;
this.player2Wins = player2Wins;
AttackResult fightMath(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
return new AttackResult(isWinningMove(a, b), isWinningMove(b, a));
boolean isWinningMove(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
return a.type == PlayerMoveType.ATTACK && !successfulBlock(b, a)
|| successfulBlock(a, b);
boolean successfulBlock(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
return a.type == PlayerMoveType.BLOCK
&& b.type == PlayerMoveType.ATTACK
&& a.pos == b.pos;
感谢@Joe Harper,因为我最终使用了他的答案的变体。为了进一步瘦身,每4个结果中有2个是相同的,我进一步瘦身。
public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
if (one === 0) {
if (two === 2) { return 1; }
else if(two === 3) { return 2; }
else { return 0; }
} else if (one === 1) {
if (two === 2) { return 2; }
else if (two === 3) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
} else if (one === 2) {
if (two === 0) { return 2; }
else if (two === 1) { return 1; }
else { return 3; }
} else if (one === 3) {
if (two === 0) { return 1; }
else if (two === 1) { return 2; }
else { return 3; }
public int fightMath (int one, int two)
int oneHit = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
int twoHit = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : 0;
return oneHit+twoHit;
public int fightMath (int one, int two)
int oneAttack = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : (one >= 2) ? 2 : 0;
int twoAttack = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : (two >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
return oneAttack | twoAttack;
1:你的答案对于参与人1 P1和参与人2 P2是对称的。这对于格斗游戏来说很有意义,但你也可以利用它来完善你的逻辑。
// returns whether we beat our opponent
public boolean doesBeat(int attacker, int defender) {
int[] beats = {2, 3, 1, 0};
return defender == beats[attacker];
// returns the overall fight result
// bit 0 = one hits
// bit 1 = two hits
public int fightMath(int one, int two)
// Check to see whether either has an outright winning combo
if (doesBeat(one, two))
return 1;
if (doesBeat(two, one))
return 2;
// If both have 0/1 then its hitless draw but if both have 2/3 then they both hit.
// We can check this by seeing whether the second bit is set and we need only check
// one's value as combinations where they don't both have 0/1 or 2/3 have already
// been dealt with
return (one & 2) ? 3 : 0;