



<div class="h-screen overflow-hidden flex flex-col">
  <div class="overflow-y-scroll flex-1">
      <thead class="sticky top-0">
          <td>red osier dogwood</td>




<html> <head> <title>Fixed header</title> <style> table td {width:75px;} </style> </head> <body> <div style="height:auto; width:350px; overflow:auto"> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>header 1</td> <td>header 2</td> <td>header 3</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="height:50px; width:350px; overflow:auto"> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>row 1 col 1</td> <td>row 1 col 2</td> <td>row 1 col 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 2 col 1</td> <td>row 2 col 2</td> <td>row 2 col 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 3 col 1</td> <td>row 3 col 2</td> <td>row 3 col 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 4 col 1</td> <td>row 4 col 2</td> <td>row 4 col 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 5 col 1</td> <td>row 5 col 2</td> <td>row 5 col 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 6 col 1</td> <td>row 6 col 2</td> <td>row 6 col 3</td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>


这个简洁的小选项需要jQuery tablesorter插件。下面是它的工作原理:


<table class="tablesorter boxlist" id="pmtable">
    <thead class="fixedheader">
        <tr class="boxheadrow">
            <th width="70px" class="header">Job Number</th>
            <th width="10px" class="header">Pri</th>
            <th width="70px" class="header">CLLI</th>
            <th width="35px" class="header">Market</th>
            <th width="35px" class="header">Job Status</th>
            <th width="65px" class="header">Technology</th>
            <th width="95px;" class="header headerSortDown">MEI</th>
            <th width="95px" class="header">TEO Writer</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">Quote Due</th>
            <th width="100px" class="header">Engineer</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">ML Due</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">ML Complete</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">SPEC Due</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">SPEC Complete</th>
            <th width="100px" class="header">Install Supervisor</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">MasTec OJD</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">Install Start</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">Install Hours</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">Revised CRCD</th>
            <th width="75px" class="header">Latest Ship-To-Site</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">Total Parts</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">OEM Rcvd</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">Minor Rcvd</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">Total Received</th>
            <th width="30px" class="header">% On Site</th>
            <th width="60px" class="header">Actions</th>
        <tbody class="scrollable">
            <tr data-job_id="3548" data-ml_id="" class="odd">
                <td class="c black">FL-8-RG9UP</td>
                <td data-pri="2" class="priority c yellow">M</td>
                <td class="c">FTLDFLOV</td>
                <td class="c">SFL</td>
                <td class="c">NOI</td>
                <td class="c">TRANSPORT</td>
                <td class="c"></td>
                <td class="c">Chris Byrd</td>
                <td class="c">Apr 13, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Kris Hall</td>
                <td class="c">May 20, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">May 20, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 5, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 7, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Joseph Fitz</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 10, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">TBD</td>
                <td class="c">123</td>
                <td class="c revised_crcd"><input readonly="true" name="revised_crcd" value="Jul 26, 2013" type="text" size="12" class="smInput r_crcd c hasDatepicker" id="dp1377194058616"></td>
                <td class="c">TBD</td>
                <td class="c">N/A</td>
                <td class="c">N/A</td>
                <td class="c">N/A</td>
                <td class="c">N/A</td>
                <td class="c">N/A</td>
                <td class="actions"><span style="float:left;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-folder-open editJob" title="View this job" s="" details'=""></span></td>
            <tr data-job_id="4264" data-ml_id="2959" class="even">
                <td class="c black">MTS13009SF</td>
                <td data-pri="2" class="priority c yellow">M</td>
                <td class="c">OJUSFLTL</td>
                <td class="c">SFL</td>
                <td class="c">NOI</td>
                <td class="c">TRANSPORT</td>
                <td class="c"></td>
                <td class="c">DeMarcus Stewart</td>
                <td class="c">May 22, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Ryan Alsobrook</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 19, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 27, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 19, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Jul 4, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">Randy Williams</td>
                <td class="c">Jun 21, 2013</td>
                <td class="c">TBD</td>
                <td class="c">95</td>
                <td class="c revised_crcd"><input readonly="true" name="revised_crcd" value="Aug 9, 2013" type="text" size="12" class="smInput r_crcd c hasDatepicker" id="dp1377194058632"></td><td class="c">TBD</td>
                <td class="c">0</td>
                <td class="c">0.00%</td>
                <td class="c">0.00%</td>
                <td class="c">0.00%</td>
                <td class="c">0.00%</td>
                <td class="actions"><span style="float:left;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-folder-open editJob" title="View this job" s="" details'=""></span><input style="float:left;" type="hidden" name="req_ship" class="reqShip hasDatepicker" id="dp1377194058464"><span style="float:left;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-calendar requestShip" title="Schedule this job for shipping"></span><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info viewOrderInfo" style="float:left;" title="Show material details for this order"></span></td>
            <tr class="boxheadrow repeated-header">
                <th width="70px" class="header">Job Number</th>
                <th width="10px" class="header">Pri</th>
                <th width="70px" class="header">CLLI</th>
                <th width="35px" class="header">Market</th>
                <th width="35px" class="header">Job Status</th>
                <th width="65px" class="header">Technology</th>
                <th width="95px;" class="header">MEI</th>
                <th width="95px" class="header">TEO Writer</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">Quote Due</th>
                <th width="100px" class="header">Engineer</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">ML Due</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">ML Complete</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">SPEC Due</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">SPEC Complete</th>
                <th width="100px" class="header">Install Supervisor</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">MasTec OJD</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">Install Start</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">Install Hours</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">Revised CRCD</th>
                <th width="75px" class="header">Latest Ship-To-Site</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">Total Parts</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">OEM Rcvd</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">Minor Rcvd</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">Total Received</th>
                <th width="30px" class="header">% On Site</th>
                <th width="60px" class="header">Actions</th>



// Clone the original header row and add the "repeated-header" class
var tblHeader = $('tr.boxheadrow').clone().addClass('repeated-header');

// Add the cloned header with the new class every 34th row (or as you see fit)
$('tbody tr:odd:nth-of-type(17n)').after(tblHeader);

// On the 'sortStart' routine, remove all the inserted header rows
$('#pmtable').bind('sortStart', function() {
    // On the 'sortEnd' routine, add back all the header row lines.
}).bind('sortEnd', function() {
    $('tbody tr:odd:nth-of-type(17n)').after(tblHeader);

以下是对马克西米利安·希尔斯(Maximilian Hils)发布的答案的改进。


var headerCells = tableWrap.querySelectorAll("thead td");
for (var i = 0; i < headerCells.length; i++) {
    var headerCell = headerCells[i];
    headerCell.style.backgroundColor = "silver";
var lastSTop = tableWrap.scrollTop;
tableWrap.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
    var stop = this.scrollTop;
    if (stop < lastSTop) {
        // Resetting the transform for the scrolling up to hide the headers
        for (var i = 0; i < headerCells.length; i++) {
            headerCells[i].style.transitionDelay = "0s";
            headerCells[i].style.transform = "";
    lastSTop = stop;
    var translate = "translate(0," + stop + "px)";
    for (var i = 0; i < headerCells.length; i++) {
        headerCells[i].style.transitionDelay = "0.25s";
        headerCells[i].style.transform = translate;




将head和tbody分割为单独的表元素 使它们的单元格宽度再次匹配 将第二个表包装在div.scrollable中 使用CSS使div.scrollable实际滚动


div.scrollable { height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll;}


显然,拆分这些表会降低标记的语义性。我不确定这对可访问性有什么影响。 这个插件不处理页脚,多个页眉等。 我只在Chrome 20版本中测试过。



jQuery.fn.scrollableTable = function () {
  var $newTable, $oldTable, $scrollableDiv, originalWidths;
  $oldTable = $(this);

  // Once the tables are split, their cell widths may change. 
  // Grab these so we can make the two tables match again.
  originalWidths = $oldTable.find('tr:first td').map(function() {
    return $(this).width();

  $newTable = $oldTable.clone();

  $.each([$oldTable, $newTable], function(index, $table) {
    $table.find('tr:first td').each(function(i) {

  $scrollableDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('scrollable');





粘性定位提案网址:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Jun/0627.html 请在阿特金斯提出的“位置-根”、“位置-包含”或“位置-限制”的建议中打上标签:http://www.xanthir.com/blog/b48H0
