Given an JPEG image (as seen above), what's the best way to read it in, parse it into some data structure and solve the maze? My first instinct is to read the image in pixel by pixel and store it in a list (array) of boolean values: True for a white pixel, and False for a non-white pixel (the colours can be discarded). The issue with this method, is that the image may not be "pixel perfect". By that I simply mean that if there is a white pixel somewhere on a wall it may create an unintended path.
然后是迷宫的解决。如果我用前两种方法中的任何一种,我最终都会得到一个矩阵。根据这个答案,表示迷宫的好方法是使用树,解决迷宫的好方法是使用a *算法。如何从图像中创建树?什么好主意吗?
博士TL; 最好的解析方法?转换成什么样的数据结构?结构如何帮助/阻碍解决问题?
更新 正如@Thomas推荐的那样,我已经尝试用numpy实现@Mikhail在Python中编写的内容。我觉得这个算法是正确的,但它不像我希望的那样工作。下面(代码)。PNG库为PyPNG。
import png, numpy, Queue, operator, itertools
def is_white(coord, image):
""" Returns whether (x, y) is approx. a white pixel."""
a = True
for i in xrange(3):
if not a: break
a = image[coord[1]][coord[0] * 3 + i] > 240
return a
def bfs(s, e, i, visited):
""" Perform a breadth-first search. """
frontier = Queue.Queue()
while s != e:
for d in [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]:
np = tuple(map(operator.add, s, d))
if is_white(np, i) and np not in visited:
s = frontier.get()
return visited
def main():
r = png.Reader(filename = "thescope-134.png")
rows, cols, pixels, meta = r.asDirect()
assert meta['planes'] == 3 # ensure the file is RGB
image2d = numpy.vstack(itertools.imap(numpy.uint8, pixels))
start, end = (402, 985), (398, 27)
print bfs(start, end, image2d, [])