在Java中(相当于Perl的-e $filename)打开文件读取之前,如何检查文件是否存在?
在Java中(相当于Perl的-e $filename)打开文件读取之前,如何检查文件是否存在?
public static boolean fileExists(String sFileName) {
if (sFileName.startsWith("classpath:")) {
String path = sFileName.substring("classpath:".length());
ClassLoader cl = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader();
URL url = cl != null ? cl.getResource(path) : ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path);
return (url != null);
} else {
Path path = Paths.get(sFileName);
return Files.exists(path);
File f = new File(filePathString);
if(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory()) {
// do something
public static boolean fileExists(String sFileName) {
if (sFileName.startsWith("classpath:")) {
String path = sFileName.substring("classpath:".length());
ClassLoader cl = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader();
URL url = cl != null ? cl.getResource(path) : ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path);
return (url != null);
} else {
Path path = Paths.get(sFileName);
return Files.exists(path);
不要在String中使用File构造函数。 这可能行不通! 而不是使用URI:
File f = new File(new URI("file:///"+filePathString.replace('\\', '/')));
if(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory()) {
// to do
You must use the file class , create a file instance with the path of the file you want to check if existent . After that you must make sure that it is a file and not a directory . Afterwards you can call exist method on that file object referancing your file . Be aware that , file class in java is not representing a file . It actually represents a directory path or a file path , and the abstract path it represents does not have to exist physically on your computer . It is just a representation , that`s why , you can enter a path of a file as an argument while creating file object , and then check if that folder in that path does really exist , with the exists() method .
熟悉Commons FileUtils https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/javadocs/api-2.5/org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils.html也是非常值得的 它有额外的管理文件的方法,通常比JDK更好。