



if ('URLSearchParams' in window) {
    var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
    searchParams.set("foo", "bar");
    window.location.search = searchParams.toString();



if ('URLSearchParams' in window) {
    var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
    searchParams.set("foo", "bar");
    var newRelativePathQuery = window.location.pathname + '?' + searchParams.toString();
    history.pushState(null, '', newRelativePathQuery);


然而,浏览器对它的支持很差,因为它目前还处于试验阶段,只在最新版本的Chrome、Firefox、Safari、iOS Safari、Android浏览器、Android Chrome和Opera中使用。如果你决定使用它,使用一个填充。



function setUrlParameter(url, key, value) {
  var parts = url.split("#", 2), anchor = parts.length > 1 ? "#" + parts[1] : '';
  var query = (url = parts[0]).split("?", 2);
  if (query.length === 1) 
    return url + "?" + key + "=" + value + anchor;

  for (var params = query[query.length - 1].split("&"), i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
    if (params[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(key.toLowerCase() + "="))
      return params[i] = key + "=" + value, query[query.length - 1] = params.join("&"), query.join("?") + anchor;

  return url + "&" + key + "=" + value + anchor


function updateQueryStringParameters(uri, params) {
    for(key in params){
      var value = params[key],
          re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i"),
          separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
      if (uri.match(re)) {
        uri = uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
      else {
        uri = uri + separator + key + "=" + value;
    return uri;




感谢现代javascript, node.js和浏览器的支持,我们可以摆脱第三方库的漩涡(jquery, query-string等)和DRY自己。



const getUriWithParam = (baseUrl, params) => { const Url = new URL(baseUrl); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(Url.search); for (const key in params) { if (params[key] !== undefined) { urlParams.set(key, params[key]); } } Url.search = urlParams.toString(); return Url.toString(); }; console.info('expected: https://example.com/?foo=bar'); console.log(getUriWithParam("https://example.com", {foo: "bar"})); console.info('expected: https://example.com/slug?foo=bar#hash'); console.log(getUriWithParam("https://example.com/slug#hash", {foo: "bar"})); console.info('expected: https://example.com/?bar=baz&foo=bar'); console.log(getUriWithParam("https://example.com?bar=baz", {foo: "bar"})); console.info('expected: https://example.com/?foo=baz&bar=baz'); console.log(getUriWithParam("https://example.com?foo=bar&bar=baz", {foo: "baz"}));


const getUriWithParam = (
  baseUrl: string,
  params: Record<string, any>
): string => {
  const Url = new URL(baseUrl);
  const urlParams: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(Url.search);
  for (const key in params) {
    if (params[key] !== undefined) {
      urlParams.set(key, params[key]);
  Url.search = urlParams.toString();
  return Url.toString();

对于React Native

URL在React Native中没有实现。所以你必须事先安装react-native-url-polyfill。




使用浏览器的本地URL API 可以添加、更新、获取或删除吗 期望在散列之后的查询字符串,例如对于单页应用程序

function queryParam(options = {}) { var defaults = { method: 'set', url: window.location.href, key: undefined, value: undefined, } for (var prop in defaults) { options[prop] = typeof options[prop] !== 'undefined' ? options[prop] : defaults[prop] } const existing = (options.url.lastIndexOf('?') > options.url.lastIndexOf('#')) ? options.url.substr(options.url.lastIndexOf('?') + 1) : '' const query = new URLSearchParams(existing) if (options.method === 'set') { query.set(options.key, options.value) return `${options.url.replace(`?${existing}`, '')}?${query.toString()}` } else if (options.method === 'get') { const val = query.get(options.key) let result = val === null ? val : val.toString() return result } else if (options.method === 'delete') { query.delete(options.key) let result = `${options.url.replace(`?${existing}`, '')}?${query.toString()}` const lastChar = result.charAt(result.length - 1) if (lastChar === '?') { result = `${options.url.replace(`?${existing}`, '')}` } return result } } // Usage: let url = 'https://example.com/sandbox/#page/' url = queryParam({ url, method: 'set', key: 'my-first-param', value: 'me' }) console.log(url) url = queryParam({ url, method: 'set', key: 'my-second-param', value: 'you' }) console.log(url) url = queryParam({ url, method: 'set', key: 'my-second-param', value: 'whomever' }) console.log(url) url = queryParam({ url, method: 'delete', key: 'my-first-param' }) console.log(url) const mySecondParam = queryParam({ url, method: 'get', key: 'my-second-param', }) console.log(mySecondParam) url = queryParam({ url, method: 'delete', key: 'my-second-param' }) console.log(url)




 * Add or update a query string parameter. If no URI is given, we use the current
 * window.location.href value for the URI.
 * Based on the DOM URL parser described here:
 * http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/parsing-urls-with-the-dom/
 * @param   (string)    uri     Optional: The URI to add or update a parameter in
 * @param   (string)    key     The key to add or update
 * @param   (string)    value   The new value to set for key
 * Tested on Chrome 34, Firefox 29, IE 7 and 11
function update_query_string( uri, key, value ) {

    // Use window URL if no query string is provided
    if ( ! uri ) { uri = window.location.href; }

    // Create a dummy element to parse the URI with
    var a = document.createElement( 'a' ), 

        // match the key, optional square brackets, an equals sign or end of string, the optional value
        reg_ex = new RegExp( key + '((?:\\[[^\\]]*\\])?)(=|$)(.*)' ),

        // Setup some additional variables
        key_found = false;

    // Use the JS API to parse the URI 
    a.href = uri;

    // If the URI doesn't have a query string, add it and return
    if ( ! a.search ) {

        a.search = '?' + key + '=' + value;

        return a.href;

    // Split the query string by ampersands
    qs = a.search.replace( /^\?/, '' ).split( /&(?:amp;)?/ );
    qs_len = qs.length; 

    // Loop through each query string part
    while ( qs_len > 0 ) {


        // Remove empty elements to prevent double ampersands
        if ( ! qs[qs_len] ) { qs.splice(qs_len, 1); continue; }

        // Check if the current part matches our key
        if ( reg_ex.test( qs[qs_len] ) ) {

            // Replace the current value
            qs[qs_len] = qs[qs_len].replace( reg_ex, key + '$1' ) + '=' + value;

            key_found = true;

    // If we haven't replaced any occurrences above, add the new parameter and value
    if ( ! key_found ) { qs.push( key + '=' + value ); }

    // Set the new query string
    a.search = '?' + qs.join( '&' );

    return a.href;