



bool starts_with(std::string const & value, std::string const & prefix)
    size_t valueSize = value.size();
    size_t prefixSize = prefix.size();

    if (prefixSize > valueSize)
        return false;

    return memcmp(value.data(), prefix.data(), prefixSize) == 0;

bool ends_with(std::string const & value, std::string const & suffix)
    size_t valueSize = value.size();
    size_t suffixSize = suffix.size();

    if (suffixSize > valueSize)
        return false;

    const char * valuePtr = value.data() + valueSize - suffixSize;

    return memcmp(valuePtr, suffix.data(), suffixSize) == 0;



/*  returns 1 iff str ends with suffix  */
int str_ends_with(const char * str, const char * suffix) {

  if( str == NULL || suffix == NULL )
    return 0;

  size_t str_len = strlen(str);
  size_t suffix_len = strlen(suffix);

  if(suffix_len > str_len)
    return 0;

  return 0 == strncmp( str + str_len - suffix_len, suffix, suffix_len );

注意,从c++20开始std::string将最终提供starts_with和ends_with。看起来c++中的字符串有可能最终变得可用,如果你不是在遥远的将来读到这篇文章,你可以在c++ 17中使用这些startsWith/endsWith:

#if __cplusplus >= 201703L // C++17 and later 
#include <string_view>

static bool endsWith(std::string_view str, std::string_view suffix)
    return str.size() >= suffix.size() && 0 == str.compare(str.size()-suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix);

static bool startsWith(std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix)
    return str.size() >= prefix.size() && 0 == str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix);
#endif // C++17


#if __cplusplus < 201703L // pre C++17
#include <string>

static bool endsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix)
    return str.size() >= suffix.size() && 0 == str.compare(str.size()-suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix);

static bool startsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix)
    return str.size() >= prefix.size() && 0 == str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix);


static bool endsWith(const std::string& str, const char* suffix, unsigned suffixLen)
    return str.size() >= suffixLen && 0 == str.compare(str.size()-suffixLen, suffixLen, suffix, suffixLen);

static bool endsWith(const std::string& str, const char* suffix)
    return endsWith(str, suffix, std::string::traits_type::length(suffix));

static bool startsWith(const std::string& str, const char* prefix, unsigned prefixLen)
    return str.size() >= prefixLen && 0 == str.compare(0, prefixLen, prefix, prefixLen);

static bool startsWith(const std::string& str, const char* prefix)
    return startsWith(str, prefix, std::string::traits_type::length(prefix));



如何检查一个c++ std::string是否以某个字符串开始,并将子字符串转换为int?


bool endsWith(const std::string& stack, const std::string& needle) {
    return stack.find(needle, stack.size() - needle.size()) != std::string::npos;


设a是一个字符串,b是你要找的字符串。使用a.s ustr获取a的最后n个字符,并将它们与b进行比较(其中n是b的长度)

或者使用std::equal (include <algorithm>)


bool EndsWith(const string& a, const string& b) {
    if (b.size() > a.size()) return false;
    return std::equal(a.begin() + a.size() - b.size(), a.end(), b.begin());
bool endswith(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
    string::size_type totalSize = str.size();
    string::size_type suffixSize = suffix.size();

    if(totalSize < suffixSize) {
        return false;

    return str.compare(totalSize - suffixSize, suffixSize, suffix) == 0;