Twitter, Digg, Facebook等都在使用它。
使用卡桑德拉, 不用卡桑德拉,还有 使用RDMS而不是Cassandra。
Twitter, Digg, Facebook等都在使用它。
使用卡桑德拉, 不用卡桑德拉,还有 使用RDMS而不是Cassandra。
Right. It makes sense to use Cassandra when you have a huge amount of data, a huge number of queries but very little variety of queries. Cassandra basically works by partitioning and replicating. If all your queries will be based on the same partition key, Cassandra is your best bet. If you get a query on an attribute that is not the partition key, Cassandra allows you to replicate the whole data with a new partition key. So now you have 2 replicas of the same data with 2 different partition keys.
All of this information needs to be stored in some database or the another. Now if you store the account related information like account balance, that is something that needs to be consistent at all times. For example, if you try to send money from account A to account B, then the money that disappears from account A should instantaneousy show up in account B, and it cannot be present in both accounts at the same time. This system cannot be inconsistant at any point. This is where ACID is of utmost importance.
Apache cassandra是一个分布式数据库,用于跨许多商用服务器管理大量结构化数据,同时提供高可用性服务,没有单点故障。
不要使用它,如果你不存储数据卷的机架集群, 如果您不存储时间序列数据,请不要使用, 不要使用如果你不分区你的服务器, 如果你要求强烈的一致性,请不要使用。
您不需要DB中的ACID属性。 DB上会有大量的写操作。 需要与大数据、Hadoop、Hive和Spark集成。 需要实时数据分析和生成报告。 有一个强大的容错机制的要求。 有一个齐次系统的要求。 调优需要大量的自定义。
(Volume, Velocity) Will you be writing and reading TONS of information , so much information that no one computer could handle the writes. (Global) Will you need this writing and reading capability around the world so that the writes in one part of the world are accessible in another part of the world? (Reliability) Do you need this database to be up and running all the time and never go down regardless of which Cloud, which country, whether it's VM , Container, or Bare metal? (Scale-ability) Do you need this database to be able to continue to grow easily and scale linearly (Consistency) Do you need TUNABLE consistency where some writes can happen asynchronously where as others need to be certified? (Skill) Are you willing to do what it takes to learn this technology and the data modeling that goes with creating a globally distributed database that can be fast for everyone, everywhere?
1-高端硬件设备。 2- ACID兼容,无回滚(银行交易)
Right. It makes sense to use Cassandra when you have a huge amount of data, a huge number of queries but very little variety of queries. Cassandra basically works by partitioning and replicating. If all your queries will be based on the same partition key, Cassandra is your best bet. If you get a query on an attribute that is not the partition key, Cassandra allows you to replicate the whole data with a new partition key. So now you have 2 replicas of the same data with 2 different partition keys.
All of this information needs to be stored in some database or the another. Now if you store the account related information like account balance, that is something that needs to be consistent at all times. For example, if you try to send money from account A to account B, then the money that disappears from account A should instantaneousy show up in account B, and it cannot be present in both accounts at the same time. This system cannot be inconsistant at any point. This is where ACID is of utmost importance.