

好的答案!A.Rex的回答尤其详细且有启发性。正如他所指出的,c++在编译lhs = func()时确实会考虑用户提供的类型转换操作符;(func实际上是结构体的名称)。我的解决方法有点不同——不是更好,只是不同(尽管它基于相同的基本思想)。


template <typename T> inline T func() { abort(); return T(); }

template <> inline int func()
{ <<special code for int>> }

template <> inline double func()
{ <<special code for double>> }

.. etc, then ..

int x = func(); // ambiguous!
int x = func<int>(); // *also* ambiguous!?  you're just being difficult, g++!

我最终得到了一个使用参数化结构体(T =返回类型)的解决方案:

template <typename T>
struct func
    operator T()
    { abort(); return T(); } 

// explicit specializations for supported types
// (any code that includes this header can add more!)

template <> inline
func<int>::operator int()
{ <<special code for int>> }

template <> inline
func<double>::operator double()
{ <<special code for double>> }

.. etc, then ..

int x = func<int>(); // this is OK!
double d = func<double>(); // also OK :)


template <typename T>
struct func<T*>
    operator T*()
    { <<special handling for T*>> } 

作为一个负数,你不能写int x = func();用我的解决方案。你必须写int x = func<int>();。您必须显式地说明返回类型是什么,而不是让编译器通过查看类型转换操作符来确定它。我想说的是,“我的”解决方案和a . rex的解决方案都属于解决这个c++困境的帕累托最优方法:)




#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>

class util {
    static int      convertToInt( const std::string& str );
    static unsigned convertToUnsigned( const std::string& str );
    static float    convertToFloat( const std::string& str );
    static double   convertToDouble( const std::string& str );

    util( const util& c );
    util& operator=( const util& c );

    template<typename T>
    static bool stringToValue( const std::string& str, T* pVal, unsigned numValues );

    template<typename T>
    static T getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder );

#include "util.inl"

#endif UTIL_H


template<typename T>
static bool util::stringToValue( const std::string& str, T* pValue, unsigned numValues ) {
    int numCommas = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), ',');
    if (numCommas != numValues - 1) {
        return false;

    std::size_t remainder;
    pValue[0] = getValue<T>(str, remainder);

    if (numValues == 1) {
        if (str.size() != remainder) {
            return false;
    else {
        std::size_t offset = remainder;
        if (str.at(offset) != ',') {
            return false;

        unsigned lastIdx = numValues - 1;
        for (unsigned u = 1; u < numValues; ++u) {
            pValue[u] = getValue<T>(str.substr(++offset), remainder);
            offset += remainder;
            if ((u < lastIdx && str.at(offset) != ',') ||
                (u == lastIdx && offset != str.size()))
                return false;
    return true;    


#include "util.h"

int util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
    return std::stoi( str, &remainder );

unsigned util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
    return std::stoul( str, &remainder );

float util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
    return std::stof( str, &remainder );

double util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
    return std::stod( str, &remainder );

int util::convertToInt( const std::string& str ) {
    int i = 0;
    if ( !stringToValue( str, &i, 1 ) ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to int";
        throw strStream.str();
    return i;

unsigned util::convertToUnsigned( const std::string& str ) {
    unsigned u = 0;
    if ( !stringToValue( str, &u, 1 ) ) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to unsigned";
        throw strStream.str();
    return u;

float util::convertToFloat(const std::string& str) {
    float f = 0;
    if (!stringToValue(str, &f, 1)) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to float";
        throw strStream.str();
    return f;

double util::convertToDouble(const std::string& str) {
    float d = 0;
    if (!stringToValue(str, &d, 1)) {
        std::ostringstream strStream;
        strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to double";
        throw strStream.str();
    return d;


每个convertToType函数都调用函数模板stringToValue(),如果你看一下这个函数模板的实现细节或算法,它调用getValue<T>(param, param),它返回一个类型T并将其存储到T*中,T*作为其参数之一传递到stringToValue()函数模板。



class Example a where
    example :: Integer -> a

instance Example Integer where  -- example is now implemented for Integer
    example :: Integer -> Integer
    example i = i * 10


define example:i
  ↑i type route:
    Integer = [↑i & 0xff]
    String = [↑i upper]

def example(i):
    if isinstance(i, int):
        return i & 0xff
    elif isinstance(i, str):
        return i.upper()




动态类型 内部支持列表,字典和unicode字符串 优化(JIT、类型推断、编译) 集成部署工具 库支持 社区支持和聚集场所 丰富的标准库 好的语法 读取eval打印循环 对反射编程的支持




They wanted it to be based only on how the overload was called - not how the result was used (if it was used at all). Indeed, many functions are called without using the result or the result would be used as part of a larger expression. One factor that I'm sure came into play when they decided this was that if the return type was part of the resolution there would be many calls to overloaded functions that would need to be resolved with complex rules or would have to have the compiler throw an error that the call was ambiguous.


好的答案!A.Rex的回答尤其详细且有启发性。正如他所指出的,c++在编译lhs = func()时确实会考虑用户提供的类型转换操作符;(func实际上是结构体的名称)。我的解决方法有点不同——不是更好,只是不同(尽管它基于相同的基本思想)。


template <typename T> inline T func() { abort(); return T(); }

template <> inline int func()
{ <<special code for int>> }

template <> inline double func()
{ <<special code for double>> }

.. etc, then ..

int x = func(); // ambiguous!
int x = func<int>(); // *also* ambiguous!?  you're just being difficult, g++!

我最终得到了一个使用参数化结构体(T =返回类型)的解决方案:

template <typename T>
struct func
    operator T()
    { abort(); return T(); } 

// explicit specializations for supported types
// (any code that includes this header can add more!)

template <> inline
func<int>::operator int()
{ <<special code for int>> }

template <> inline
func<double>::operator double()
{ <<special code for double>> }

.. etc, then ..

int x = func<int>(); // this is OK!
double d = func<double>(); // also OK :)


template <typename T>
struct func<T*>
    operator T*()
    { <<special handling for T*>> } 

作为一个负数,你不能写int x = func();用我的解决方案。你必须写int x = func<int>();。您必须显式地说明返回类型是什么,而不是让编译器通过查看类型转换操作符来确定它。我想说的是,“我的”解决方案和a . rex的解决方案都属于解决这个c++困境的帕累托最优方法:)

在. net中,有时我们使用一个参数来指示一个通用结果的期望输出,然后进行转换以得到我们期望的结果。


public enum FooReturnType{

    class Wea { 
        public override string ToString()
            return "Wea class";

    public static object Foo(FooReturnType type){
        object result = null;
        if (type == FooReturnType.IntType) 
            /*Int related actions*/
            result = 1;
        else if (type == FooReturnType.StringType)
            /*String related actions*/
            result = "Some important text";
        else if (type == FooReturnType.WeaType)
            /*Wea related actions*/
            result = new Wea();
        return result;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Expecting Int from Foo: " + Foo(FooReturnType.IntType));
        Console.WriteLine("Expecting String from Foo: " + Foo(FooReturnType.StringType));
        Console.WriteLine("Expecting Wea from Foo: " + Foo(FooReturnType.WeaType));



    #include <iostream>

enum class FooReturnType{ //Only C++11

class Wea{
    const char* ToString(){
        return "Wea class";

void* Foo(FooReturnType type){
    void* result = 0;
    if (type == FooReturnType::IntType) //Only C++11
        /*Int related actions*/
        result = (void*)1;
    else if (type == FooReturnType::StringType) //Only C++11
        /*String related actions*/
        result = (void*)"Some important text";
    else if (type == FooReturnType::WeaType) //Only C++11
        /*Wea related actions*/
        result = (void*)new Wea();
    return result;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int intReturn = (int)Foo(FooReturnType::IntType);
    const char* stringReturn = (const char*)Foo(FooReturnType::StringType);
    Wea *someWea = static_cast<Wea*>(Foo(FooReturnType::WeaType));
    std::cout << "Expecting Int from Foo: " << intReturn << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Expecting String from Foo: " << stringReturn << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Expecting Wea from Foo: " << someWea->ToString() << std::endl;
    delete someWea; // Don't leak oil!
    return 0;