如果f有重载void f(int)和void f(字符串)和g有重载int g(int)和字符串g(int)?你需要某种消歧器。
好的答案!A.Rex的回答尤其详细且有启发性。正如他所指出的,c++在编译lhs = func()时确实会考虑用户提供的类型转换操作符;(func实际上是结构体的名称)。我的解决方法有点不同——不是更好,只是不同(尽管它基于相同的基本思想)。
template <typename T> inline T func() { abort(); return T(); }
template <> inline int func()
{ <<special code for int>> }
template <> inline double func()
{ <<special code for double>> }
.. etc, then ..
int x = func(); // ambiguous!
int x = func<int>(); // *also* ambiguous!? you're just being difficult, g++!
我最终得到了一个使用参数化结构体(T =返回类型)的解决方案:
template <typename T>
struct func
operator T()
{ abort(); return T(); }
// explicit specializations for supported types
// (any code that includes this header can add more!)
template <> inline
func<int>::operator int()
{ <<special code for int>> }
template <> inline
func<double>::operator double()
{ <<special code for double>> }
.. etc, then ..
int x = func<int>(); // this is OK!
double d = func<double>(); // also OK :)
template <typename T>
struct func<T*>
operator T*()
{ <<special handling for T*>> }
作为一个负数,你不能写int x = func();用我的解决方案。你必须写int x = func<int>();。您必须显式地说明返回类型是什么,而不是让编译器通过查看类型转换操作符来确定它。我想说的是,“我的”解决方案和a . rex的解决方案都属于解决这个c++困境的帕累托最优方法:)
int func();
string func();
void main()
int func();
string func();
int main() { func(); }
有一个可预测的方法来确定在这种情况下调用哪个函数。 无论何时出现这种情况,都是编译时错误。但是,要有允许程序员消除歧义的语法,例如int main() {(string)func();}。 没有副作用。如果你没有副作用,并且你从不使用函数的返回值,那么编译器可以避免在第一个地方调用函数。
print join " ", localtime(); # printed "58 11 2 14 0 109 3 13 0" for me right now
print scalar localtime(); # printed "Wed Jan 14 02:12:44 2009" for me right now.
Every operator in Perl does something in scalar context and something in list context, and they may be different, as illustrated. (This isn't just for random operators like localtime. If you use an array @a in list context, it returns the array, while in scalar context, it returns the number of elements. So for example print @a prints out the elements, while print 0+@a prints the size.) Furthermore, every operator can force a context, e.g. addition + forces scalar context. Every entry in man perlfunc documents this. For example, here is part of the entry for glob EXPR:
在列表上下文中,返回一个(可能 空)上的文件名扩展列表 EXPR值如标准 Unix shell /bin/csh可以。在 标量上下文,glob迭代遍历 这样的文件名扩展,返回 当列表耗尽时Undef。
Remember the following important rule: There is no rule that relates the behavior of an expression in list context to its behavior in scalar context, or vice versa. It might do two totally different things. Each operator and function decides which sort of value it would be most appropriate to return in scalar context. Some operators return the length of the list that would have been returned in list context. Some operators return the first value in the list. Some operators return the last value in the list. Some operators return a count of successful operations. In general, they do what you want, unless you want consistency.
并不是只有内置程序才有这种行为。任何用户都可以使用wantarray定义这样的函数,这允许您区分列表、标量和void上下文。例如,你可以决定什么都不做如果你在void context中被调用。
Now, you may complain that this isn't true overloading by return value because you only have one function, which is told the context it's called in and then acts on that information. However, this is clearly equivalent (and analogous to how Perl doesn't allow usual overloading literally, but a function can just examine its arguments). Moreover, it nicely resolves the ambiguous situation mentioned at the beginning of this response. Perl doesn't complain that it doesn't know which method to call; it just calls it. All it has to do is figure out what context the function was called in, which is always possible:
sub func {
if( not defined wantarray ) {
print "void\n";
} elsif( wantarray ) {
print "list\n";
} else {
print "scalar\n";
func(); # prints "void"
() = func(); # prints "list"
0+func(); # prints "scalar"
main = do n <- readLn
print (sqrt n) -- note that this is aligned below the n, if you care to run this
This code reads a floating point number from standard input, and prints its square root. But what is surprising about this? Well, the type of readLn is readLn :: Read a => IO a. What this means is that for any type that can be Read (formally, every type that is an instance of the Read type class), readLn can read it. How did Haskell know that I wanted to read a floating point number? Well, the type of sqrt is sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a, which essentially means that sqrt can only accept floating point numbers as inputs, and so Haskell inferred what I wanted.
main = do n <- readLn
print n
-- this program results in a compile-time error "Unresolved top-level overloading"
main = do n <- readLn
print (n::Int)
-- this compiles (and does what I want)
Ada: "It might appear that the simplest overload resolution rule is to use everything - all information from as wide a context as possible - to resolve the overloaded reference. This rule may be simple, but it is not helpful. It requires the human reader to scan arbitrarily large pieces of text, and to make arbitrarily complex inferences (such as (g) above). We believe that a better rule is one that makes explicit the task a human reader or a compiler must perform, and that makes this task as natural for the human reader as possible."
c++ (Bjarne Stroustrup的“c++编程语言”的7.4.1小节):“在重载解析中不考虑返回类型。原因是为了保持独立于上下文的单个操作符或函数调用的解析。考虑:
float sqrt(float);
double sqrt(double);
void f(double da, float fla)
float fl = sqrt(da); // call sqrt(double)
double d = sqrt(da); // call sqrt(double)
fl = sqrt(fla); // call sqrt(float)
d = sqrt(fla); // call sqrt(float)
Java (Java Language Specification 9.4.1): "One of the inherited methods must be return-type-substitutable for every other inherited method, or else a compile-time error occurs." (Yes, I know this doesn't give a rationale. I'm sure the rationale is given by Gosling in "the Java Programming Language". Maybe someone has a copy? I bet it's the "principle of least surprise" in essence.) However, fun fact about Java: the JVM allows overloading by return value! This is used, for example, in Scala, and can be accessed directly through Java as well by playing around with internals.
struct func {
operator string() { return "1";}
operator int() { return 2; }
int main( ) {
int x = func(); // calls int version
string y = func(); // calls string version
double d = func(); // calls int version
cout << func() << endl; // calls int version
func(); // calls neither
myclass = class
function Funct1(dummy: string = EmptyStr): String; overload;
function Funct1(dummy: Integer = -1): Integer; overload;
procedure tester;
var yourobject : myclass;
iValue: integer;
sValue: string;
yourobject:= myclass.create;
iValue:= yourobject.Funct1(); //this will call the func with integer result
sValue:= yourobject.Funct1(); //this will call the func with string result
#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
class util {
static int convertToInt( const std::string& str );
static unsigned convertToUnsigned( const std::string& str );
static float convertToFloat( const std::string& str );
static double convertToDouble( const std::string& str );
util( const util& c );
util& operator=( const util& c );
template<typename T>
static bool stringToValue( const std::string& str, T* pVal, unsigned numValues );
template<typename T>
static T getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder );
#include "util.inl"
#endif UTIL_H
template<typename T>
static bool util::stringToValue( const std::string& str, T* pValue, unsigned numValues ) {
int numCommas = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), ',');
if (numCommas != numValues - 1) {
return false;
std::size_t remainder;
pValue[0] = getValue<T>(str, remainder);
if (numValues == 1) {
if (str.size() != remainder) {
return false;
else {
std::size_t offset = remainder;
if (str.at(offset) != ',') {
return false;
unsigned lastIdx = numValues - 1;
for (unsigned u = 1; u < numValues; ++u) {
pValue[u] = getValue<T>(str.substr(++offset), remainder);
offset += remainder;
if ((u < lastIdx && str.at(offset) != ',') ||
(u == lastIdx && offset != str.size()))
return false;
return true;
#include "util.h"
int util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
return std::stoi( str, &remainder );
unsigned util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
return std::stoul( str, &remainder );
float util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
return std::stof( str, &remainder );
double util::getValue( const std::string& str, std::size_t& remainder ) {
return std::stod( str, &remainder );
int util::convertToInt( const std::string& str ) {
int i = 0;
if ( !stringToValue( str, &i, 1 ) ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to int";
throw strStream.str();
return i;
unsigned util::convertToUnsigned( const std::string& str ) {
unsigned u = 0;
if ( !stringToValue( str, &u, 1 ) ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to unsigned";
throw strStream.str();
return u;
float util::convertToFloat(const std::string& str) {
float f = 0;
if (!stringToValue(str, &f, 1)) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to float";
throw strStream.str();
return f;
double util::convertToDouble(const std::string& str) {
float d = 0;
if (!stringToValue(str, &d, 1)) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Bad conversion of [" << str << "] to double";
throw strStream.str();
return d;
每个convertToType函数都调用函数模板stringToValue(),如果你看一下这个函数模板的实现细节或算法,它调用getValue<T>(param, param),它返回一个类型T并将其存储到T*中,T*作为其参数之一传递到stringToValue()函数模板。