
s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really, really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" + 
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten."


如果你必须插入一个长字符串文字,并希望flake8关闭,你可以使用它的关闭指令。例如,在一个测试例程中,我定义了一些假的CSV输入。我发现把它分成更多行会非常混乱,所以我决定添加一个# noqa: E501,如下所示:

"94733099999","2019-01-03T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","050,1,N,0010,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0260,1","+0210,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","01,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","01,1","SYN05294733 11/75 10502 10260 20210 60004 70100 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","090,1,N,0021,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0378,1","+0172,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","03,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","03,1","SYN04294733 11/75 30904 10378 20172 60001 70300="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","290,1,N,0057,1","99999,9,9,N","020000,1,9,9","+0339,1","+0201,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1",,"02,1","SYN05294733 11970 02911 10339 20201 60004 70200 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-05T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","200,1,N,0026,1","99999,9,9,N","000100,1,9,9","+0209,1","+0193,1","99999,9","24,0004,3,1",,"1,1,02,1","1,1,02,1","08,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","51,1","SYN05294733 11/01 82005 10209 20193 69944 75111 333 70004="
"94733099999","2019-01-08T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","070,1,N,0026,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0344,1","+0213,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"2,1,02,1","2,1,02,1","04,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","02,1","SYN04294733 11/75 40705 10344 20213 60001 70222="
"""  # noqa: E501


message = f"Variable : child({type(child)}) -> is not of"\
        " type Node."



s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" +  \
    " really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really"  \
    " really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really"
    " really long string that I'd like to shorten.")


s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really",
    " really long string that I'd like to shorten.")



s = "this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" +  \
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten."


s = ("this is my really, really, really, really, really, really" + 
    "really long string that I'd like to shorten.")

如果你必须插入一个长字符串文字,并希望flake8关闭,你可以使用它的关闭指令。例如,在一个测试例程中,我定义了一些假的CSV输入。我发现把它分成更多行会非常混乱,所以我决定添加一个# noqa: E501,如下所示:

"94733099999","2019-01-03T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","050,1,N,0010,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0260,1","+0210,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","01,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","01,1","SYN05294733 11/75 10502 10260 20210 60004 70100 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","090,1,N,0021,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0378,1","+0172,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1","03,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","03,1","SYN04294733 11/75 30904 10378 20172 60001 70300="
"94733099999","2019-01-04T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","290,1,N,0057,1","99999,9,9,N","020000,1,9,9","+0339,1","+0201,1","99999,9","24,0000,9,1",,"0,1,02,1","0,1,02,1",,"02,1","SYN05294733 11970 02911 10339 20201 60004 70200 333 70000="
"94733099999","2019-01-05T22:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","200,1,N,0026,1","99999,9,9,N","000100,1,9,9","+0209,1","+0193,1","99999,9","24,0004,3,1",,"1,1,02,1","1,1,02,1","08,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","51,1","SYN05294733 11/01 82005 10209 20193 69944 75111 333 70004="
"94733099999","2019-01-08T04:00:00","4","-32.5833333","151.1666666","45.0","SINGLETON STP, AS","FM-12","99999","V020","070,1,N,0026,1","22000,1,9,N","025000,1,9,9","+0344,1","+0213,1","99999,9","06,0000,9,1",,"2,1,02,1","2,1,02,1","04,99,1,99,9,99,9,99999,9,99,9,99,9","02,1","SYN04294733 11/75 40705 10344 20213 60001 70222="
"""  # noqa: E501



from paragraphs import par

class SuddenDeathError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, cause: str) -> None:
        self.cause = cause

    def __str__(self):
        return par(
            f""" Y - e - e - e - es, Lord love you! Why should she die of
            {self.cause}? She come through diphtheria right enough the year
            before. I saw her with my own eyes. Fairly blue with it, she
            was. They all thought she was dead; but my father he kept ladling
            gin down her throat till she came to so sudden that she bit the bowl
            off the spoon. 

            What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of
            {self.cause}? What become of her new straw hat that should have
            come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched
            it done her in."""

raise SuddenDeathError("influenza")


__main__.SuddenDeathError: Y - e - e - e - es, Lord love you! Why should she die of influenza? She come through diphtheria right enough the year before. I saw her with my own eyes. Fairly blue with it, she was. They all thought she was dead; but my father he kept ladling gin down her throat till she came to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon.

What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza? What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in.
