




Note to site curators: This answer is very long. In case you are wondering, no it is not from a blog post. I wrote this specifically tailored to answer this question. If you think the length of the answer and its content warrant closing the question as needing focus, then I have no qualms with that. I personally am not a fan of the question anyway, but wanted to give a good answer because it has gotten so much attention over the years and thought the existing answers were lacking in certain ways.


这个问题很烦人,因为它是由特定IDE (Code::Blocks)和CMake的特定行为引起的,但随后提出了一个与IDE无关的问题,而是关于Makefiles和CMake的问题,假设他们在CMake上做错了什么,导致了Makefiles的问题,从而导致了他们的IDE的问题。

DR CMake和Makefiles有自己的方法来跟踪包含目录和源文件的头依赖关系。CMake如何配置Code::Blocks IDE是一个完全不同的故事。


我最近意识到,问题似乎是CMake认为这些头文件是项目的外部文件。[…] 因此,在我看来,CMake认为这些头文件是项目的外部,并没有在依赖项中跟踪它们

As far as I know, there is no official or useful definition of "external header" when it comes to CMake. I have not seen that phrase used in documentation. Also note that the word "project" is a quite overloaded term. Each buildsystem generated by CMake consists of one top-level project, possibly including other external or subdirectory projects. Each project can contain multiple targets (libraries, executables, etc.). What CMake refers to as a target sometimes translates to what IDEs call projects (Ix. Visual Studio, and possibly Code::Blocks). If you had to given such a phrase a meaning, here's what would make sense to me:


In the case that the question is referring to CMake's sense of the word "project": Targets are either part of a project (defined/created by a call to the project() command, and built by the generated buildsystem), or IMPORTED, (not built by the generated buildsystem and expected to already exist, or built by some custom step added to the generated buildsystem, such as via ExternalProject_Add). Include directories of IMPORTED targets would be those headers which are external to the CMake project in question, and include directories of non-IMPORTED targets would be those that are "part of" the project.




CMake itself doesn't have much to do with any information related to header/include dependencies of implmentation files / translation units. The only way in which that information is important to CMake is if CMake needs to be the one to tell the generated buildsystem what those dependencies are. It's the generated buildsystem which wants to track changes in header file dependencies to avoid any unnecessary recompilation. For the Unix Makefiles generator in particular, before CMake 3.20, CMake would do the job of scanning header/include dependencies to tell the Makefiles buildsystem about those dependencies. Since v3.20, where supported by the compiler, CMake delegates that resposibility to the compiler by default. See the option which can be used to revert that behaviour here.




每个IDE都可以以任何它想要的方式显示信息。类似IDE不显示头文件的问题通常只发生在项目布局的IDE显示格式上,而不是文件系统布局(项目头文件通常与实现文件位于同一个项目目录中)。例如,这样的非文件系统布局视图在Visual Studio和Code::Blocks中可用。

每个IDE都可以以其选择的任何方式获取头信息。据我所知(但我可能对Visual Studio错了),Visual Studio和Code::Blocks都期望在IDE项目配置文件中显式列出项目头的列表。还有其他可能的方法(例如头依赖项扫描),但似乎许多ide选择显式列表方法。我猜是因为它的实现很简单。

Why would scanning be burdensome for an IDE to find header files associated with a target?(Note: this is somewhat speculation, since I am not a maintainer of any such tools and have only used a couple of them) An IDE could implement the file scanning (which itself is a complicated task), but to know which headers are "in" the target, they'd either need to get information from the buildsystem about how the translation units of the target will get compiled, and that's assuming that all "not-in-target" header include paths are specified with a "system"-like flag, which doesn't have to be the case. Or, it could try to get that information from the meta-buildsystem, which here is CMake. Or it could try to do what CMake now does and try to invoke the selected compiler to scan dependencies. But in either case, they'd have to make some difficult decision about which buildsystems, meta buildsystems, and/or compilers to support, and then do the difficult work of extracting that information from whatever formats those tools store that information in, possibly without any guarantees that those formats will be the same in future tool versions (supporting a change in the format in a newer tool version could be similar to having to supporting a completely separate tool). The IDE could do all that work, or it could just ask you to give it a list of the headers belonging to each target. As you can see, there are cons to the diversity in tooling that the C/C++ ecosystem has. There are pros too, but that's outside the scope of this question.


头文件发现如何为Code::Block IDE生成器CMake工作?


Here's something interesting: The CodeBlocks editor has the concept of source files and header files that are part of a project, and since CMake doesn't expect/require its users to tell it about each and every header file in the project (it only needs to know about what include directories should be associated with targets), it tries to use a certain heuristic to discover header files that are associated to implementation files. That heuristic is very basic: take the path of each source file in a project, and try changing the extenstion to be like one that is usually given to header files, and see if any such file exists. See the cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator::CreateNewProjectFile member function in :/Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.cxx.

In "Pitchfork Layout" terminology, it would be said that the heuristic assumes that the project uses "merged-header" placement instead of "split-header" placement, where there are separate src/ and include/ directories. So if you don't use merged-header layout, or otherwise have any target headers that don't meet that heuristic, such as utility header files, you'll need to explicitly tell CMake about those files (Ex. using target_sources) for it to pass that knowledge on to the IDE config it generates.


下面是CMake Code::Blocks生成器的文档(与当前主题相关的信息不多,但无论如何都可以链接)。 下面是Code::Blocks在其“项目视图”上的文档。下面是.cpb xml模式文档(请特别参阅Unit元素)。 如果你想读取CMake代码,它会进行相关的头检测,你可以在Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator中的cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator::CreateNewProjectFile函数中找到它。cxx文件。



Note that while installation of build artifacts is an important part of many projects' lifecycles and is therefore incorporated into the designs of most C/C++ buildsystems, since the question didn't explicitly ask about the configuring the installation part, I have chosen to leave it out of this answer, since it in itself is not a trivial topic to cover (just see how long the related chapters in the "Mastering CMake" book are: The chapter on installation, and the chapter on importing and exporting).


Note to site curators: This answer is very long. In case you are wondering, no it is not from a blog post. I wrote this specifically tailored to answer this question. If you think the length of the answer and its content warrant closing the question as needing focus, then I have no qualms with that. I personally am not a fan of the question anyway, but wanted to give a good answer because it has gotten so much attention over the years and thought the existing answers were lacking in certain ways.


这个问题很烦人,因为它是由特定IDE (Code::Blocks)和CMake的特定行为引起的,但随后提出了一个与IDE无关的问题,而是关于Makefiles和CMake的问题,假设他们在CMake上做错了什么,导致了Makefiles的问题,从而导致了他们的IDE的问题。

DR CMake和Makefiles有自己的方法来跟踪包含目录和源文件的头依赖关系。CMake如何配置Code::Blocks IDE是一个完全不同的故事。


我最近意识到,问题似乎是CMake认为这些头文件是项目的外部文件。[…] 因此,在我看来,CMake认为这些头文件是项目的外部,并没有在依赖项中跟踪它们

As far as I know, there is no official or useful definition of "external header" when it comes to CMake. I have not seen that phrase used in documentation. Also note that the word "project" is a quite overloaded term. Each buildsystem generated by CMake consists of one top-level project, possibly including other external or subdirectory projects. Each project can contain multiple targets (libraries, executables, etc.). What CMake refers to as a target sometimes translates to what IDEs call projects (Ix. Visual Studio, and possibly Code::Blocks). If you had to given such a phrase a meaning, here's what would make sense to me:


In the case that the question is referring to CMake's sense of the word "project": Targets are either part of a project (defined/created by a call to the project() command, and built by the generated buildsystem), or IMPORTED, (not built by the generated buildsystem and expected to already exist, or built by some custom step added to the generated buildsystem, such as via ExternalProject_Add). Include directories of IMPORTED targets would be those headers which are external to the CMake project in question, and include directories of non-IMPORTED targets would be those that are "part of" the project.




CMake itself doesn't have much to do with any information related to header/include dependencies of implmentation files / translation units. The only way in which that information is important to CMake is if CMake needs to be the one to tell the generated buildsystem what those dependencies are. It's the generated buildsystem which wants to track changes in header file dependencies to avoid any unnecessary recompilation. For the Unix Makefiles generator in particular, before CMake 3.20, CMake would do the job of scanning header/include dependencies to tell the Makefiles buildsystem about those dependencies. Since v3.20, where supported by the compiler, CMake delegates that resposibility to the compiler by default. See the option which can be used to revert that behaviour here.




每个IDE都可以以任何它想要的方式显示信息。类似IDE不显示头文件的问题通常只发生在项目布局的IDE显示格式上,而不是文件系统布局(项目头文件通常与实现文件位于同一个项目目录中)。例如,这样的非文件系统布局视图在Visual Studio和Code::Blocks中可用。

每个IDE都可以以其选择的任何方式获取头信息。据我所知(但我可能对Visual Studio错了),Visual Studio和Code::Blocks都期望在IDE项目配置文件中显式列出项目头的列表。还有其他可能的方法(例如头依赖项扫描),但似乎许多ide选择显式列表方法。我猜是因为它的实现很简单。

Why would scanning be burdensome for an IDE to find header files associated with a target?(Note: this is somewhat speculation, since I am not a maintainer of any such tools and have only used a couple of them) An IDE could implement the file scanning (which itself is a complicated task), but to know which headers are "in" the target, they'd either need to get information from the buildsystem about how the translation units of the target will get compiled, and that's assuming that all "not-in-target" header include paths are specified with a "system"-like flag, which doesn't have to be the case. Or, it could try to get that information from the meta-buildsystem, which here is CMake. Or it could try to do what CMake now does and try to invoke the selected compiler to scan dependencies. But in either case, they'd have to make some difficult decision about which buildsystems, meta buildsystems, and/or compilers to support, and then do the difficult work of extracting that information from whatever formats those tools store that information in, possibly without any guarantees that those formats will be the same in future tool versions (supporting a change in the format in a newer tool version could be similar to having to supporting a completely separate tool). The IDE could do all that work, or it could just ask you to give it a list of the headers belonging to each target. As you can see, there are cons to the diversity in tooling that the C/C++ ecosystem has. There are pros too, but that's outside the scope of this question.


头文件发现如何为Code::Block IDE生成器CMake工作?


Here's something interesting: The CodeBlocks editor has the concept of source files and header files that are part of a project, and since CMake doesn't expect/require its users to tell it about each and every header file in the project (it only needs to know about what include directories should be associated with targets), it tries to use a certain heuristic to discover header files that are associated to implementation files. That heuristic is very basic: take the path of each source file in a project, and try changing the extenstion to be like one that is usually given to header files, and see if any such file exists. See the cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator::CreateNewProjectFile member function in :/Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.cxx.

In "Pitchfork Layout" terminology, it would be said that the heuristic assumes that the project uses "merged-header" placement instead of "split-header" placement, where there are separate src/ and include/ directories. So if you don't use merged-header layout, or otherwise have any target headers that don't meet that heuristic, such as utility header files, you'll need to explicitly tell CMake about those files (Ex. using target_sources) for it to pass that knowledge on to the IDE config it generates.


下面是CMake Code::Blocks生成器的文档(与当前主题相关的信息不多,但无论如何都可以链接)。 下面是Code::Blocks在其“项目视图”上的文档。下面是.cpb xml模式文档(请特别参阅Unit元素)。 如果你想读取CMake代码,它会进行相关的头检测,你可以在Source/cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator中的cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator::CreateNewProjectFile函数中找到它。cxx文件。



Note that while installation of build artifacts is an important part of many projects' lifecycles and is therefore incorporated into the designs of most C/C++ buildsystems, since the question didn't explicitly ask about the configuring the installation part, I have chosen to leave it out of this answer, since it in itself is not a trivial topic to cover (just see how long the related chapters in the "Mastering CMake" book are: The chapter on installation, and the chapter on importing and exporting).



target_include_directories(test PRIVATE ${YOUR_DIRECTORY})




set(SOURCES file.cpp file2.cpp ${YOUR_DIRECTORY}/file1.h ${YOUR_DIRECTORY}/file2.h)
add_executable(test ${SOURCES})

这样,头文件将作为依赖项出现在Makefile中,例如,如果生成了一个Visual Studio项目,头文件也将作为依赖项出现在生成的Visual Studio项目中。



add_library(mylib libsrc.cpp ${HEADER_FILES})
target_include_directories(mylib PRIVATE ${YOUR_DIRECTORY})
add_executable(myexec execfile.cpp ${HEADER_FILES})
target_include_directories(myexec PRIVATE ${YOUR_DIRECTORY})








add_executable(ProjectName main.cpp)


add_executable(ProjectName main.cpp Class.cpp Class.h)



├── CMakeLists.txt
├── external //We simulate that code is provided by an "external" library outside of src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── conversion.cpp
│   ├── conversion.hpp
│   └── README.md
├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── evolution   //propagates the system in a time step
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   ├── evolution.cpp
│   │   └── evolution.hpp
│   ├── initial    //produces the initial state
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   ├── initial.cpp
│   │   └── initial.hpp
│   ├── io   //contains a function to print a row
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   ├── io.cpp
│   │   └── io.hpp
│   ├── main.cpp      //the main function
│   └── parser   //parses the command-line input
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       ├── parser.cpp
│       └── parser.hpp
└── tests  //contains two unit tests using the Catch2 library
    ├── catch.hpp
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    └── test.cpp


1. 顶层的CMakeLists.txt非常类似于配方1,代码重用函数和宏

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)
project(recipe-07 LANGUAGES CXX)



# defines targets and sources

# contains an "external" library we will link to

# enable testing and define tests


add_executable(automata main.cpp)



add_library(conversion "")




add_library(evolution "")



add_executable(cpp_test test.cpp)

target_link_libraries(cpp_test evolution)



$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .
