function formatSizeUnits(bytes){
if (bytes >= 1073741824) { bytes = (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB"; }
else if (bytes >= 1048576) { bytes = (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB"; }
else if (bytes >= 1024) { bytes = (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB"; }
else if (bytes > 1) { bytes = bytes + " bytes"; }
else if (bytes == 1) { bytes = bytes + " byte"; }
else { bytes = "0 bytes"; }
return bytes;
函数getReadableByte(count, decimal=0, level=0) {
让unitList =[“字节”,“知识库”,“m”,“g”、“肺结核”,“PT”);
if (count >= 1024.0 && (level+1 < unitList.length)) {
返回getReadableByte(count/1024, decimal, ++level)
返回' ${小数?(count).toFixed(decimal): Math.round(count)}${unitList[level]} '
2) console.log (getReadableByte (120)
我有一个问题的元数据从服务器返回不同大小的单位。我使用了@Alicejim response,并试图让它更通用。在这里分享代码,也许会帮助到一些人。
enum SizeUnits {
Bytes = 'Bytes',
KB = 'KB',
MB = 'MB',
GB = 'GB',
TB = 'TB',
PB = 'PB',
EB = 'EB',
ZB = 'ZB',
YB = 'YB'
function convertSizeUnites(size: number, sourceSizeUnits: SizeUnits, targetSizeUnits: SizeUnits) {
const i = Object.keys(SizeUnits).indexOf(sourceSizeUnits);
const sizeInBytes = size * Math.pow(1024, i);
const j = Object.keys(SizeUnits).indexOf(targetSizeUnits);
return sizeInBytes / Math.pow(1024, j);
function formatSize(size: number, measureUnit: SizeUnits, decimals = 2) {
if (size === 0) return '0 Bytes';
const sizeInBytes = convertSizeUnites(size, measureUnit, SizeUnits.Bytes);
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(sizeInBytes) / Math.log(1024));
return parseFloat((sizeInBytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' +
函数getReadableByte(count, decimal=0, level=0) {
让unitList =[“字节”,“知识库”,“m”,“g”、“肺结核”,“PT”);
if (count >= 1024.0 && (level+1 < unitList.length)) {
返回getReadableByte(count/1024, decimal, ++level)
返回' ${小数?(count).toFixed(decimal): Math.round(count)}${unitList[level]} '
2) console.log (getReadableByte (120)
@ al冰岛jm也给出了同样的答案,但以一种“更说教”的方式。谢谢!= D
function formatBytes(numBytes, decPlaces) {
/* Adjust the number of bytes informed for the most appropriate metric according
to its value.
numBytes (number): The number of bytes (integer);
decPlaces (Optional[number])): The number of decimal places (integer). If
it is "undefined" the value "2" will be adopted.
string: The number adjusted together with the most appropriate metric. */
if (numBytes === 0) {
return "0 Bytes";
// NOTE: 1 KB is equal to 1024 Bytes. By Questor
// [Ref(s).: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte ]
var oneKByte = 1024;
// NOTE: Treats if the "decPlaces" is "undefined". If it is "undefined" the value
// "2" will be adopted. By Questor
if (decPlaces === undefined || decPlaces === "") {
decPlaces = 2;
var byteMtrcs = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
// Byte Metrics
// NOTE: Defines the factor for the number of bytes and the metric. By Questor
var mtrcNumbFactor = Math.floor(Math.log(numBytes) / Math.log(oneKByte));
// Metrics Number Factor
return parseFloat((numBytes / Math.pow(oneKByte, mtrcNumbFactor)).
toFixed(decPlaces)) + " " + byteMtrcs[mtrcNumbFactor];