I ran into an issue in my Rails 4 app while trying to organize JS files "the rails way". They were previously scattered across different views. I organized them into separate files and compile them with the assets pipeline. However, I just learned that jQuery's "ready" event doesn't fire on subsequent clicks when turbo-linking is turned on. The first time you load a page it works. But when you click a link, anything inside the ready( function($) { won't get executed (because the page doesn't actually load again). Good explanation: here.



测试了这么多的解决方案,终于得出了这个结论。 你的代码肯定不会被调用两次。

var has_loaded = false; Var ready = function() { 如果(! has_loaded) { has_loaded = true; // YOURJS } } $(文档)时(准备); 美元(文档)。绑定(“页面:改变”,准备);



$(document).on("page:change", function() {
     // ... init things, just do not bind events ...

我发现使用jquery-turbolinks gem或组合$(document)。Ready和$(document).on("page:load")或使用$(document).on("page:change")本身的行为会出乎意料——尤其是在开发过程中。

我刚知道另一个解决这个问题的方法。如果你加载jquery-turbolinks宝石,它会将Rails Turbolinks事件绑定到文档上。ready事件,这样你就可以用通常的方式编写jQuery。你只需要添加jquery。在js的manifest文件(默认:application.js)中,Turbolinks就在jquery之后。


var ready = function() {
  // you code goes here

if (Turbolinks.supported == false) {
  $(document).on('ready', ready);
if (Turbolinks.supported == true) {
  $(document).on('turbolinks:load', ready);



$(document).on('turbolinks:load', ready)

测试了这么多的解决方案,终于得出了这个结论。 你的代码肯定不会被调用两次。

var has_loaded = false; Var ready = function() { 如果(! has_loaded) { has_loaded = true; // YOURJS } } $(文档)时(准备); 美元(文档)。绑定(“页面:改变”,准备);