我在silverlight应用程序中有一个比较2个字符串的条件,由于某种原因,当我使用==时,它返回false而. equals()返回true。


if (((ListBoxItem)lstBaseMenu.SelectedItem).Content.Equals("Energy Attack"))
    // Execute code

if (((ListBoxItem)lstBaseMenu.SelectedItem).Content == "Energy Attack")
    // Execute code




    class CompareTest
        public readonly int val;

        public CompareTest(int val)
            this.val = val;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj is CompareTest test && this.val == test.val;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return val;

        public static bool operator == (CompareTest a, object b)
            return Equals(a, b);

        public static bool operator != (CompareTest a, object b)
            return !(a == b);


        public static bool operator == (CompareTest a, object b)
            return false;



        Compare Test a = new CompareTest(1);
        object b = new CompareTest(1);
        CompareTest c = new CompareTest(1);
        Debug.Log("AB " + (a == b)); // true
        Debug.Log("BA " + (b == a)); // false! because it calls object's == function 
        Debug.Log("AC " + (a == c)); // true
        Debug.Log("CA " + (c == a)); // true



. equalsto()方法提供了比较区域性和区分大小写的方法。

The == token in C# is used for two different equality-check operators. When the compiler encounters that token, it will check whether either of the types being compared has implemented an equality-operator overload for either the specific combination types being compared(*), or for a combination of types to which both types can be converted. If the compiler finds such an overload it will use it. Otherwise, if the two types are both reference types and they are not unrelated classes (either may be an interface, or they may be related classes), the compiler will regard == as a reference-comparison operator. If neither condition applies, compilation will fail.


(*)Types generally only overload equality for comparison with themselves, but it may be useful for types to overload the equality operator for comparison with other particular types; for example, int could have (and IMHO should have but didn't) defined an equality operators for comparison with float, so that 16777217 would not report itself equal to 16777216f. As it is, since no such operator is defined, C# will promote the int to float, rounding it to 16777216f before the equality-check operator sees it; that operator then sees two equal floating-point numbers and reports them as equal, unaware of the rounding that took place.


==比较对象引用。 . equals比较对象内容。 字符串数据类型的作用总是类似于内容比较。



    class CompareTest
        public readonly int val;

        public CompareTest(int val)
            this.val = val;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj is CompareTest test && this.val == test.val;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return val;

        public static bool operator == (CompareTest a, object b)
            return Equals(a, b);

        public static bool operator != (CompareTest a, object b)
            return !(a == b);


        public static bool operator == (CompareTest a, object b)
            return false;



        Compare Test a = new CompareTest(1);
        object b = new CompareTest(1);
        CompareTest c = new CompareTest(1);
        Debug.Log("AB " + (a == b)); // true
        Debug.Log("BA " + (b == a)); // false! because it calls object's == function 
        Debug.Log("AC " + (a == c)); // true
        Debug.Log("CA " + (c == a)); // true

==和. equals都依赖于实际类型中定义的行为和调用位置上的实际类型。两者都只是方法/操作符,可以在任何类型上重写,并给定作者希望的任何行为。根据我的经验,我发现人们在对象上实现. equals却忽略了operator ==是很常见的。这意味着. equals将实际测量值是否相等,而==将测量它们是否是相同的引用。


如果我想在c#中比较引用,我使用Object。直接使用ReferenceEquals(在泛型情况下不需要) 如果我想比较值,我使用EqualityComparer<T>。默认的


Eric Lippert最近写了一篇博文,主题是为什么在CLR中有两种相等的方法。值得一读
