


在Windows 10 10.0上的PyCharm 2020.1.4(社区版)中。在PyCharm的Settings下:File > Settings > Project Structure 我对Project Structure做了两个改动: 主文件夹标记为源和 odoo文件夹与我排除的所有应用程序 截图显示了我所做的。 之后,我重新启动PyCharm: File > Invalidate Caches / Restart…



使用PyCharm 4.0.6测试(OSX 10.10.3) 以下步骤:

点击PyCharm菜单。 选择项目解释器。 选择齿轮图标。 选择更多按钮。 选择您所在的项目解释器。 “选择目录树”按钮。 选择重载路径列表。




Do File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart and restart PyCharm. You could also do this after any of the below methods, just to be sure. First, check which interpreter you're running: Run -> Edit Configurations -> Configuration -> Python Interpreter. Refresh the paths of your interpreter: File -> Settings Project: [name] -> Project Interpreter -> 'Project Interpreter': Gear icon -> More... Click the 'Show paths' button (bottom one) Click the 'Refresh' button (bottom one) Remove the interpreter and add it again: File -> Settings Project: [name] -> Project Interpreter -> 'Project Interpreter': Gear icon -> More... Click the 'Remove' button Click the 'Add' button and re-add your interpeter Delete your project preferences Delete your project's .idea folder Close and re-open PyCharm Open your project from scratch Delete your PyCharm user preferences (but back them up first). ~/.PyCharm50 on Mac %homepath%/.PyCharm50 on Windows Switch to another interpreter, then back again to the one you want. Create a new virtual environment, and switch to that environments' interpreter. Create a new virtual environment in a new location -- outside of your project folder -- and switch to that environment's interpreter. Switch to another interpreter altogether; don't switch back.


确保您使用的是pip3而不是pip,特别是远程docker和docker-compose解释器。 避免影响PYTHONPATH。更多信息请访问:https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000058690-Module-not-found-in-PyCharm-but-externally-in-Python。


如果你正在使用vagrant,这个错误可能是由错误的python解释器引起的。 在我们的vagrant中,我们使用pyenv,所以我必须将Python解释器的路径路径从/usr/bin/python更改为/home/vagrant/.pyenv/versions/vagrant/bin/python

对我来说,这很有帮助: 更新您的主目录“标记目录为”->“源根”

你必须把你的根目录标记为: 源根(红色), 以及您的应用: 排除ROOT(蓝色)。

那么未解决的引用就会消失。如果你使用PyChram pro,它会自动为你做这个。