给定一个数,找出下一个与之完全相同的更大的数 作为原始数字的数字集。例如:给定38276返回 38627
给定一个数,找出下一个与之完全相同的更大的数 作为原始数字的数字集。例如:给定38276返回 38627
下面是生成一个数字的所有排列的代码..不过必须先使用string . valueof (integer)将该整数转换为字符串。
* Inserts a integer at any index around string.
* @param number
* @param position
* @param item
* @return
public String insertToNumberStringAtPosition(String number, int position,
int item) {
String temp = null;
if (position >= number.length()) {
temp = number + item;
} else {
temp = number.substring(0, position) + item
+ number.substring(position, number.length());
return temp;
* To generate permutations of a number.
* @param number
* @return
public List<String> permuteNumber(String number) {
List<String> permutations = new ArrayList<String>();
if (number.length() == 1) {
return permutations;
// else
int inserterDig = (int) (number.charAt(0) - '0');
Iterator<String> iterator = permuteNumber(number.substring(1))
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String subPerm = iterator.next();
for (int dig = 0; dig <= subPerm.length(); dig++) {
permutations.add(insertToNumberStringAtPosition(subPerm, dig,
return permutations;
local number = 564321;
function split(str)
local t = {};
for i = 1, string.len(str) do
table.insert(t, str.sub(str,i,i));
return t;
local res = number;
local i = 1;
while number >= res do
local t = split(tostring(res));
if i == 1 then
i = #t;
t[i], t[i-1] = t[i-1], t[i];
i = i - 1;
res = tonumber(table.concat(t));
public static int permutate2(int number){
String[] numArray = String.valueOf(number).split("");
for(int i = numArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--){
int current = Integer.valueOf(numArray[i]);
int previous = Integer.valueOf(numArray[i - 1]);
if(previous < current){
String[] rest = String.valueOf(number).substring(i, numArray.length).split("");
String picker = rest[0];
int pickerIndex = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < rest.length ; n++){
if(Integer.valueOf(rest[n]) > previous){
picker = rest[n];
pickerIndex = n;
numArray[i - 1] = picker;
rest[pickerIndex] = String.valueOf(previous);
String newNumber = "";
for(int z = 0; z <= i - 1; z++){
newNumber += numArray[z];
for(String z : rest){
newNumber += z;
return Integer.valueOf(newNumber);
return number;
所以我们得到 111101111
但是现在我们多了一个1,少了一个0,所以我们减少了右边1的个数 位增加1,并将0位的no增加1,得到
111101011 -二进制491
int getNextNumber(int input)
int flipPosition=0;
int trailingZeros=0;
int trailingOnes=0;
int copy = input;
//count trailing zeros
while(copy != 0 && (copy&1) == 0 )
//test next bit
copy = copy >> 1;
//count trailing ones
while(copy != 0 && (copy&1) == 1 )
//test next bit
copy = copy >> 1;
//if we have no 1's (i.e input is 0) we cannot form another pattern with
//the same number of 1's which will increment the input, or if we have leading consecutive
//ones followed by consecutive 0's up to the maximum bit size of a int
//we cannot increase the input whilst preserving the original no of 0's and
//1's in the bit pattern
if(trailingZeros + trailingOnes == 0 || trailingZeros + trailingOnes == 31)
return -1;
//flip first 0 followed by a 1 found from the right of the bit pattern
flipPosition = trailingZeros + trailingOnes+1;
input |= 1<<(trailingZeros+trailingOnes);
//clear fields to the right of the flip position
int mask = ~0 << (trailingZeros+trailingOnes);
input &= mask;
//insert a bit pattern to the right of the flip position that will contain
//one less 1 to compensate for the bit we switched from 0 to 1
int insert = flipPosition-1;
input |= insert;
return input;
Next number should also be an Even number public static int nextDigit(int number) { String num = String.valueOf(number); int stop = 0; char[] orig_chars = null; char[] part1 = null; char[] part2 = null; orig_chars = num.toCharArray(); System.out.println("vivek c r"); for (int i = orig_chars.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { String previous = orig_chars[i - 1] + ""; String next = orig_chars[i] + ""; if (Integer.parseInt(previous) < Integer.parseInt(next)) { if (Integer.parseInt(previous) % 2 == 0) { String partString1 = ""; String partString2 = ""; for (int j = 0; j <= i - 1; j++) { partString1 = partString1.concat(orig_chars[j] + ""); } part1 = partString1.toCharArray(); for (int k = i; k < orig_chars.length; k++) { partString2 = partString2.concat(orig_chars[k] + ""); } part2 = partString2.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(part2); for (int l = 0; l < part2.length; l++) { char temp = '0'; if (part2[l] > part1[i - 1]) { temp = part1[i - 1]; part1[i - 1] = part2[l]; part2[l] = temp; break; } } for (int m = 0; m < part2.length; m++) { char replace = '0'; if (part2[m] % 2 == 0) { replace = part2[m]; for (int n = m; n < part2.length - 1; n++) { part2[n] = part2[n + 1]; } part2[part2.length - 1] = replace; break; } } System.out.print(part1); System.out.println(part2); System.exit(0); } } } System.out.println("NONE"); return 0; }
private static int GetNextHigherNumber(int num)
//given 38276 return 38627
string numberstring = num.ToString();
char[] sNum = numberstring.ToCharArray();
for (int i = sNum.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
for (int j = i - 1; j > 0; j--)
if (sNum[i] > sNum[j])
for (int x = i; x > j; x--)
char chr = sNum[x];
sNum[x] = sNum[x - 1];
sNum[x - 1] = chr;
i = 0;
numberstring = string.Empty;
for(int x= 0 ; x<sNum.Length;x++)
numberstring += sNum[x].ToString();
return Convert.ToInt32(numberstring);