An Interface can't be instantiate. You can't implement any method in an interface,i.e. it only contains .signature of the method but not details(body). Interfaces can contain methods and/or constants, but no attributes. Interface constants have the same restrictions as class constants. Interface methods are implicitly abstract. Interfaces must not declare constructors or destructors, since these are implementation details on the class level. All the methods in an interface must have public visibility.
现在让我们举个例子。 假设我们有两个玩具:一个是狗,另一个是猫。
正如我们所知,狗叫,猫叫。这两者具有相同的说话方法,但具有不同的功能或实现。 假设我们给用户一个带有说话按钮的遥控器。
这是使用接口而不是抽象类的好情况,因为实现是不同的。 为什么?还记得
下面是一个不适合抽象类的接口的例子: 假设我有一个日历应用程序,它允许用户从外部源导入日历数据。我将编写类来处理导入每种类型的数据源(ical, rss, atom, json),每个类都将实现一个公共接口,以确保它们都具有我的应用程序获取数据所需的公共方法。
interface ImportableFeed
public function getEvents();
Then when a user adds a new feed I can identify the type of feed it is and use the class developed for that type to import the data. Each class written to import data for a specific feed would have completely different code, there may otherwise be very few similarities between the classes outside of the fact that they are required to implement the interface that allows my application to consume them. If I were to use an abstract class, I could very easily ignore the fact that I have not overridden the getEvents() method which would then break my application in this instance whereas using an interface would not let my app run if ANY of the methods defined in the interface do not exist in the class that implemented it. My app doesn't have to care what class it uses to get data from a feed, only that the methods it needs to get that data are present.
To take this a step further, the interface proves to be extremely useful when I come back to my calendar app with the intent of adding another feed type. Using the ImportableFeed interface means I can continue adding more classes that import different feed types by simply adding new classes that implement this interface. This allows me to add tons of functionality without having to add unnecessarily bulk to my core application since my core application only relies on there being the public methods available that the interface requires so as long as my new feed import classes implement the ImportableFeed interface then I know I can just drop it in place and keep moving.
This goes beyond the question but since I used the example above: Interfaces come with their own set of issues if used in this manner. I find myself needing to ensure the output that is returned from the methods implemented to match the interface and to achieve this I use an IDE that reads PHPDoc blocks and add the return type as a type hint in a PHPDoc block of the interface which will then translate to the concrete class that implements it. My classes that consume the data output from the classes that implement this interface will then at the very least know it's expecting an array returned in this example:
interface ImportableFeed
* @return array
public function getEvents();
It is used to define required no of methods in class [if you want to load html then id and name is required so in this case interface include setID and setName]. Interface strictly force class to include all the methods define in it. You can only define method in interface with public accessibility. You can also extend interface like class. You can extend interface in php using extends keyword. Extend multiple interface. You can not implement 2 interfaces if both share function with same name. It will throw error.
interface test{
public function A($i);
public function B($j = 20);
class xyz implements test{
public function A($a){
echo "CLASS A Value is ".$a;
public function B($b){
echo "CLASS B Value is ".$b;
$x = new xyz();
echo $x->A(11);
echo "<br/>";
echo $x->B(10);