
根据 RFC 2616,第 9.5 条,POST 用于创建资源:

使用 POST 方法要求原始服务器接受请求中包含的实体作为请求-URI 在请求线中识别的资源的新子属。

根据 RFC 2616,第 9.6 条,PUT 用于创建或取代资源:

PUT 方法要求关闭的实体存储在提供的请求-URI. 如果请求-URI 提到已经存在的资源,关闭的实体 SHOULD 将被视为居住在原始服务器的修改版本. 如果请求-URI 没有指向现有资源,并且 URI 能够由请求用户年龄定义为新资源。




POST 可以执行其他三项功能,但随后请求的语法将失去在中间人,如Caches 和 Proxy. 这也适用于提供资源的安全性,因为一个帖子的 URI 不一定指示它正在应用的资源(但它可以)。

编辑: 另一个事情 - 一个 PUT 可以创建,但如果这样做,那么 ID 必须是一个自然 ID - AKA 一个电子邮件地址。



Replacing existing resource or creating if resource is not exist. www.example.com/com/customer/{customerId} www.example.com/com/customer/123/order/{orderId} Identifier is chosen by the client. Creating new resources and subordinate resources, e.g. a file is subordinate to a directory containing it or a row is subordinate to a database table. www.example.com/com/customer/ www.example.com/com/customer/123/order/ identifier is returned by server
Idempotent i.e. if you PUT a resource twice, it has no effect. Example: Do it as many times as you want, the result will be same. x=1; POST is neither safe nor idempotent. Example: x++;
Works as specific Works as abstractive
If you create or update a resource using PUT and then make that same call again, the resource is still there and still has the same state as it did with the first call. Making two identical POST requests will most likely result in two resources containing the same information.


PUT 即采取并放置它在哪里. POST 如发送邮件在邮局。





POST a resource into a collection PUT a resource identified by collection/:id。


POST /items PUT /items/1234


请记住,REST是一组条约和指导方针,以保持您的API简单。 如果您结束了一个复杂的工作周围,只需检查“RESTfull”框,那么您正在击败目的。

Create => HTTP PUT
Retrieve => HTTP GET
Update => HTTP POST

事实上, CRUD 操作的 R(选择) 和 D(选择) 可以直接地图到 HTTP 方法 GET 和 DELETE 相应。 然而,混淆在 C(现实) 和 U(更新) 操作中。 在某些情况下,可以使用 PUT 为创建而在其他情况下需要 POST。

基于上述定义,我的使用 HTTP PUT 方法与使用 HTTP POST 方法为 REST 服务是: 使用 HTTP PUT 方法,当:

The client includes all aspect of the resource including the unique identifier to uniquely identify the resource. Example: creating a new employee.
The client provides all the information for a resource to be able to modify that resource.This implies that the server side does not update any aspect of the resource (such as an update date).

The server will provide some information concerning the newly created resource. For example, take a logging system. A new entry in the log will most likely have a numbering scheme which is determined on the server side. Upon creating a new log entry, the new sequence number will be determined by the server and not by the client.
On a modification of a resource, the server will provide such information as a resource state or an update date. Again in this case not all information was provided by the client and the resource will be changing from one modification request to the next. Hence a non idempotent operation.



如果您是使用 Web API 的.NET 开发人员,事实是(从 Microsoft API 文档), http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/creating-web-apis/creating-a-web-api-that-supports-crud-operations:

1. PUT = UPDATE (/api/products/id)
2. MCSD Exams 2014 -  UPDATE = PUT, there are **NO** multiple answers for that question period.

确保您可以使用“POST”更新,但只需跟随与您提供的框架的协议。在我的情况下,它是.NET / Web API,所以PUT是为了更新,没有讨论。



在告诉我这不是RESTful之前,请考虑遵守REST原则的众多方式. 客户不构建URL. API 仍然可发现,尽管在语法中有点变化. HTTP 字母被适当使用. 如果你认为这是一个巨大的变化来实施,我可以从经验中告诉你,这不是。