




Old-school software development involves a lot of planning, paper models, and careful thought. Regular expressions fit into this model very well, because to write an effective expression properly involves a lot of staring at it, visualizing the paths of the FSM. Modern software developers would much rather hammer out code, and use a debugger to step through execution, to see if the code is correct. Regular expressions do not support this working style very well. One "run" of a regular expression is effectively an atomic operation. It's hard to observe stepwise execution in a debugger. It's too easy to write a regular expression that accidentally accepts more input than you intend. The value of a regular expression isn't really to match valid input, it's to fail to match invalid input. Techniques to do "negative tests" for regular expressions are not very advanced, or at least not widely used. This goes to the point of regular expressions being hard to read. Just by looking at a regular expression, it takes a lot of concentration to visualize all possible inputs that should be rejected, but are mistakenly accepted. Ever try to debug someone else's regular expression code?








相比之下,使用正则作为外部库的语言的程序员往往不会考虑正则表达式可以带来什么。程序员的“时间成本”是如此之高,以至于a) REs从未出现在他们的培训中,b)他们不会从REs的角度“思考”,而是更喜欢使用更熟悉的模式。



Old-school software development involves a lot of planning, paper models, and careful thought. Regular expressions fit into this model very well, because to write an effective expression properly involves a lot of staring at it, visualizing the paths of the FSM. Modern software developers would much rather hammer out code, and use a debugger to step through execution, to see if the code is correct. Regular expressions do not support this working style very well. One "run" of a regular expression is effectively an atomic operation. It's hard to observe stepwise execution in a debugger. It's too easy to write a regular expression that accidentally accepts more input than you intend. The value of a regular expression isn't really to match valid input, it's to fail to match invalid input. Techniques to do "negative tests" for regular expressions are not very advanced, or at least not widely used. This goes to the point of regular expressions being hard to read. Just by looking at a regular expression, it takes a lot of concentration to visualize all possible inputs that should be rejected, but are mistakenly accepted. Ever try to debug someone else's regular expression code?
