


请注意,使用VisualTreeHelper仅适用于派生自Visual或Visual3D的控件。如果你还需要检查其他元素(例如TextBlock, FlowDocument等),使用VisualTreeHelper将抛出一个异常。





    private T FindParent<T>(DependencyObject item, Type StopAt) where T : class
        if (item is T)
            return item as T;
            DependencyObject _parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(item);
            if (_parent == null)
                return default(T);
                Type _type = _parent.GetType();
                if (StopAt != null)
                    if ((_type.IsSubclassOf(StopAt) == true) || (_type == StopAt))
                        return null;

                if ((_type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T)) == true) || (_type == typeof(T)))
                    return _parent as T;
                    return FindParent<T>(_parent, StopAt);

我根据@Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen的建议改编了@Bryce Kahle的回答,并使用了LogicalTreeHelper。


public static IEnumerable<T> FindLogicalChildren<T> ( DependencyObject depObj ) where T : DependencyObject
    if( depObj != null )
        foreach( object rawChild in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren( depObj ) )
            if( rawChild is DependencyObject )
                DependencyObject child = (DependencyObject)rawChild;
                if( child is T )
                    yield return (T)child;

                foreach( T childOfChild in FindLogicalChildren<T>( child ) ) 
                    yield return childOfChild;

(它仍然不会检查@Benjamin Berry和@David R分别提到的组框中的选项卡控件或网格。) (也遵循@noonand的建议&删除多余的子!= null)

出于某种原因,这里发布的答案都没有帮助我在主窗口中获得给定控件中包含的给定类型的所有控件。 我需要在一个菜单中找到所有的菜单项来迭代它们。它们并不都是菜单的直接后代,所以我使用上面的任何代码只收集了它们的第一行。 这个扩展方法是我对这个问题的解决方案,任何人都将继续读到这里。

public static void FindVisualChildren<T>(this ICollection<T> children, DependencyObject depObj) where T : DependencyObject
        if (depObj != null)
            var brethren = LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(depObj);
            var brethrenOfType = LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(depObj).OfType<T>();
            foreach (var childOfType in brethrenOfType)

            foreach (var rawChild in brethren)
                if (rawChild is DependencyObject)
                    var child = rawChild as DependencyObject;
                    FindVisualChildren<T>(children, child);


I wanted to add a comment but I have less than 50 pts so I can only "Answer". Be aware that if you use the "VisualTreeHelper" method to retrieve XAML "TextBlock" objects then it will also grab XAML "Button" objects. If you re-initialize the "TextBlock" object by writing to the Textblock.Text parameter then you will no longer be able to change the Button text using the Button.Content parameter. The Button will permanently show the text written to it from the Textblock.Text write action (from when it was retrieved --

foreach (TextBlock tb in FindVisualChildren<TextBlock>(window))
// do something with tb here
   tb.Text = ""; //this will overwrite Button.Content and render the 
                 //Button.Content{set} permanently disabled.


我的c++ /CLI版本

template < class T, class U >
bool Isinst(U u) 
    return dynamic_cast< T >(u) != nullptr;

template <typename T>
    T FindVisualChildByType(Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyObject^ element, Platform::String^ name)
        if (Isinst<T>(element) && dynamic_cast<Windows::UI::Xaml::FrameworkElement^>(element)->Name == name)
            return dynamic_cast<T>(element);
        int childcount = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::VisualTreeHelper::GetChildrenCount(element);
        for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i)
            auto childElement = FindVisualChildByType<T>(Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::VisualTreeHelper::GetChild(element, i), name);
            if (childElement != nullptr)
                return childElement;
        return nullptr;