
int(str, base). 

我想执行相反的操作:从一个整数创建一个字符串, 例如,我想要一些函数int2base(num, base),这样:

int(int2base(x, b), b) == x




我知道函数bin, oct, hex,但我不能使用它们的几个原因:

这些函数在旧版本的Python中不可用,我需要与(2.2)兼容 我想要一个通解对于不同的碱都可以用同样的方式表示 我想允许2 8 16以外的底数


Python优雅的int(string, base)逆函数 在python中使用递归的整数到base-x系统 Python中的Base 62转换 如何在Python中将整数转换为最短的url安全字符串?


def baseConverter(x, b):
    s = ""
    d = string.printable.upper()
    while x > 0:
        s += d[x%b]
        x = x / b
    return s[::-1]



def intStr(n,base=10):
    if n < 0   : return "-" + intStr(-n,base)         # handle negatives
    if n < base: return chr([48,55][n>9] + n)         # 48 => "0"..., 65 => "A"...
    return intStr(n//base,base) + intStr(n%base,base) # recurse for multiple digits


import string

def base_convert(x, base, digits=None):
    """Convert integer `x` from base 10 to base `base` using `digits` characters as digits.
    If `digits` is omitted, it will use decimal digits + lowercase letters + uppercase letters.
    digits = digits or (string.digits + string.ascii_letters)
    assert 2 <= base <= len(digits), "Unsupported base: {}".format(base)
    if x == 0:
        return digits[0]
    sign = '-' if x < 0 else ''
    x = abs(x)
    first_digits = base_convert(x // base, base, digits).lstrip(digits[0])
    return sign + first_digits + digits[x % base]

很棒的答案! 我想我问题的答案是“不”,我并没有错过一些明显的解决方案。 下面是我将使用的函数,它可以浓缩答案中所表达的好想法。

允许调用者提供的字符映射(允许base64编码) 检查负数和零 将复数映射为字符串元组

def int2base(x,b,alphabet='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): 'convert an integer to its string representation in a given base' if b<2 or b>len(alphabet): if b==64: # assume base64 rather than raise error alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" else: raise AssertionError("int2base base out of range") if isinstance(x,complex): # return a tuple return ( int2base(x.real,b,alphabet) , int2base(x.imag,b,alphabet) ) if x<=0: if x==0: return alphabet[0] else: return '-' + int2base(-x,b,alphabet) # else x is non-negative real rets='' while x>0: x,idx = divmod(x,b) rets = alphabet[idx] + rets return rets

def baseConverter(x, b):
    s = ""
    d = string.printable.upper()
    while x > 0:
        s += d[x%b]
        x = x / b
    return s[::-1]
def base(decimal ,base) :
    other_base = ""
    while decimal != 0 :
        other_base = list[decimal % base] + other_base
        decimal    = decimal / base
    if other_base == "":
        other_base = "0"
    return other_base

print base(31 ,16)


“1 f”