我刚刚开始在Visual Studio中使用ReSharper(在SO上的许多建议之后)。为了尝试一下,我打开了一个最近的ASP。NET MVC项目。我注意到它建议的第一件也是最频繁的事情之一是将我的大部分/所有显式声明改为var。例如:
//From This:
MyObject foo = DB.MyObjects.SingleOrDefault(w => w.Id == 1);
//To This:
var foo = DB.MyObjects.SingleOrDefault(w => w.Id == 1);
等等,即使是简单的类型,如int, bool等。
Less typing var is shorter and easier to read, for instanceDictionary<int,IList<string>> postcodes = new Dictionary<int,IList<string>>() Yuk.
var postcodes = new Dictionary<int,IList<string>>() \o/\o/
More descriptive variable names - tenuous one but I think its important to let the fluid nature of var shine here. As var is a bit vague, it really does encourage a more desciptive variable name rather than letting the type speak for itself.
Less code changes - if the return type of a method call changes. You only have to change the method call, not every place it’s used.
Anonymous types - anonymous types are a really powerful concept, especially in areas such as WebApi partial resources. Without var, they cannot be used.
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)