


14 + 48 + 10 + 29 = 101


13 + 47 + 9 + 28 = 97




        value  rounded     error               decision
    13.626332       14      2.7%          round up (14)
    47.989636       48      0.0%          round up (48)
     9.596008       10      4.0%    don't round up  (9)
    28.788024       29      2.7%          round up (29)






function foo(l, target) {
    var off = target - _.reduce(l, function(acc, x) { return acc + Math.round(x) }, 0);
    return _.chain(l).
            sortBy(function(x) { return Math.round(x) - x }).
            map(function(x, i) { return Math.round(x) + (off > i) - (i >= (l.length + off)) }).

foo([13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024], 100) // => [48, 29, 14, 9]
foo([16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666, 16.666], 100) // => [17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16]
foo([33.333, 33.333, 33.333], 100) // => [34, 33, 33]
foo([33.3, 33.3, 33.3, 0.1], 100) // => [34, 33, 33, 0]

我已经实现了Varun Vohra的答案在这里的列表和字典的方法。

import math
import numbers
import operator
import itertools

def round_list_percentages(number_list):
    Takes a list where all values are numbers that add up to 100,
    and rounds them off to integers while still retaining a sum of 100.

    A total value sum that rounds to 100.00 with two decimals is acceptable.
    This ensures that all input where the values are calculated with [fraction]/[total]
    and the sum of all fractions equal the total, should pass.
    # Check input
    if not all(isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in number_list):
        raise ValueError('All values of the list must be a number')

    # Generate a key for each value
    key_generator = itertools.count()
    value_dict = {next(key_generator): value for value in number_list}
    return round_dictionary_percentages(value_dict).values()

def round_dictionary_percentages(dictionary):
    Takes a dictionary where all values are numbers that add up to 100,
    and rounds them off to integers while still retaining a sum of 100.

    A total value sum that rounds to 100.00 with two decimals is acceptable.
    This ensures that all input where the values are calculated with [fraction]/[total]
    and the sum of all fractions equal the total, should pass.
    # Check input
    # Only allow numbers
    if not all(isinstance(i, numbers.Number) for i in dictionary.values()):
        raise ValueError('All values of the dictionary must be a number')
    # Make sure the sum is close enough to 100
    # Round value_sum to 2 decimals to avoid floating point representation errors
    value_sum = round(sum(dictionary.values()), 2)
    if not value_sum == 100:
        raise ValueError('The sum of the values must be 100')

    # Initial floored results
    # Does not add up to 100, so we need to add something
    result = {key: int(math.floor(value)) for key, value in dictionary.items()}

    # Remainders for each key
    result_remainders = {key: value % 1 for key, value in dictionary.items()}
    # Keys sorted by remainder (biggest first)
    sorted_keys = [key for key, value in sorted(result_remainders.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)]

    # Otherwise add missing values up to 100
    # One cycle is enough, since flooring removes a max value of < 1 per item,
    # i.e. this loop should always break before going through the whole list
    for key in sorted_keys:
        if sum(result.values()) == 100:
        result[key] += 1

    # Return
    return result


const p = [13.626332, 47.989636, 9.596008, 28.788024];
const round = (a, e = 0) => a.map(x => (r = Math.round(x + e), e += x - r, r));





const values = [21.6, 46.7, 31, 0.5, 0.2]; console.log(roundPercentages(values)); function roundPercentages(values) { const flooredValues = values.map(e => Math.floor(e)); const remainders = values.map(e => e - Math.floor(e)); const totalRemainder = 100 - flooredValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // Deep copy because order of remainders is important [...remainders] // Sort from highest to lowest remainder .sort((a, b) => b - a) // Get the n largest remainder values, where n = totalRemainder .slice(0, totalRemainder) // Add 1 to the floored percentages with the highest remainder (divide the total remainder) .forEach(e => flooredValues[remainders.indexOf(e)] += 1); return flooredValues; }

我写了一个c#版本的舍入帮助器,算法和Varun Vohra的答案一样,希望对你有帮助。

public static List<decimal> GetPerfectRounding(List<decimal> original,
    decimal forceSum, int decimals)
    var rounded = original.Select(x => Math.Round(x, decimals)).ToList();
    Debug.Assert(Math.Round(forceSum, decimals) == forceSum);
    var delta = forceSum - rounded.Sum();
    if (delta == 0) return rounded;
    var deltaUnit = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(0.1, decimals)) * Math.Sign(delta);

    List<int> applyDeltaSequence; 
    if (delta < 0)
        applyDeltaSequence = original
            .Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue), (x, index) => new { x, index })
            .OrderBy(a => original[a.index] - rounded[a.index])
            .ThenByDescending(a => a.index)
            .Select(a => a.index).ToList();
        applyDeltaSequence = original
            .Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue), (x, index) => new { x, index })
            .OrderByDescending(a => original[a.index] - rounded[a.index])
            .Select(a => a.index).ToList();

    Enumerable.Repeat(applyDeltaSequence, int.MaxValue)
        .SelectMany(x => x)
        .ForEach(index => rounded[index] += deltaUnit);

    return rounded;


public void TestPerfectRounding()
        new List<decimal> {3.333m, 3.334m, 3.333m}, 10, 2),
        new List<decimal> {3.33m, 3.34m, 3.33m});

        new List<decimal> {3.33m, 3.34m, 3.33m}, 10, 1),
        new List<decimal> {3.3m, 3.4m, 3.3m});

        new List<decimal> {3.333m, 3.334m, 3.333m}, 10, 1),
        new List<decimal> {3.3m, 3.4m, 3.3m});

        new List<decimal> { 13.626332m, 47.989636m, 9.596008m, 28.788024m }, 100, 0),
        new List<decimal> {14, 48, 9, 29});
        new List<decimal> { 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m, 16.666m }, 100, 0),
        new List<decimal> { 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16 });
        new List<decimal> { 33.333m, 33.333m, 33.333m }, 100, 0),
        new List<decimal> { 34, 33, 33 });
        new List<decimal> { 33.3m, 33.3m, 33.3m, 0.1m }, 100, 0),
        new List<decimal> { 34, 33, 33, 0 });