在与同事讨论了c# 3中var关键字的使用后,我想知道人们对通过var适当使用类型推断的看法是什么?


foreach(var item in someList) { // ... } // Type of 'item' not clear.
var something = someObject.SomeProperty; // Type of 'something' not clear.
var something = someMethod(); // Type of 'something' not clear.


var l = new List<string>(); // Obvious what l will be.
var s = new SomeClass(); // Obvious what s will be.


var results = from r in dataContext.SomeTable
              select r; // Not *entirely clear* what results will be here.



var results = from item in someList
              where item != 3
              select item;

这并不比等价的foreach(var item in someList){//…}相当于。






I don't understand why people start debates like this. It really serves no purpose than to start flame wars at then end of which nothing is gained. Now if the C# team was trying to phase out one style in favor of the other, I can see the reason to argue over the merits of each style. But since both are going to remain in the language, why not use the one you prefer and let everybody do the same. It's like the use of everybody's favorite ternary operator: some like it and some don't. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to the compiler.



Var不是一个类型,也不是什么特殊的特性(比如c# 4.0的动态特性)。它只是一个语法糖。你要求编译器通过右边的表达式来推断类型。唯一需要的地方是匿名类型。


来自Essential LINQ:


List<string> list = new List<string> { "LINQ", "query", "adventure" };
var query = from string word in list
      where word.Contains("r")
      orderby word ascending
      select word;

显式声明range变量的类型会强制对LINQ Cast操作符进行幕后调用。此调用可能会产生意想不到的结果,并可能会损害性能。如果您在LINQ查询中遇到性能问题,像这里所示的强制转换可能是开始寻找罪魁祸首的一个地方。(此规则的一个例外是当您使用非泛型Enumerable时,在这种情况下您应该使用强制转换。)



From my perspective, using good naming conventions for variables and methods is more important from a readability perspective than explicit type information. If I need the type information, I can always hover over the variable (in VS) and get it. Generally, though, explicit type information shouldn't be necessary to the reader. For the developer, in VS you still get Intellisense, regardless of how the variable is declared. Having said all of that, there may still be cases where it does make sense to explicitly declare the type -- perhaps you have a method that returns a List<T>, but you want to treat it as an IEnumerable<T> in your method. To ensure that you are using the interface, declaring the variable of the interface type can make this explicit. Or, perhaps, you want to declare a variable without an initial value -- because it immediately gets a value based on some condition. In that case you need the type. If the type information is useful or necessary, go ahead and use it. I feel, though, that typically it isn't necessary and the code is easier to read without it in most cases.