最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.




No parametric polymorphism (i.e. C++ templates). It makes writing reusable data structures and algorithms a pain (and there's hardly any static checking). See for instance the comparator argument to qsort and bsearch: the comparator takes void pointers :( No library of data structures. I really hate writing my own hash table. I also really hate scouring the web for a library of reusable data structures. Especially if it turns out to be incomplete. Strings. Inefficient representation, unwieldy if you make it sane, too hard to safely input a string. No standard for snprintf. Too hard to create a format string with sprintf, then use that to create a string with sprintf again, in a safe way. Only lexical macros. If different compilers expects function annotation in different places, I have to put the same HAS_NO_SIDE_EFFECTS in different places. Why can't I just grab the function, switch over the compiler type, and then insert it at the right place by a macro call? No portable libraries for common functionality. For sockets and threading, I use SDL---a frigging game library. For .ini-style parsers, the only library I could find which was packaged for ubuntu, I posted on the daily wtf (it calculates an array of hash values, then does a linear scan through it...)


Template syntax is heavy and unweildy. Let's see, for(map<string, int>::const_iterator it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it). Design errors in the STL. Should changing allocation strategy for your vector really change its type? Overly complex type system. Type T1 has a convert-to-T2 method, and T2 has an implicit from-T1 constructor. Which is called? How does overloading, overriding and multiple inheritance interact? Poorly, I guess... Incredibly long and unwieldy error messages from templates. You know what I mean... References means you can't see output parameters at call sites. In C, you can guess what foo(bar, &baz) can and can't modify.



Does what I say/type, not what I mean Will undoubtedly meet people who think they are experts in the language, but just make a mess of it (e.g. people who insist that removing comments/unused local variables will speed up execution time for a program) Unless the language is obsolete, then it will probably continue to evolve (either the actual language, or the concepts behind using it effectively) requiring you to actively develop with it so as to not fall behind. Can't modify the lexer/compiler (add in own context sensitive grammar) No perfect language (every language is missing some sort of useful feature that usually is either impossible to simulate, will unavoidable have an ugly interface or just require far too much time to implement and get it right)


Mixed use of sigils my @array = ( 1, 2, 3 ); my $array = [ 4, 5, 6 ]; my $one = $array[0]; # not @array[0], you would get the length instead my $four = $array->[0]; # definitely not $array[0] my( $two, $three ) = @array[1,2]; my( $five, $six ) = @$array[1,2]; # coerce to array first my $length_a = @array; my $length_s = @$array; my $ref_a = \@array; my $ref_s = $array; For example none of these are the same: $array[0] # First element of @array @array[0] # Slice of only the First element of @array %array[0] # Syntax error $array->[0] # First element of an array referenced by $array @array->[0] # Deprecated first element of @array %array->[0] # Invalid reference $array{0} # Element of %array referenced by string '0' @array{0} # Slice of only one element of %array referenced by string '0' %array{0} # Syntax error $array->{0} # Element of a hash referenced by $array @array->{0} # Invalid reference %array->{0} # Deprecated Element of %array referenced by string '0' In Perl6 it is written: my @array = ( 1, 2, 3 ); my $array = [ 4, 5, 6 ]; my $one = @array[0]; my $four = $array[0]; # $array.[0] my( $two, $three ) = @array[1,2]; my( $five, $six ) = $array[1,2]; my $length_a = @array.length; my $length_s = $array.length; my $ref_a = @array; my $ref_s = $array; Lack of true OO package my_object; # fake constructor sub new{ bless {}, $_[0] } # fake properties/attributes sub var_a{ my $self = shift @_; $self->{'var_a'} = $_[0] if @_; $self->{'var_a'} } In Perl6 it is written: class Dog is Mammal { has $.name = "fido"; has $.tail is rw; has @.legs; has $!brain; method doit ($a, $b, $c) { ... } ... } Poorly designed regex features /(?=regexp)/; # look ahead /(?<=fixed-regexp)/; # look behind /(?!regexp)/; # negative look ahead /(?<!fixed-regexp)/; # negative look behind /(?>regexp)/; # independent sub expression /(capture)/; # simple capture /(?:don't capture)/; # non-capturing group /(?<name>regexp)/; # named capture /[A-Z]/; # character class /[^A-Z]/; # inverted character class # '-' would have to be the first or last element in # the character class to include it in the match # without escaping it /(?(condition)yes-regexp)/; /(?(condition)yes-regexp|no-regexp)/; /\b\s*\b/; # almost matches Perl6's <ws> /(?{ print "hi\n" })/; # run perl code In Perl6 it is written: / <?before pattern> /; # lookahead / <?after pattern> /; # lookbehind / regexp :: pattern /; # backtracking control / ( capture ) /; # simple capture / $<name>=[ regexp ] /; # named capture / [ don't capture ] /; # non-capturing group / <[A..Z]> /; # character class / <-[A..Z]> /; # inverted character class # you don't generally use '.' in a character class anyway / <ws> /; # Smart whitespace match / { say 'hi' } /; # run perl code Lack of multiple dispatch sub f( int $i ){ ... } # err sub f( float $i ){ ... } # err sub f($){ ... } # occasionally useful In Perl6 it is written: multi sub f( int $i ){ ... } multi sub f( num $i ){ ... } multi sub f( $i where $i == 0 ){ ... } multi sub f( $i ){ ... } # everything else Poor Operator overloading package my_object; use overload '+' => \&add, ... ; In Perl6 it is written: multi sub infix:<+> (Us $us, Them $them) | (Them $them, Us $us) { ... }


Plethora of integer types inherited from C - way too many problems caused by signed vs. unsigned mistakes Copy constructors and assignment operators - why can't the compiler create one from the other automatically? Variable argument madness - va_list just doesn't work with objects and I'm so sick of problems created with sprintf(), snprintf(), vsnprintf(), and all of their relatives. Template implementation is required to be fully visible at compile time - I'm thinking of the lack of "export" implementations or at least usable ones Lack of support for properties - I want to have a read-only member like "a.x" that can be read publicly and only assigned internally. I really hate the "val=obj.getX()" and "obj.setX(val)". I really want properties with access control and a consistent syntax.


Too slow! list operations don't return the list, so you can't do list.append(4).append(5). (I mean a reference to the same list, not a copy). This is a minor gripe; it's only come up a few times. statements don't return values (if, print, while, for, etc). This is only a problem when dealing with lambdas. lambdas can only be one expression. There's no real need for this restriction, as they are equivalent to functions in every other way. What if I want a button press event which calls two functions? I'd need to create a named function to supply that functionality to an action listener, while doing "lambda: f1(); f2()" would not hurt. you can only put standard a-zA-Z_0-9 as names. Having functions like "true?" and "+" would be great. Of course, this could lead to terrible obfuscation, but I'm not saying we immediately rename all functions to "p@$%3". Which do you find clearer to read: "dec2bin" or "dec->bin"? ("store_results" or "storeResults") or "store-results"?

VBA(含MS Office IDE):

1)文件不足 2)错误信息差 3)数组操作例程不足 4)必须重复DIM语句的类型 5)无法彩色打印(必须购买第三方插件)