这张图再次表明,每个对象都有一个原型。构造函数 function Foo也有自己的__proto__,也就是function .prototype, 而它又通过__proto__属性再次引用 Object.prototype。因此,重复,Foo。原型只是一个显式 Foo的属性,引用b和c对象的原型。

var b = new Foo(20);
var c = new Foo(30);







实例。__proto__ ===构造函数。原型// true



人(姓名、城市){ This.name = name; } Person.prototype.age = 25; const willem =新人(' willem '); console.log(威廉。__proto__ === Person.prototype);//实例上的__proto__属性指向构造函数的原型 console.log (willem.age);// 25没有在willem object中找到它,但在prototype中存在 console.log (willem.__proto__.age);//现在我们直接访问Person函数的原型





First, it's checked if the property is located on the Object itself. If so, this property is returned. If the property is not located on the object itself, it will 'climb up the protochain'. It basically looks at the object referred to by the __proto__ property. There, it checks if the property is available on the object referred to by __proto__. If the property isn't located on the __proto__ object, it will climb up the __proto__ chain, all the way up to Object object. If it cannot find the property anywhere on the object and its prototype chain, it will return undefined.


人(名){ This.name = name; } let mySelf =新人(“威廉”); console.log(我自己。__proto__ === Person.prototype); console.log (mySelf.__proto__。__proto__ === Object.prototype);



function Person(name){
    this.name = name

var eve = new Person("Eve");

eve.__proto__ == Person.prototype //true

eve.prototype  //undefined


__proto__是在类/函数的实例创建时创建的。基本上,它包含创建实例的类/函数的原型。 原型包含可以被链接的实际原型。


( new Foo ).__proto__ === Foo.prototype
( new Foo ).prototype === undefined


First we created a constructor: function Foo(){}. To be clear, Foo is just another function. But we can create an object from it with the new keyword. That's why we call it the constructor function Every function has a unique property which is called the prototype property. So, Constructor function Foo has a prototype property which points to its prototype, which is Foo.prototype (see image). Constructor functions are themselves a function which is an instance of a system constructor called the [[Function]] constructor. So we can say that function Foo is constructed by a [[Function]] constructor. So, __proto__ of our Foo function will point to the prototype of its constructor, which is Function.prototype. Function.prototype is itself is nothing but an object which is constructed from another system constructor called [[Object]]. So, [[Object]] is the constructor of Function.prototype. So, we can say Function.prototype is an instance of [[Object]]. So __proto__ of Function.prototype points to Object.prototype. Object.prototype is the last man standing in the prototype chain. I mean it has not been constructed. It's already there in the system. So its __proto__ points to null. Now we come to instances of Foo. When we create an instance using new Foo(), it creates a new object which is an instance of Foo. That means Foo is the constructor of these instances. Here we created two instances (x and y). __proto__ of x and y thus points to Foo.prototype.




__proto__在查找链中用于解析方法、属性。当创建对象时(使用构造函数函数和new关键字),__proto__被设置为(构造函数)function .prototype

function Robot(name) {
    this.name = name;
var robot = new Robot();

// the following are true   
robot.__proto__ == Robot.prototype
robot.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype


假设有一个与函数相关的假想类(blueprint/ cookie cutter)。那个假想类用于实例化对象。prototype是一种扩展机制(c#或Swift Extension中的扩展方法),用于向虚类中添加内容。

function Robot(name) {
    this.name = name;


// imaginary class
class Robot extends Object{

    static prototype = Robot.class  
    // Robot.prototype is the way to add things to Robot class
    // since Robot extends Object, therefore Robot.prototype.__proto__ == Object.prototype

    var __proto__;

    var name = "";

    // constructor
    function Robot(name) {

        this.__proto__ = prototype;
        prototype = undefined;

        this.name = name;



var robot = new Robot();

robot.__proto__ == Robot.prototype
robot.prototype == undefined
robot.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype


Robot.prototype.move(x, y) = function(x, y){ Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y};
// Robot.prototype.move(x, y) ===(imagining)===> Robot.class.move(x, y)


// Swift way of extention
extension Robot{
    function move(x, y){    
        Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y


// imaginary class
class Robot{

    static prototype = Robot.class // Robot.prototype way to extend Robot class
    var __proto__;

    var name = "";

    // constructor
    function Robot(name) {

        this.__proto__ = prototype;
        prototype = undefined;

        this.name = name;

    // added by prototype (as like C# extension method)
    function move(x, y){ 
        Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y