1. 根据我的评估,最佳答案是:
2. 我自己的话(同意最好的答案):
For pass-by-value there is no benefit to adding const. All it does is:
limit the implementer to have to make a copy every time they want to change an input param in the source code (which change would have no side effects anyway since what's passed in is already a copy since it's pass-by-value). And frequently, changing an input param which is passed by value is used to implement the function, so adding const everywhere can hinder this.
and adding const unnecessarily clutters the code with consts everywhere, drawing attention away from the consts that are truly necessary to have safe code.
When dealing with pointers or references, however, const is critically important when needed, and must be used, as it prevents undesired side effects with persistent changes outside the function, and therefore every single pointer or reference must use const when the param is an input only, not an output. Using const only on parameters passed by reference or pointer has the additional benefit of making it really obvious which parameters are pointers or references. It's one more thing to stick out and say "Watch out! Any param with const next to it is a reference or pointer!".
What I've described above has frequently been the consensus achieved in professional software organizations I have worked in, and has been considered best practice. Sometimes even, the rule has been strict: "don't ever use const on parameters which are passed by value, but always use it on parameters passed by reference or pointer if they are inputs only."
对于通过value传递的函数形参,const对调用者没有影响,因此不建议在函数声明中使用。参见tow #109。
请注意,“tow# 109”代表“本周小贴士#109:函数声明中有意义的const”,这也是一个有用的阅读。它提供了更多的信息,对要做的事情的规定性更少,并且在谷歌c++样式指南关于上面引用的const规则之前出现,但由于它提供的清晰性,上面引用的const规则被添加到谷歌c++样式指南中。
Also note that even though I'm quoting the Google C++ Style Guide here in defense of my position, it does NOT mean I always follow the guide or always recommend following the guide. Some of the things they recommend are just plain weird, such as their kDaysInAWeek-style naming convention for "Constant Names". However, it is still nonetheless useful and relevant to point out when one of the world's most successful and influential technical and software companies uses the same justification as I and others like @Adisak do to back up our viewpoints on this matter.
4. Clang的linter, Clang -tidy,有一些选项:
答:同样值得注意的是,Clang的linter, Clang -tidy,有一个选项,可读性-avoid-const-params-in-decls,描述在这里,以支持在代码库中强制不使用const的值传递函数参数:
Void f(const字符串);//错误:const是顶级的。
Void f(const string&);//好:const不是顶级的。
void f(char * const c_string); // Bad: const is top level. [This makes the _pointer itself_, NOT what it points to, const]
void f(const char * c_string); // Good: const is not top level. [This makes what is being _pointed to_ const]
B.它还有这个选项:readable -const-return-type - https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/readability-const-return-type.html
5. 我的务实的方法是如何在这个问题上给出一个风格指南:
[复制/ START纸浆]
Always use const on function parameters passed by reference or pointer when their contents (what they point to) are intended NOT to be changed. This way, it becomes obvious when a variable passed by reference or pointer IS expected to be changed, because it will lack const. In this use case const prevents accidental side effects outside the function.
It is not recommended to use const on function parameters passed by value, because const has no effect on the caller: even if the variable is changed in the function there will be no side effects outside the function. See the following resources for additional justification and insight:
"Google C++ Style Guide" "Use of const" section
"Tip of the Week #109: Meaningful const in Function Declarations"
Adisak's Stack Overflow answer on "Use of 'const' for function parameters"
"Never use top-level const [ie: const on parameters passed by value] on function parameters in declarations that are not definitions (and be careful not to copy/paste a meaningless const). It is meaningless and ignored by the compiler, it is visual noise, and it could mislead readers" (https://abseil.io/tips/109, emphasis added).
The only const qualifiers that have an effect on compilation are those placed in the function definition, NOT those in a forward declaration of the function, such as in a function (method) declaration in a header file.
Never use top-level const [ie: const on variables passed by value] on values returned by a function.
Using const on pointers or references returned by a function is up to the implementer, as it is sometimes useful.
TODO: enforce some of the above with the following clang-tidy options:
void f(const std::string); // Bad: const is top level.
void f(const std::string&); // Good: const is not top level.
void f(char * const c_string); // Bad: const is top level. [This makes the _pointer itself_, NOT what it points to, const]
void f(const char * c_string); // Good: const is not top level. [This makes what is being _pointed to_ const]
// BAD--do not do this:
const int foo();
const Clazz foo();
Clazz *const foo();
// OK--up to the implementer:
const int* foo();
const int& foo();
const Clazz* foo();
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