
One absolutely non-intuitive syntax of the mutex is pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );, where it looks like the mutex is being locked, when what I really want to lock is some other variable. Does this syntax mean that locking a mutex locks a region of code until the mutex is unlocked? Then how do threads know that the region is locked? [UPDATE: Threads know that the region is locked, by Memory Fencing ]. And isn't such a phenomenon supposed to be called critical section? [UPDATE: Critical section objects are available in Windows only, where the objects are faster than mutexes and are visible only to the thread which implements it. Otherwise, critical section just refers to the area of code protected by a mutex]








Mutex is really just a simplified semaphore. If you read about them and understand them, you understand mutexes. There are several questions regarding mutexes and semaphores in SO. Difference between binary semaphore and mutex, When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore and so on. The toilet example in the first link is about as good an example as one can think of. All code does is to check if the key is available and if it is, reserves it. Notice that you don't really reserve the toilet itself, but the key.





A lot of people run to a lone phone booth (they don't have mobile phones) to talk to their loved ones. The first person to catch the door-handle of the booth, is the one who is allowed to use the phone. He has to keep holding on to the handle of the door as long as he uses the phone, otherwise someone else will catch hold of the handle, throw him out and talk to his wife :) There's no queue system as such. When the person finishes his call, comes out of the booth and leaves the door handle, the next person to get hold of the door handle will be allowed to use the phone.

一条线索是:每个人 互斥对象是:门把手 锁是:人的手 资源为:话机




c++ 11线程:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

std::mutex m;//you can use std::lock_guard if you want to be exception safe
int i = 0;

void makeACallFromPhoneBooth() 
    m.lock();//man gets a hold of the phone booth door and locks it. The other men wait outside
      //man happily talks to his wife from now....
      std::cout << i << " Hello Wife" << std::endl;
      i++;//no other thread can access variable i until m.unlock() is called
      //...until now, with no interruption from other men
    m.unlock();//man lets go of the door handle and unlocks the door

int main() 
    //This is the main crowd of people uninterested in making a phone call

    //man1 leaves the crowd to go to the phone booth
    std::thread man1(makeACallFromPhoneBooth);
    //Although man2 appears to start second, there's a good chance he might
    //reach the phone booth before man1
    std::thread man2(makeACallFromPhoneBooth);
    //And hey, man3 also joined the race to the booth
    std::thread man3(makeACallFromPhoneBooth);

    man1.join();//man1 finished his phone call and joins the crowd
    man2.join();//man2 finished his phone call and joins the crowd
    man3.join();//man3 finished his phone call and joins the crowd
    return 0;

使用g++ -std=c++0x -pthread -o thread编译并运行thread.cpp



sem_t m;
sem_init(&m, 0, 0); // initialize semaphore to 0

// critical section here



#include <mutex>

int main() {
    std::mutex m;

    // do thread-safe stuff