function copy ( a ) { return Object.assign( new a.constructor, a ) }
> a = { a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'C', d: 'D' }
{ a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'C', d: 'D' }
> b = copy( a )
{ a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'C', d: 'D' }
> a = [1,2,3,4]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> b = copy( a )
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> a = /\w+/g
> b = copy( a ) // fails because source and flags are read-only
> a = new Date ( '1/1/2001' )
> b = copy( a ) // fails because Date using methods to get and set things
> a = new Boolean( true )
[Boolean: true]
> b = copy( a ) // fails because of of sins against the father
[Boolean: false]
> a = new Number( 37 )
[Number: 37]
> b = copy( a ) // fails because of of sins against the father
[Number: 0]
> a = new String( 'four score and seven years ago our four fathers' )
[String: 'four score and seven years ago our four fathers']
> b = copy( a ) // fails because of of sins against the father
{ [String: ''] '0': 'f', '1': 'o', '2': 'u', '3': 'r', '4': ' ', '5': 's', '6': 'c', '7': 'o', '8': 'r', '9': 'e', '10': ' ', '11': 'a', '12': 'n', '13': 'd', '14': ' ', '15': 's', '16': 'e', '17': 'v', '18': 'e', '19': 'n', '20': ' ', '21': 'y', '22': 'e', '23': 'a', '24': 'r', '25': 's', '26': ' ', '27': 'a', '28': 'g', '29': 'o', '30': ' ', '31': 'o', '32': 'u', '33': 'r', '34': ' ', '35': 'f', '36': 'o', '37': 'u', '38': 'r', '39': ' ', '40': 'f', '41': 'a', '42': 't', '43': 'h', '44': 'e', '45': 'r', '46': 's' }
根据Apple JavaScript编码指南:
// Create an inner object with a variable x whose default
// value is 3.
function innerObj()
this.x = 3;
innerObj.prototype.clone = function() {
var temp = new innerObj();
for (myvar in this) {
// this object does not contain any objects, so
// use the lightweight copy code.
temp[myvar] = this[myvar];
return temp;
// Create an outer object with a variable y whose default
// value is 77.
function outerObj()
// The outer object contains an inner object. Allocate it here.
this.inner = new innerObj();
this.y = 77;
outerObj.prototype.clone = function() {
var temp = new outerObj();
for (myvar in this) {
if (this[myvar].clone) {
// This variable contains an object with a
// clone operator. Call it to create a copy.
temp[myvar] = this[myvar].clone();
} else {
// This variable contains a scalar value,
// a string value, or an object with no
// clone function. Assign it directly.
temp[myvar] = this[myvar];
return temp;
// Allocate an outer object and assign non-default values to variables in
// both the outer and inner objects.
outer = new outerObj;
outer.inner.x = 4;
outer.y = 16;
// Clone the outer object (which, in turn, clones the inner object).
newouter = outer.clone();
// Verify that both values were copied.
alert('inner x is '+newouter.inner.x); // prints 4
alert('y is '+newouter.y); // prints 16
Jan Turo的上述答案非常接近,由于兼容性问题,可能是在浏览器中使用的最佳选择,但这可能会导致一些奇怪的枚举问题。例如,执行:
for ( var i in someArray ) { ... }
Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, "clone", {
value: function() {
if ( this.cloneNode )
return this.cloneNode( true );
var copy = this instanceof Array ? [] : {};
for( var attr in this )
if ( typeof this[ attr ] == "function" || this[ attr ] == null || !this[ attr ].clone )
copy[ attr ] = this[ attr ];
else if ( this[ attr ] == this )
copy[ attr ] = copy;
copy[ attr ] = this[ attr ].clone();
return copy;
Object.defineProperty( Date.prototype, "clone", {
value: function() {
var copy = new Date();
copy.setTime( this.getTime() );
return copy;
Object.defineProperty( Number.prototype, "clone", { value: function() { return this; } } );
Object.defineProperty( Boolean.prototype, "clone", { value: function() { return this; } } );
Object.defineProperty( String.prototype, "clone", { value: function() { return this; } } );
copiedArr = origArr.filter(function(x){return true})
// Returns true, if one of the parent's children is the target.
// This is useful, for avoiding copyObj() through an infinite loop!
function isChild(target, parent) {
if (toType(parent) == '[object Object]') {
for (var name in parent) {
var curProperty = parent[name];
// Direct child.
if (curProperty = target) return true;
// Check if target is a child of this property, and so on, recursively.
if (toType(curProperty) == '[object Object]' || toType(curProperty) == '[object Array]') {
if (isChild(target, curProperty)) return true;
} else if (toType(parent) == '[object Array]') {
for (var i=0; i < parent.length; i++) {
var curItem = parent[i];
// Direct child.
if (curItem = target) return true;
// Check if target is a child of this property, and so on, recursively.
if (toType(curItem) == '[object Object]' || toType(curItem) == '[object Array]') {
if (isChild(target, curItem)) return true;
return false; // Not the target.