


function clone(obj)
    var cloneObj = Object.create(obj);

    return cloneObj;





它在复制原始对象中未定义值的条目时丢弃这些条目,如果有一些值,如Infinity、NaN等,它们将在复制时转换为null,如果原始对象中存在Date类型,则它将在克隆对象中字符串化(typeof Date_entry-->string)。


var orig_obj = {
  string: 'my_str',
  number: 123,
  bool: false,
  nul: null,
  nested : {
    value : true
  nan : NaN,
  date: new Date(), 
  undef: undefined,
  inf: Infinity,
console.log("original_obj before modification: ", orig_obj, "\n");
console.log(typeof orig_obj.date, "\n");

var clone_obj = Object.assign({}, orig_obj);

//this below loop will help in deep cloning and solving above issues
for(let prop in orig_obj) {
    if(typeof orig_obj[prop] === "object") {
        if(orig_obj[prop] instanceof Date)
            clone_obj[prop] = orig_obj[prop];
        else {
            clone_obj[prop] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig_obj[prop]));

console.log("cloned_obj before modification: ", orig_obj, "\n");

clone_obj.bool = true;
clone_obj.nested.value = "false";

console.log("original_obj post modification: ", orig_obj, "\n");
console.log("cloned_obj post modification: ", clone_obj, "\n");
console.log(typeof clone_obj.date);


对象指定(Object Assign)

根据Apple JavaScript编码指南:

// Create an inner object with a variable x whose default
// value is 3.
function innerObj()
        this.x = 3;
innerObj.prototype.clone = function() {
    var temp = new innerObj();
    for (myvar in this) {
        // this object does not contain any objects, so
        // use the lightweight copy code.
        temp[myvar] = this[myvar];
    return temp;

// Create an outer object with a variable y whose default
// value is 77.
function outerObj()
        // The outer object contains an inner object.  Allocate it here.
        this.inner = new innerObj();
        this.y = 77;
outerObj.prototype.clone = function() {
    var temp = new outerObj();
    for (myvar in this) {
        if (this[myvar].clone) {
            // This variable contains an object with a
            // clone operator.  Call it to create a copy.
            temp[myvar] = this[myvar].clone();
        } else {
            // This variable contains a scalar value,
            // a string value, or an object with no
            // clone function.  Assign it directly.
            temp[myvar] = this[myvar];
    return temp;

// Allocate an outer object and assign non-default values to variables in
// both the outer and inner objects.
outer = new outerObj;
outer.inner.x = 4;
outer.y = 16;

// Clone the outer object (which, in turn, clones the inner object).
newouter = outer.clone();

// Verify that both values were copied.
alert('inner x is '+newouter.inner.x); // prints 4
alert('y is '+newouter.y); // prints 16


老问题的新答案!如果您有幸将ECMAScript 2016(ES6)与Spread Syntax一起使用,这很简单。

keepMeTheSame = {first: "Me!", second: "You!"};
cloned = {...keepMeTheSame}





这种方法非常适合我的用例,因为我将JSON blob存储在一个键值存储中,并且当它们在JavaScript API中作为对象公开时,每个对象实际上都包含对象的原始状态的副本,因此我们可以在调用方对公开的对象进行变异后计算增量。

var object1 = {key:"value"};
var object2 = object1;

object2 = JSON.stringify(object1);
object2 = JSON.parse(object2);

object2.key = "a change";
console.log(object1);// returns value