现在我找到了这个解释:http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7411 -但是“并发性是程序的属性”vs“并行执行是机器的属性”对我来说还不够-我仍然不能说什么是什么。
现在我找到了这个解释:http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7411 -但是“并发性是程序的属性”vs“并行执行是机器的属性”对我来说还不够-我仍然不能说什么是什么。
让我们以家务为例:洗碗,倒垃圾,修剪草坪等,我们有三个人(线程)A, B, C来做这些事情
并发: 三个人独立地开始不同的任务,例如,
A --> cleaning dishes
B --> taking out trash
C --> mowing the lawn
并行: 在这里,如果我们想要提高吞吐量,我们可以分配多个人来完成一项任务,例如,清洁盘子,我们分配两个人,A擦洗盘子,B洗盘子,这可能会提高吞吐量。
A --> soaping the dishes
B --> washing the dishes
What they're trying to discuss is the fact that once upon a time, most computers had only a single CPU. When you executed multiple processes (or threads) on that single CPU, the CPU was only really executing one instruction from one of those threads at a time. The appearance of concurrency was an illusion--the CPU switching between executing instructions from different threads quickly enough that to human perception (to which anything less than 100 ms or so looks instantaneous) it looked like it was doing many things at once.
Now the problem: such a clean distinction has almost never existed. Computer designers are actually fairly intelligent, so they noticed a long time ago that (for example) when you needed to read some data from an I/O device such as a disk, it took a long time (in terms of CPU cycles) to finish. Instead of leaving the CPU idle while that happened, they figured out various ways of letting one process/thread make an I/O request, and let code from some other process/thread execute on the CPU while the I/O request completed.
That's only the tip of the iceberg though. Decades ago, computers started providing another level of parallelism as well. Again, being fairly intelligent people, computer designers noticed that in a lot of cases, they had instructions that didn't affect each other, so it was possible to execute more than one instruction from the same stream at the same time. One early example that became pretty well known was the Control Data 6600. This was (by a fairly wide margin) the fastest computer on earth when it was introduced in 1964--and much of the same basic architecture remains in use today. It tracked the resources used by each instruction, and had a set of execution units that executed instructions as soon as the resources on which they depended became available, very similar to the design of most recent Intel/AMD processors.
But (as the commercials used to say) wait--that's not all. There's yet another design element to add still further confusion. It's been given quite a few different names (e.g., "Hyperthreading", "SMT", "CMP"), but they all refer to the same basic idea: a CPU that can execute multiple threads simultaneously, using a combination of some resources that are independent for each thread, and some resources that are shared between the threads. In a typical case this is combined with the instruction-level parallelism outlined above. To do that, we have two (or more) sets of architectural registers. Then we have a set of execution units that can execute instructions as soon as the necessary resources become available. These often combine well because the instructions from the separate streams virtually never depend on the same resources.
To summarize: the simple scenarios people like to contrast between shared resources and independent resources virtually never happen in real life. With all resources shared, we end up with something like MS-DOS, where we can only run one program at a time, and we have to stop running one before we can run the other at all. With completely independent resources, we have N computers running MS-DOS (without even a network to connect them) with no ability to share anything between them at all (because if we can even share a file, well, that's a shared resource, a violation of the basic premise of nothing being shared).
T1可以在T2之前执行和完成, T2可以在T1之前执行和完成, T1和T2可以在同一个时间实例中同时执行(并行性), T1和T2可以交替执行, ... 如果操作系统安排两个并发线程在一个单核非smt非cmp处理器上运行,您可能会得到并发性而不是并行性。并行在多核、多处理器或分布式系统上是可能的。
让我们以家务为例:洗碗,倒垃圾,修剪草坪等,我们有三个人(线程)A, B, C来做这些事情
并发: 三个人独立地开始不同的任务,例如,
A --> cleaning dishes
B --> taking out trash
C --> mowing the lawn
并行: 在这里,如果我们想要提高吞吐量,我们可以分配多个人来完成一项任务,例如,清洁盘子,我们分配两个人,A擦洗盘子,B洗盘子,这可能会提高吞吐量。
A --> soaping the dishes
B --> washing the dishes
在编程中,并发是独立的组合 执行进程,而并行是同时执行 计算的(可能相关的)。 -安德鲁·格兰德
Concurrency is the composition of independently executing computations. Concurrency is a way to structure software, particularly as a way to write clean code that interacts well with the real world. It is not parallelism. Concurrency is not parallelism, although it enables parallelism. If you have only one processor, your program can still be concurrent but it cannot be parallel. On the other hand, a well-written concurrent program might run efficiently in parallel on a multiprocessor. That property could be important... - Rob Pike -
为了理解其中的区别,我强烈建议你去看看Rob Pike(Golang的创作者之一)的视频。并发不是并行