有人能解释一下脚本语言和程序设计语言的区别吗? 你也可以举一些例子。我谷歌了很多,但我总是从Stack Overflow找到最好的答案。
如果我们从逻辑上看编程语言和脚本语言,这是99.09%相同的。因为我们使用相同的概念,如循环、控制条件、变量等等,所以我们可以说两者都是相同的,但它们之间只有一件事是不同的,那就是在C/ c++和其他编程语言中,我们在执行前编译代码。但在PHP, JavaScript和其他脚本语言中,我们不需要编译,我们直接在浏览器中执行。
谢谢 Nitish K. Jha
编程语言: 编译为机器码并在底层操作系统的硬件上运行。
脚本语言: 是编程语言的非结构子集。这是一般的解释。 它基本上是“脚本”其他事情来做事情。主要的重点不是构建你自己的应用程序,而是让现有的应用程序以你想要的方式运行,例如浏览器的JavaScript, TCL等。
***但也有编程语言被转换为解释器的情况,反之亦然,比如使用C解释器,你可以使用C脚本。 脚本通常用于控制应用程序的行为,而编程语言则用于构建应用程序。 但要注意的是,这种界限正在日益模糊——作为Python的一个例子,它取决于你如何使用这种语言。
Also note that whether a language is a "scripting" language or not can be more about the environment than the language. There's no reason you can't write a C interpreter and use it as a scripting language (and people have). There's also no reason you can't compile JavaScript to machine code and store that in an executable file (and people have). The language Ruby is a good example of this: The original implementation was entirely interpreted (a "scripting" language), but there are now multiple compilers for it.
Lua JavaScript VBScript和VBA Perl
C c++ D Java(但请注意Java被编译为字节码,然后在运行时解释和/或重新编译) 帕斯卡
...然后你就有了像Python这样的东西,它们在两个阵营中都有:Python被广泛使用,没有编译步骤,但主要实现(CPython)是通过动态编译字节码,然后在VM中运行字节码来实现的,它可以将字节码写入文件(。Pyc, .pyo),无需重新编译即可使用。
脚本语言不会被用户编译成机器码(python、perl、shell等)。相反,另一个程序(称为解释器,运行程序并模拟其行为) 一些不是脚本的编程语言(C、c++、Haskell和其他“编译”语言)被编译成机器代码,然后运行。
在世界还很年轻的时候,在PC世界中,你可以从。exe或。bat中选择,描述很简单。Unix系统一直都有shell脚本(/bin/sh, /bin/csh, /bin/ksh等)和编译语言(C/ c++ /Fortran)。
To differentiate roles and responsibilities, the compiled languages (often referred to as 3rd Generation Languages) were seen a 'programming' languages and 'scripting' languages were seen as those that invoked an interpreter (often referred to as 4th Generation Languages). Scripting languages were often used as 'glue' to connect between multiple commands/compiled programs so that the user didn't have to worry about a set of steps in order to carry out their task - they developed a single file, that delineated what steps they wanted to accomplish, and this became a 'script' for anyone to follow.
Various people/groups wrote new interpreters to solve a specific problem domain. awk is one of the better-known ones, and it was used mostly for pattern matching and applying a series of data transforms on input. It worked well, but had a limited problem domain. The expansion of that domain was all but impossible because the source code was unavailable. Perl (Larry Wall, principle author/architect) tool scripting to the next level - and developed an interpreter that not only allowed the user to run system commands, manipulate input and output data, supported typeless variables, but also to access Unix system level APIs as functions from within the scripts themselves. It was probably one of the first widely used high-level scripting languages. It is with Perl (IMHO) that scripting languages crossed the arbitrary line and added the capabilities of programming languages.
你的问题是关于Python的。因为python解释器是针对包含python代码的文本文件运行的,而且python代码可以在任何有python解释器的地方运行,所以我认为它是一种脚本语言(与Perl相同)。您不需要为每个不同的OS/CPU架构重新编译用户python命令文件(就像使用C/ c++ /Fortran一样),这使得它更易于移植和使用。
这个答案要归功于杰罗德·海曼(Jerrold Heyman)。 原帖:https://www.researchgate.net/post/Is_Python_a_Programming_language_or_Scripting_Language
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