const x = 'const';
const x = 'not-const';
// Will give an error: 'constant 'x' has already been defined'
我意识到它还没有在所有浏览器上标准化——但我只对Node.js V8的环境感兴趣,我注意到某些开发人员/项目似乎非常喜欢它,当var关键字可以用于同样的效果时。
The human-related aspect is about the semantics of the keyword. A variable is a data structure that contains information that is expected to change. A constant is a data structure that contains information that will never change. If there is room for error, var should always be used. However, not all information that never changes in the lifetime of a program needs to be declared with const. If under different circumstances the information should change, use var to indicate that, even if the actual change doesn't appear in your code.
When it comes to var, since ES6 is out, I never used it in production code and can't think of a use case for it. One point that might consider one to use it is JavaScript hoisting - while let and const are not hoisted, var declaration is. Yet, beware that variables declared with var have a function scope, not a block scope («if declared outside any function, they will be globally available throughout the program; if declared within a function, they are only available within the function itself», in HackerRank - Variable Declaration Keywords). You can think of let as the block scoped version of var.