我知道color bf命令设置了整个命令行窗口的颜色,但我想打印不同颜色的单行。


有一个公认的答案,已经有超过250个赞了。我仍然在贡献的原因是,许多编辑器(例如,我正在使用MS Code)不接受回显所需的转义字符,所有其他解决方案都需要一些第三方(非windows默认)软件。




    :: Do not pollute environment with the %prompt.bak% variable
    :: ! forgetting ENDLOCAL at the end of the batch leads to prompt corruption

    :: Old prompt settings backup
    SET prompt.bak=%PROMPT%

    :: Entering the "ECHO"-like section

        :: Forcing prompt to display after every command (see below)
        ECHO ON

        :: Setting the prompt using the ANSI Escape sequence(s)
        :: - Always start with $E[1A, otherwise the text would appear on a next line
        :: - Then the decorated text follows
        :: - And it all ends with $E30;40m, which makes the following command invisible
        ::   - assuming default background color of the screen
        @ PROMPT $E[1A$E[30;42mHELLO$E[30;40m

        :: An "empty" command that forces the prompt to display. 
        :: The word "rem" is displayed along with the prompt text but is made invisible

        :: Just another text to display
        @ PROMPT $E[1A$E[33;41mWORLD$E[30;40m

        :: Leaving the "ECHO"-like section
        @ECHO OFF

    :: Or a more readable version utilizing the cursor manipulation ASCII ESC sequences

        :: the initial sequence
        PROMPT $E[1A
        :: formating commands
        PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[32;44m
        :: the text
        PROMPT %PROMPT%This is an "ECHO"ed text...
        :: new line; 2000 is to move to the left "a lot"
        PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[1B$E[2000D
        :: formating commands fro the next line
        PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[33;47m
        :: the text (new line)
        PROMPT %PROMPT%...spreading over two lines
        :: the closing sequence
        PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[30;40m

        :: Looks like this without the intermediate comments:
        :: PROMPT $E[1A
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[32;44m
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%This is an "ECHO"ed text...
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[1B$E[2000D
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[33;47m
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%...spreading over two lines
        :: PROMPT %PROMPT%$E[30;40m

        :: show it all at once!
        ECHO ON
        @ECHO OFF

    :: End of "ECHO"-ing

    :: Setting prompt back to its original value
    :: - We prepend the settings with $E[37;40m in case
    ::   the original prompt settings do not specify color
    ::   (as they don't by default).
    :: - If they do, the $E[37;40m will become overridden, anyway.
    :: ! It is important to write this command 
    ::   as it is with `ENDLOCAL` and in the `&` form.
    ENDLOCAL & PROMPT $E[37;40m%prompt.bak%






演示如何获取和使用“Esc”字符运行时(而不是将其输入到编辑器中)(Jeb的解决方案) 使用“本机”ECHO命令 因此它不会影响本地PROMPT值 演示了给ECHO输出上色不可避免地会影响PROMPT颜色,所以颜色必须重置


    :: ! To observe color effects on prompt below in this script
    ::   run the script from a fresh cmd window with no custom
    ::   prompt settings

    :: Only not to pollute the environment with the %\e% variable (see below)
    :: Not needed because of the `PROMPT` variable

        :: Parsing the `escape` character (ASCII 27) to a %\e% variable
        :: Use %\e% in place of `Esc` in the [http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php]
        FOR /F "delims=#" %%E IN ('"prompt #$E# & FOR %%E IN (1) DO rem"') DO SET "\e=%%E"

        :: Demonstrate that prompt did not get corrupted by the previous FOR
        ECHO ON
        rem : After for
        @ECHO OFF

        :: Some fancy ASCII ESC staff
        ECHO [          ]
        FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,10) DO (
            TIMEOUT /T 1 > NUL
            ECHO %\e%[1A%\e%[%%GC%\e%[31;43m.
            ECHO %\e%[1A%\e%[11C%\e%[37;40m]

        :: ECHO another decorated text
        :: - notice the `%\e%[30C` cursor positioning sequence
        ::   for the sake of the "After ECHO" test below
        ECHO %\e%[1A%\e%[13C%\e%[32;47mHELLO WORLD%\e%[30C

        :: Demonstrate that prompt did not get corrupted by ECHOing
        :: neither does the cursor positioning take effect.
        :: ! But the color settings do.
        ECHO ON
        rem : After ECHO
        @ECHO OFF


    :: Demonstrate that color settings do not reset
    :: even when out of the SETLOCAL scope
    rem : After ENDLOCAL

    :: Reset the `PROMPT` color
    :: - `PROMPT` itself is untouched so we did not need to backup it.
    :: - Still ECHOING in color apparently collide with user color cmd settings (if any).
    :: ! Resetting `PROMPT` color this way extends the `PROMPT`
    ::   by the initial `$E[37;40m` sequence every time the script runs.
    :: - Better solution then would be to end every (or last) `ECHO` command
    ::   with the `%\e%[37;40m` sequence and avoid setting `PROMPT` altogether.
    ::   which makes this technique preferable to the previous one (before EDIT)
    :: - I am keeping it this way only to be able to
    ::   demonstrate the `ECHO` color effects on the `PROMPT` above.
    PROMPT $E[37;40m%PROMPT%

    rem : After PROMPT color reset



这不是一个很好的答案,但如果你知道目标工作站有Powershell,你可以这样做(假设BAT / CMD脚本):

CALL:ECHORED "Print me in red!"

%Windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe write-host -foregroundcolor Red %1




路径不需要指定,因为它应该已经在环境变量中。 明确的命令可以缩写。例如,你可以: 使用-fore代替-foregroundcolor 使用-back代替-backgroundcolor 这个命令也可以在“内联”中代替echo (而不是像上面那样创建一个单独的批处理文件)。


powershell write-host -fore Cyan This is Cyan text
powershell write-host -back Red This is Red background


完整的颜色列表和更多信息可在 - PowerShell Write-Host文档



I'm adding an answer to address an issue noted in some comments above: that inline ansi color codes can misbehave when inside a FOR loop (actually, within any parenthesized block of code). The .bat code below demonstrates (1) the use of inline color codes, (2) the color failure that can occur when inline color codes are used in a FOR loop or within a parenthesized block of code, and (3) a solution to the problem. When the .bat code executes, tests 2 and 3 demonstrate the colorcode failure, and test 4 shows no failure because it implements the solution.


   echo success | (findstr /R success)



@goto :main
rem  The resetANSI subroutine is used to fix the colorcode
rem  bug, even though it appears to do nothing.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem  Define some useful colorcode vars:
for /F "delims=#" %%E in ('"prompt #$E# & for %%E in (1) do rem"') do set "ESCchar=%%E"
set "green=%ESCchar%[92m"
set "yellow=%ESCchar%[93m"
set "magenta=%ESCchar%[95m"
set "cyan=%ESCchar%[96m"
set "white=%ESCchar%[97m"
set "black=%ESCchar%[30m"

echo %white%Test 1 is NOT in a FOR loop nor within parentheses, and color works right.
   echo %yellow%[Test 1] %green%This is Green, %magenta%this is Magenta, and %yellow%this is Yellow.
   echo %Next, the string 'success' will be piped to FINDSTR...
   echo success | findstr /R success
   echo %magenta%This is magenta and FINDSTR found and displayed 'success'.%yellow%
   echo %green%This is green.
echo %cyan%Test 1 completed.

echo %white%Test 2 is within parentheses, and color stops working after the pipe to FINDSTR.
(  echo %yellow%[Test 2] %green%This is Green, %magenta%this is Magenta, and %yellow%this is Yellow.
   echo %Next, the string 'success' will be piped to FINDSTR...
   echo success | findstr /R success
   echo %magenta%This is supposed to be magenta and FINDSTR found and displayed 'success'.
   echo %green%This is supposed to be green.
echo %cyan%Test 2 completed.

echo %white%Test 3 is within a FOR loop, and color stops working after the pipe to FINDSTR.
for /L %%G in (3,1,3) do (
   echo %yellow%[Test %%G] %green%This is Green, %magenta%this is Magenta, and %yellow%this is Yellow.
   echo %Next, the string 'success' will be piped to FINDSTR...
   echo success | findstr /R success
   echo %magenta%This is supposed to be magenta and FINDSTR found and displayed 'success'.
   echo %green%This is supposed to be green.
echo %cyan%Test 3 completed.

echo %white%Test 4 is in a FOR loop but color works right because subroutine :resetANSI is 
echo called after the pipe to FINDSTR, before the next color code is used.
for /L %%G in (4,1,4) do (
   echo %yellow%[Test %%G] %green%This is Green, %magenta%this is Magenta, and %yellow%this is Yellow.
   echo %Next, the string 'success' will be piped to FINDSTR...
   echo success | findstr /R success
   call :resetANSI
   echo %magenta%This is magenta and FINDSTR found and displayed 'success'.
   echo %green%This is green.
echo %cyan%Test 4 completed.%white%


Solution for changing the foreground and background colors and writing without new lines. It does not create any temporary files. No special editors are required, so Notepad can be used for editing. The first parameter for the :color subroutine is the color code, the rest of the (optional) parameters are the text to display. If the last parameter is $ then a new line is written at the end. The color codes are the same as for the color command. The :echo subroutine can be used to display a text without new line (unlike regular echo).

@echo off
call :color 4
call :echo Red foreground
call :color 7 " and "
call :color 4f
echo Red background

call :color 
echo Back to normal

call :color 70 "Black "
call :color 1 "Blue "
call :color 2 "Green "
call :color 3 "Aqua "
call :color 4 "Red "
call :color 5 "Purple "
call :color 6 "Yellow "
call :color 7 "White "
call :color 8 "Gray "
call :color 9 "LightBlue" $
call :color a "LightGreen "
call :color b "LightAqua "
call :color c "LightRed "
call :color d "LightPurple "
call :color e "LightYellow "
call :color f "BrightWhite " $

call :color 1f Blue back
call :color 2f Green back
call :color 3f Aqua back
call :color 4f Red back
call :color 5f Purple back
call :color 6f Yellow back
call :color 7f White back
call :color 8f Gray back
call :color 9f "LightBlue back" $
call :color a0 LightGreen back
call :color b0 LightAqua back
call :color c0 LightRed back
call :color d0 LightPurple back
call :color e0 LightYellow back
call :color f0 LightWhite back $

call :color
echo %ESC%[4mUnderline%ESC%[0m.

goto :eof

:: Displays a text without new line at the end (unlike echo)
@<nul set /p ="%*"
@goto :eof

:: Change color to the first parameter (same codes as for the color command) 
:: And display the other parameters (write $ at the end for new line)
@echo off
IF [%ESC%] == [] for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"
SET color=0%1
IF [%color%] == [0] SET color=07
SET fore=%color:~-1%
SET back=%color:~-2,1% 
SET color=%ESC%[
if %fore% LEQ 7 (
  if %fore% == 0 SET color=%ESC%[30
  if %fore% == 1 SET color=%ESC%[34
  if %fore% == 2 SET color=%ESC%[32
  if %fore% == 3 SET color=%ESC%[36
  if %fore% == 4 SET color=%ESC%[31
  if %fore% == 5 SET color=%ESC%[35
  if %fore% == 6 SET color=%ESC%[33
  if %fore% == 7 SET color=%ESC%[37
) ELSE (
  if %fore% == 8 SET color=%ESC%[90
  if %fore% == 9  SET color=%ESC%[94
  if /i %fore% == a SET color=%ESC%[92
  if /i %fore% == b SET color=%ESC%[96
  if /i %fore% == c SET color=%ESC%[91
  if /i %fore% == d SET color=%ESC%[95
  if /i %fore% == e SET color=%ESC%[93
  if /i %fore% == f SET color=%ESC%[97
if %back% == 0 (SET color=%color%;40) ELSE (
  if %back% == 1 SET color=%color%;44
  if %back% == 2 SET color=%color%;42
  if %back% == 3 SET color=%color%;46
  if %back% == 4 SET color=%color%;41
  if %back% == 5 SET color=%color%;45
  if %back% == 6 SET color=%color%;43
  if %back% == 7 SET color=%color%;47
  if %back% == 8 SET color=%color%;100
  if %back% == 9  SET color=%color%;104
  if /i %back% == a SET color=%color%;102
  if /i %back% == b SET color=%color%;106
  if /i %back% == c SET color=%color%;101
  if /i %back% == d SET color=%color%;105
  if /i %back% == e SET color=%color%;103
  if /i %back% == f SET color=%color%;107
SET color=%color%m
if [%2] NEQ [$] SET color=%color%%~2
if [%2] NEQ [] if [%2] NEQ [$] SET color=%color% & goto :repeatcolor
if [%2] EQU [$] (echo %color%) else (<nul set /p ="%color%")
goto :eof


@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
  set "DEL=%%a"

call :ColorText 0a "green"
call :ColorText 0C "red"
call :ColorText 0b "cyan"
call :ColorText 19 "blue"
call :ColorText 2F "white"
call :ColorText 4e "yellow"

goto :eof

echo off
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
goto :eof

运行color /?得到一个颜色列表。