
From what I have been reading, I see that the factory method pattern allows you to define how to create a single concrete product but hiding the implementation from the client as they will see a generic product. My first question is about the abstract factory. Is its role to allow you to create families of concrete objects in (that can depend on what specific factory you use) rather than just a single concrete object? Does the abstract factory only return one very large object or many objects depending on what methods you call?


两者之间的一个区别是 使用抽象工厂模式,a 类委托的责任 对象实例化到另一个对象 通过合成,而工厂 方法模式使用继承和 类依赖于子类来处理 所需的对象实例化。














abstract factory design pattern with realtime example: what is an abstract factory design pattern? It is similar to the factory method design pattern. we need to use this pattern when we have multiple factories. there will be a grouping of factories defined in this pattern. factory method pattern is a subset of abstract factory design pattern. They have the same advantages as factory patterns. abstract factory relies on object composition whereas the factory method deals with inheritance. factory design pattern in java with a realtime example: what is the factory design pattern? it is mostly used design in object-oriented programming. It is one of the creational patterns. it is all about creating instances. Clients will create the object without exposed to object creational logic. it is widely used in different frameworks ex: the spring framework. we use this pattern when the class doesn’t know the objects of another it must create. Realtime example: when our car breaks down on the road. We need to inform the repairman about what type of vehicle we are using so that repairman will carry tools to fix the repair. as per our input, the repairman will fix the issue and make it ready for us to travel again. There are a few built-in methods that use these patterns. example getInstance() method in JavaUtilcalendar class. With help of getInstance(), we can get objects whenever we execute this method. Javautilcalendar : getInstance() is method return object. https://trendydevx.com/factory-design-pattern-in-java-with-realtime-example/

抽象工厂:工厂中的工厂;将独立但相关/依赖的工厂分组在一起,而不指定它们的具体类的工厂。 抽象工厂实例

Factory:它提供了一种将实例化逻辑委托给子类的方法。 工厂模式示例


generation 1 <- generation 2 <- generation 3
(generation 1) shape <- (generation 2) rectangle, oval <- (generation 3) rectangle impressionism, rectangle surrealism, oval impressionism, oval surrealism



这是一种创造模式,允许你在一个简单的地方创建第2代。它符合SRP和OCP -所有的更改都在一个类中进行。

enum ShapeType {

class Shape {}

//Concrete Products
//generation 2
class Rectangle extends Shape {}
class Oval extends Shape {}

class Factory {
    Shape createShape(ShapeType type) {

        switch (type) {
            case RECTANGLE:
                return new Rectangle();
            case OVAL:
                return new Oval();

class Painter {

    private Factory factory;

    Painter(Factory factory) {
        this.factory = factory;

    Shape prepareShape(ShapeType type) {
        return factory.createShape(type);

class Main {
    void main() {
        Painter painter = new Painter(new Factory());

        Shape shape1 = painter.prepareShape(ShapeType.RECTANGLE);
        Shape shape2 = painter.prepareShape(ShapeType.OVAL);




enum ShapeType {

class Shape {}

//Concrete Products
//generation 2
class Rectangle extends Shape {}
class Oval extends Shape {}

//generation 3
class RectangleImpressionism extends Rectangle {}
class OvalImpressionism extends Oval {}
class RectangleSurrealism extends Rectangle {}
class OvalSurrealism extends Oval {}

abstract class Painter {

    Shape prepareShape(ShapeType type) {
        return createShape(type);

    //Factory method
    abstract Shape createShape(ShapeType type);

//Concrete Creators
class PainterImpressionism {

    Shape createShape(ShapeType type) {
        switch (type) {
            case RECTANGLE:
                return new RectangleImpressionism();
            case OVAL:
                return new OvalImpressionism();

class PainterSurrealism {

    Shape createShape(ShapeType type) {
        switch (type) {
            case RECTANGLE:
                return new RectangleSurrealism();
            case OVAL:
                return new OvalSurrealism();

class Main {
    void main() {
        Painter painterImpressionism = new PainterImpressionism();
        Shape shape1 = painterImpressionism.prepareShape(ShapeType.RECTANGLE);

        Painter painterSurrealism = new PainterSurrealism();
        Shape shape2 = painterSurrealism.prepareShape(ShapeType.RECTANGLE);




//Concrete Products
//generation 2
class Rectangle extends Shape {}
class Oval extends Shape {}

//generation 3
class RectangleImpressionism extends Rectangle {}
class OvalImpressionism extends Oval {}
class RectangleSurrealism extends Rectangle {}
class OvalSurrealism extends Oval {}

//Abstract Factory
interface Factory {
    Rectangle createRectangle();
    Oval createOval();

//Concrete Factories
class ImpressionismFactory implements Factory {
    public Rectangle createRectangle() {
        return new RectangleImpressionism();

    public Oval createOval() {
        return new OvalImpressionism();

class SurrealismFactory implements Factory {
    public Rectangle createRectangle() {
        return new RectangleSurrealism();

    public Oval createOval() {
        return new OvalSurrealism();

class Painter {

    Rectangle rectangle;
    Oval oval;

    Painter(Factory factory) {
        rectangle = factory.createRectangle();

        oval = factory.createOval();

class Main {
    void main() {
        Painter painter1 = new Painter(new ImpressionismFactory());
        Shape shape1 = painter1.rectangle;
        Shape shape2 = painter1.oval;

        Painter painter2 = new Painter(new ImpressionismFactory());
        Shape shape3 = painter2.rectangle;
        Shape shape4 = painter1.oval;







Factory Method is used to create one product only but Abstract Factory is about creating families of related or dependent products. Factory Method pattern exposes a method to the client for creating the object whereas in the case of Abstract Factory they expose a family of related objects which may consist of these Factory methods. Factory Method pattern hides the construction of a single object whereas Abstract Factory hides the construction of a family of related objects. Abstract factories are usually implemented using (a set of) factory methods. Abstract Factory pattern uses composition to delegate the responsibility of creating an object to another class while Factory Method design pattern uses inheritance and relies on a derived class or subclass to create an object. The idea behind the Factory Method pattern is that it allows for the case where a client doesn't know what concrete classes it will be required to create at runtime, but just wants to get a class that will do the job while Abstract Factory pattern is best utilized when your system has to create multiple families of products or you want to provide a library of products without exposing the implementation details.!

