
From what I have been reading, I see that the factory method pattern allows you to define how to create a single concrete product but hiding the implementation from the client as they will see a generic product. My first question is about the abstract factory. Is its role to allow you to create families of concrete objects in (that can depend on what specific factory you use) rather than just a single concrete object? Does the abstract factory only return one very large object or many objects depending on what methods you call?


两者之间的一个区别是 使用抽象工厂模式,a 类委托的责任 对象实例化到另一个对象 通过合成,而工厂 方法模式使用继承和 类依赖于子类来处理 所需的对象实例化。





比起工厂方法,我更喜欢抽象工厂。从Tom Dalling上面的例子(顺便说一句,解释得很好)中,我们可以看到抽象工厂是更可组合的,因为我们所需要做的只是将一个不同的工厂传递给构造函数(这里使用构造函数依赖注入)。但是工厂方法要求我们引入一个新类(需要管理更多的东西)并使用子类化。总是选择组合而不是继承。


比起工厂方法,我更喜欢抽象工厂。从Tom Dalling上面的例子(顺便说一句,解释得很好)中,我们可以看到抽象工厂是更可组合的,因为我们所需要做的只是将一个不同的工厂传递给构造函数(这里使用构造函数依赖注入)。但是工厂方法要求我们引入一个新类(需要管理更多的东西)并使用子类化。总是选择组合而不是继承。




class FactoryProgram
        static void Main()
            object myType = Program.MyFactory("byte");

            myType = Program.MyFactory("float"); //3


        static object MyFactory(string typeName)
            object desiredType = null; //1
            switch (typeName)
                case "byte": desiredType = new System.Byte(); break; //2
                case "long": desiredType = new System.Int64(); break;
                case "float": desiredType = new System.Single(); break;
                default: throw new System.NotImplementedException();
            return desiredType;

这里的要点:1。Factory和AbstractFactory机制必须使用继承(System。对象->字节,浮点…所以如果你在程序中有继承,那么根据设计2,工厂(抽象工厂很可能不在那里)已经在那里了。Creator (MyFactory)知道具体类型,因此返回具体类型对象给调用者(Main);在抽象工厂中,返回类型是一个接口。

interface IVehicle { string VehicleName { get; set; } }
interface IVehicleFactory
        IVehicle CreateSingleVehicle(string vehicleType);
class HondaFactory : IVehicleFactory
        public IVehicle CreateSingleVehicle(string vehicleType)
            switch (vehicleType)
                case "Sports": return new SportsBike();
                case "Regular":return new RegularBike();
                default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Vehicle '{0}' cannot be created", vehicleType));
class HeroFactory : IVehicleFactory
        public IVehicle CreateSingleVehicle(string vehicleType)
            switch (vehicleType)
                case "Sports":  return new SportsBike();
                case "Scooty": return new Scooty();
                case "DarkHorse":return new DarkHorseBike();
                default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Vehicle '{0}' cannot be created", vehicleType));

class RegularBike : IVehicle { public string VehicleName { get { return "Regular Bike- Name"; } set { VehicleName = value; } } }
class SportsBike : IVehicle { public string VehicleName { get { return "Sports Bike- Name"; } set { VehicleName = value; } } }
class RegularScooter : IVehicle { public string VehicleName { get { return "Regular Scooter- Name"; } set { VehicleName = value; } } }
class Scooty : IVehicle { public string VehicleName { get { return "Scooty- Name"; } set { VehicleName = value; } } }
class DarkHorseBike : IVehicle { public string VehicleName { get { return "DarkHorse Bike- Name"; } set { VehicleName = value; } } }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IVehicleFactory honda = new HondaFactory(); //1
        RegularBike hondaRegularBike = (RegularBike)honda.CreateSingleVehicle("Regular"); //2
        SportsBike hondaSportsBike = (SportsBike)honda.CreateSingleVehicle("Sports");
        Console.WriteLine("******* Honda **********"+hondaRegularBike.VehicleName+ hondaSportsBike.VehicleName);

        IVehicleFactory hero = new HeroFactory();
        DarkHorseBike heroDarkHorseBike = (DarkHorseBike)hero.CreateSingleVehicle("DarkHorse");
        SportsBike heroSportsBike = (SportsBike)hero.CreateSingleVehicle("Sports");
        Scooty heroScooty = (Scooty)hero.CreateSingleVehicle("Scooty");
        Console.WriteLine("******* Hero **********"+heroDarkHorseBike.VehicleName + heroScooty.VehicleName+ heroSportsBike.VehicleName);


Important points: 1. Requirement: Honda would create "Regular", "Sports" but Hero would create "DarkHorse", "Sports" and "Scooty". 2. why two interfaces? One for manufacturer type(IVehicleFactory) and another for product factory(IVehicle); other way to understand 2 interfaces is abstract factory is all about creating related objects 2. The catch is the IVehicleFactory's children returning and IVehicle(instead of concrete in factory); so I get parent variable(IVehicle); then I create actual concrete type by calling CreateSingleVehicle and then casting parent object to actual child object. What would happen if I do RegularBike heroRegularBike = (RegularBike)hero.CreateSingleVehicle("Regular");; you will get ApplicationException and that's why we need generic abstract factory which I would explain if required. Hope it helps from beginner to intermediate audience.






在这种情况下,BundleFactory是抽象工厂,BroadbandFactory, PhonelineFactory和MobileFactory是工厂。为了进一步简化,这些工厂将使用工厂方法初始化各个产品。


public class BroadbandFactory : IFactory {
    public static Broadband CreateStandardInstance() {
        // broadband product creation logic goes here

public class PhonelineFactory : IFactory {
    public static Phoneline CreateStandardInstance() {
        // phoneline product creation logic goes here

public class MobileFactory : IFactory {
    public static Mobile CreateStandardInstance() {
        // mobile product creation logic goes here

public class BundleFactory : IAbstractFactory {

    public static Bundle CreateBundle() {
        broadband = BroadbandFactory.CreateStandardInstance();
        phoneline = PhonelineFactory.CreateStandardInstance();
        mobile = MobileFactory.CreateStandardInstance();

        applySomeDiscountOrWhatever(broadband, phoneline, mobile);

    private static void applySomeDiscountOrWhatever(Broadband bb, Phoneline pl, Mobile m) {
        // some logic here
        // maybe manange some variables and invoke some other methods/services/etc.
