
class MyClass {
    private $firstField;
    private $secondField;

    public function getFirstField() {
        return $this->firstField;
    public function setFirstField($x) {
        $this->firstField = $x;
    public function getSecondField() {
        return $this->secondField;
    public function setSecondField($x) {
        $this->secondField = $x;


class MyClass {
    public $firstField;
    public $secondField;




define a __get() (magical global getters) for all those properties which are alike, group them in arrays so: they'll share common characteristics: monetary values will/may come up properly formatted, dates in an specific layout (ISO, US, Intl.), etc. the code itself can verify that only existing & allowed properties are being read using this magical method. whenever you need to create a new similar property, just declare it and add its name to the proper array and it's done. That's way FASTER than defining a new getter, perhaps with some lines of code REPEATED again and again all over the class code.


Magic setter也可以只响应特定的属性,因此可以单独在一个方法中筛选所有日期类型属性的无效值。如果日期类型属性列在数组中,则可以轻松定义它们的setter。当然,这只是一个例子。有太多的情况。

About readability... Well... That's another debate: I don't like to be bound to the uses of an IDE (in fact, I don't use them, they tend to tell me (and force me) how to write... and I have my likes about coding "beauty"). I tend to be consistent about naming, so using ctags and a couple of other aids is sufficient to me... Anyway: once all this magic setters and getters are done, I write the other setters that are too specific or "special" to be generalized in a __set() method. And that covers all I need about getting and setting properties. Of course: there's not always a common ground, or there are such a few properties that is not worth the trouble of coding a magical method, and then there's still the old good traditional setter/getter pair.



Well, PHP does have magic methods __get, __set, __isset & __unset, which is always a start. Alas proper (get it?) OO properties is more than magic methods. The main problem with PHP's implementation is that magic methods are called for all inaccessible properties. Which means you have to Repeat Yourself (eg. by calling property_exists()) in the magic methods when determining if name is actually a property of your object. And you can't really solve this general problem with a base class unless all your classes inherit from ie. ClassWithProperties, since PHP lacks multiple inheritance.



There are many ways to create sourcecode in a netbeans-convention. This is nice. It makes thinks such easyer === FALSE. Just use the traditionel, specially if you are not sure which one of the properties should be encapsuled and which one not. I know, it is a boi.... pla... code, but for debugging-works and many other thinks it is the better, clear way. Dont spend to much time with thousend of arts how to make simple getters and setters. You cannot implement too some design patterns like the demeter-rule and so on, if you use magics. In specific situation you can use magic_calls or for small, fast and clear solutions. Sure you could make solutions for design-patters in this way too, but why to make you live more difficult.

我做了一个实验,使用神奇的方法__call。 不确定我是否应该发布它(因为在其他的回答和评论中都有“不要使用魔法方法”的警告),但我将把它留在这里。以防有人觉得有用。

public function __call($_name, $_arguments){
    $action  = substr($_name, 0, 4);
    $varName = substr($_name, 4);

    if (isset($this->{$varName})){
        if ($action === "get_") return $this->{$varName};
        if ($action === "set_") $this->{$varName} = $_arguments[0];


class MyClass{
    private foo = "bar";
    private bom = "bim";
    // ...
    // public function __call(){ ... }
    // ...
$C = new MyClass();

// as getter
$C->get_foo(); // return "bar"
$C->get_bom(); // return "bim"

// as setter
$C->set_foo("abc"); // set "abc" as new value of foo
$C->set_bom("zam"); // set "zam" as new value of bom



private $callWhiteList = array(
    "foo" => "foo",
    "fee" => "fee",
    // ...

public function __call($_name, $_arguments){
    $action  = substr($_name, 0, 4);
    $varName = $this->callWhiteList[substr($_name, 4)];

    if (!is_null($varName) && isset($this->{$varName})){
        if ($action === "get_") return $this->{$varName};
        if ($action === "set_") $this->{$varName} = $_arguments[0];

现在你只能获取/设置“foo”和“fee”。 您还可以使用“白名单”分配自定义名称来访问您的vars。 例如,

private $callWhiteList = array(
    "myfoo" => "foo",
    "zim" => "bom",
    // ...


class MyClass{
    private foo = "bar";
    private bom = "bim";
    // ...
    // private $callWhiteList = array( ... )
    // public function __call(){ ... }
    // ...
$C = new MyClass();

// as getter
$C->get_myfoo(); // return "bar"
$C->get_zim(); // return "bim"

// as setter
$C->set_myfoo("abc"); // set "abc" as new value of foo
$C->set_zim("zam"); // set "zam" as new value of bom

. . . 这是所有。

道格: 在对象上下文中调用不可访问的方法时触发__call()。



class Foo {
   public $bar; // should be an integer
$foo = new Foo;
$foo->bar = "string";


class Foo {
   public int bar;
Foo myFoo = new Foo();
myFoo.bar = "string"; // error


除了这里已经很好的和受人尊敬的答案之外,我还想扩展一下没有setter /getter的PHP。





偏好:个人而言,作为我的经验法则,我接受静态代码分析的失败 作为避免走上这条神奇之路的标志,只要我当时没有明显的长期利益。


一个常见的论点是可读性。例如,$someobject->width比$someobject->width()更容易读取。然而,与行星的周长或宽度可以假定为静态的不同,对象的实例(例如$someobject)需要一个width函数,可能需要测量对象的实例宽度。 因此,可读性的提高主要是因为确定的命名方案,而不是通过隐藏输出给定属性值的函数。

__get / __set使用:

属性值的预验证和预清理 字符串。 " 一些{mathsobj1->generatelatex}多 行文本{mathsobj1->latexoutput} {mathsobj1->generatelatex}有很多变量 一些原因 " 在这种情况下,generatelatex将遵循actionname + methodname的命名方案 特殊的,明显的案例 dnastringobj - >同源框(one_rememberable_parameter美元)- >千钧一发——> findrelated () dnastringobj - >同源框(one_rememberable_parameter美元)- > gttccaatttga - > findrelated ()

注意:PHP选择不实现getter/setter语法。我并不是说getter /setter一般都不好。