open data class Resource (var id: Long = 0, var location: String = "")
data class Book (var isbn: String) : Resource()
open class Resource (open var id: Long = 0, open var location: String = "")
data class Book (
override var id: Long = 0,
override var location: String = "",
var isbn: String
) : Resource()
abstract class ResourceId(open val basePath: BasePath, open val id: Id) {
// non of the subtypes inherit this... unfortunately...
override fun toString(): String = "/${basePath.value}/${id.value}"
data class UserResourceId(override val id: UserId) : ResourceId(UserBasePath, id)
data class LocationResourceId(override val id: LocationId) : ResourceId(LocationBasePath, id)
Assuming our User and Location entities return their appropriate resource IDs (UserResourceId and LocationResourceId respectively), calling toString() on any ResourceId could result in quite a nice little representation that is generally valid for all subtypes: /users/4587, /locations/23, etc. Unfortunately, because non of the subtypes inherited to overridden toString() method from the abstract base ResourceId, calling toString() actually results in a less pretty representation: <UserResourceId(id=UserId(value=4587))>, <LocationResourceId(id=LocationId(value=23))>
abstract class ResourceId(open val basePath: BasePath, open val id: Id) {
// non of the subtypes inherit this... unfortunately...
override fun toString(): String = "/${basePath.value}/${id.value}"
data class UserResourceId(override val id: UserId) : ResourceId(UserBasePath, id)
data class LocationResourceId(override val id: LocationId) : ResourceId(LocationBasePath, id)
Assuming our User and Location entities return their appropriate resource IDs (UserResourceId and LocationResourceId respectively), calling toString() on any ResourceId could result in quite a nice little representation that is generally valid for all subtypes: /users/4587, /locations/23, etc. Unfortunately, because non of the subtypes inherited to overridden toString() method from the abstract base ResourceId, calling toString() actually results in a less pretty representation: <UserResourceId(id=UserId(value=4587))>, <LocationResourceId(id=LocationId(value=23))>
Kotlin Traits可以提供帮助。
interface IBase {
val prop:String
interface IDerived : IBase {
val derived_prop:String
data class Base(override val prop:String) : IBase
data class Derived(override val derived_prop:String,
private val base:IBase) : IDerived, IBase by base
val b = Base("base")
val d = Derived("derived", b)
print(d.prop) //prints "base", accessing base class property
print(d.derived_prop) //prints "derived"
data class Base(override val prop:Any) : IBase, Parcelable
@Parcelize // works fine
data class Derived(override val derived_prop:Any,
private val base:IBase) : IBase by base, IDerived, Parcelable
open class BaseEntity (
@ColumnInfo(name = "name") var name: String? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "description") var description: String? = null,
// ...
@Entity(tableName = "items", indices = [Index(value = ["item_id"])])
data class CustomEntity(
@ColumnInfo(name = "id") var id: Long? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "item_id") var itemId: Long = 0,
@ColumnInfo(name = "item_color") var color: Int? = null
) : BaseEntity()