表名应该是复数吗? 列名应该是单数吗? 我应该为表或列添加前缀吗? 我应该在命名项目时使用大小写吗?
表名应该是复数吗? 列名应该是单数吗? 我应该为表或列添加前缀吗? 我应该在命名项目时使用大小写吗?
表名为单数。假设您正在建模某人与其地址之间的关系。 例如,如果您正在读取一个数据模型,您会选择 每个人可以住在0、1或多个地址。”或 每个人可以住在0、1或多个地址。 我认为用复数的称呼比把人写成person更容易。加上集合名词通常与单数名词不同。
表名应该是复数形式。 列名应该是单数。 不。 对于表名和列名,可以选择CamelCase(我的首选)或underscore_separated。
是的。表是一组记录,老师或演员,所以…复数。 是的。 我不用它们。 我经常使用的数据库——Firebird——所有内容都是大写的,所以没关系。不管怎样,当我在编程时,我以一种更容易阅读的方式写名字,比如releaseYear。
SELECT person.Name
FROM People person
有点像LINQ的“from person in people select person. name”。
Should table names be plural? Never. The arguments for it being a collection make sense, but you never know what the table is going to contain (0,1 or many items). Plural rules make the naming unnecessarily complicated. 1 House, 2 houses, mouse vs mice, person vs people, and we haven't even looked at any other languages. Update person set property = 'value' acts on each person in the table. Select * from person where person.name = 'Greg' returns a collection/rowset of person rows. Should column names be singular? Usually, yes, except where you are breaking normalisation rules. Should I prefix tables or columns? Mostly a platform preference. We prefer to prefix columns with the table name. We don't prefix tables, but we do prefix views (v_) and stored_procedures (sp_ or f_ (function)). That helps people who want to try to upday v_person.age which is actually a calculated field in a view (which can't be UPDATEd anyway). It is also a great way to avoid keyword collision (delivery.from breaks, but delivery_from does not). It does make the code more verbose, but often aids in readability. bob = new person() bob.person_name = 'Bob' bob.person_dob = '1958-12-21' ... is very readable and explicit. This can get out of hand though: customer.customer_customer_type_id indicates a relationship between customer and the customer_type table, indicates the primary key on the customer_type table (customer_type_id) and if you ever see 'customer_customer_type_id' whilst debugging a query, you know instantly where it is from (customer table). or where you have a M-M relationship between customer_type and customer_category (only certain types are available to certain categories) customer_category_customer_type_id ... is a little (!) on the long side. Should I use any case in naming items? Yes - lower case :), with underscores. These are very readable and cross platform. Together with 3 above it also makes sense. Most of these are preferences though. - As long as you are consistent, it should be predictable for anyone that has to read it.
表名一定要保持单数,person而不是people 我也一样 不。我见过一些糟糕的前缀,以至于声明我们处理的是一个表(tbl_)或一个用户存储过程(usp_)。后面跟着数据库名…不要这样做! 是的。我倾向于PascalCase我所有的表名