
表名应该是复数吗? 列名应该是单数吗? 我应该为表或列添加前缀吗? 我应该在命名项目时使用大小写吗?



Table names should always be singular, because they represent a set of objects. As you say herd to designate a group of sheep, or flock do designate a group of birds. No need for plural. When a table name is composition of two names and naming convention is in plural it becomes hard to know if the plural name should be the first word or second word or both. It’s the logic – Object.instance, not objects.instance. Or TableName.column, not TableNames.column(s). Microsoft SQL is not case sensitive, it’s easier to read table names, if upper case letters are used, to separate table or column names when they are composed of two or more names.


   UserID, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName
FROM Users


表名 选择简短、明确的名字,不要超过一两个单词 容易区分表 方便唯一字段名的命名以及查找和链接表 给表取单数名,而不是复数名(更新:我仍然同意这种惯例的原因,但大多数人真的喜欢复数表名,所以我的立场软化了)…请点击上面的链接


Should table names be plural? Never. The arguments for it being a collection make sense, but you never know what the table is going to contain (0,1 or many items). Plural rules make the naming unnecessarily complicated. 1 House, 2 houses, mouse vs mice, person vs people, and we haven't even looked at any other languages. Update person set property = 'value' acts on each person in the table. Select * from person where person.name = 'Greg' returns a collection/rowset of person rows. Should column names be singular? Usually, yes, except where you are breaking normalisation rules. Should I prefix tables or columns? Mostly a platform preference. We prefer to prefix columns with the table name. We don't prefix tables, but we do prefix views (v_) and stored_procedures (sp_ or f_ (function)). That helps people who want to try to upday v_person.age which is actually a calculated field in a view (which can't be UPDATEd anyway). It is also a great way to avoid keyword collision (delivery.from breaks, but delivery_from does not). It does make the code more verbose, but often aids in readability. bob = new person() bob.person_name = 'Bob' bob.person_dob = '1958-12-21' ... is very readable and explicit. This can get out of hand though: customer.customer_customer_type_id indicates a relationship between customer and the customer_type table, indicates the primary key on the customer_type table (customer_type_id) and if you ever see 'customer_customer_type_id' whilst debugging a query, you know instantly where it is from (customer table). or where you have a M-M relationship between customer_type and customer_category (only certain types are available to certain categories) customer_category_customer_type_id ... is a little (!) on the long side. Should I use any case in naming items? Yes - lower case :), with underscores. These are very readable and cross platform. Together with 3 above it also makes sense. Most of these are preferences though. - As long as you are consistent, it should be predictable for anyone that has to read it.

表名一定要保持单数,person而不是people 我也一样 不。我见过一些糟糕的前缀,以至于声明我们处理的是一个表(tbl_)或一个用户存储过程(usp_)。后面跟着数据库名…不要这样做! 是的。我倾向于PascalCase我所有的表名




是的,当表名指的是一组交易、证券或交易对手时,表名应该是复数。 是的。 是的。SQL表前缀为tb_,视图前缀为vw_,存储过程前缀为usp_,触发器前缀为tg_,后面加数据库名。 列名应以小写字母用下划线分隔。



使用你客户的语言 解域 是描述性的 是一致的 消除歧义,反思和重构 不要使用缩写,除非它们 每个人都清楚 不要使用SQL保留关键字作为 列名