表名应该是复数吗? 列名应该是单数吗? 我应该为表或列添加前缀吗? 我应该在命名项目时使用大小写吗?
表名应该是复数吗? 列名应该是单数吗? 我应该为表或列添加前缀吗? 我应该在命名项目时使用大小写吗?
任何命名标准都比没有标准好。 没有“唯一正确”的标准,我们都有自己的偏好 如果有现成的标准,就使用它。不要创建新的标准,也不要混淆现有标准。
我们对表使用单数名称。表往往以系统名称(或其首字母缩写)作为前缀。如果系统复杂,这是有用的,因为您可以更改前缀来将表逻辑地分组在一起。Reg_customer, reg_booking和regadmin_limits)。
对于字段,我们希望字段名包括表的前缀/acryonm(即cust_address1),我们也更喜欢使用一组标准的后缀(_id表示PK, _cd表示“code”,_nm表示“name”,_nb表示“number”,_dt表示“Date”)。
SELECT cust_nm, cust_add1, booking_dt
FROM reg_customer
INNER JOIN reg_booking
ON reg_customer.cust_id = reg_booking.cust_id
It avoids bugs and mistakes caused by plural ambiguities. Programmers aren't exactly known for their spelling expertise, and pluralizing some words are confusing. For example, does the plural word end in 'es' or just 's'? Is it persons or people? When you work on a project with large teams, this can become an issue. For example, an instance where a team member uses the incorrect method to pluralize a table he creates. By the time I interact with this table, it is used all over in code I don't have access to or would take too long to fix. The result is I have to remember to spell the table wrong every time I use it. Something very similar to this happened to me. The easier you can make it for every member of the team to consistently and easily use the exact, correct table names without errors or having to look up table names all the time, the better. The singular version is much easier to handle in a team environment. If you use the singular version of a table name AND prefix the primary key with the table name, you now have the advantage of easily determining a table name from a primary key or vice versa via code alone. You can be given a variable with a table name in it, concatenate "Id" to the end, and you now have the primary key of the table via code, without having to do an additional query. Or you can cut off "Id" from the end of a primary key to determine a table name via code. If you use "id" without a table name for the primary key, then you cannot via code determine the table name from the primary key. In addition, most people who pluralize table names and prefix PK columns with the table name use the singular version of the table name in the PK (for example statuses and status_id), making it impossible to do this at all. If you make table names singular, you can have them match the class names they represent. Once again, this can simplify code and allow you to do really neat things, like instantiating a class by having nothing but the table name. It also just makes your code more consistent, which leads to... If you make the table name singular, it makes your naming scheme consistent, organized, and easy to maintain in every location. You know that in every instance in your code, whether it's in a column name, as a class name, or as the table name, it's the same exact name. This allows you to do global searches to see everywhere that data is used. When you pluralize a table name, there will be cases where you will use the singular version of that table name (the class it turns into, in the primary key). It just makes sense to not have some instances where your data is referred to as plural and some instances singular.
是的,当表名指的是一组交易、证券或交易对手时,表名应该是复数。 是的。 是的。SQL表前缀为tb_,视图前缀为vw_,存储过程前缀为usp_,触发器前缀为tg_,后面加数据库名。 列名应以小写字母用下划线分隔。
使用你客户的语言 解域 是描述性的 是一致的 消除歧义,反思和重构 不要使用缩写,除非它们 每个人都清楚 不要使用SQL保留关键字作为 列名
UserID, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName
FROM Users
不。表应该以它所代表的实体命名。 Person,而不是persons是指记录所代表的人。 同样的事情。列FirstName真的不应该被称为FirstNames。这完全取决于你想用列表示什么。 不。 是的。为清晰起见。如果你需要像“FirstName”这样的列,大小写会让它更容易阅读。
我建议你看看微软的SQL Server样本数据库: https://github.com/Microsoft/sql-server-samples/releases/tag/adventureworks
表的单数名称 列的单数名称 表前缀的架构名称(例如:SchemeName.TableName) 帕斯卡壳(又称上驼峰壳)