

class Aeroplane : IFlyable, IFuelable, IMachine
{ // Aeroplane's Design says:
  // Aeroplane is a flying object
  // Aeroplane can be fueled
  // Aeroplane is a Machine
// But the code related to Pilot, or Driver of Aeroplane is not bothered 
// about Machine or Fuel. Hence,
// pilot code:
IFlyable flyingObj = new Aeroplane();
// fighter Pilot related code
IFlyable flyingObj2 = new FighterAeroplane();
// UFO related code 
IFlyable ufoObj = new UFO();
// **All the 3 Above codes are genaralized using IFlyable,
// Interface Abstraction**
// Fly related code knows how to fly, irrespective of the type of 
// flying object they are.

// Similarly, Fuel related code:
// Fueling an Aeroplane
IFuelable fuelableObj = new Aeroplane();
// Fueling a Car
IFuelable fuelableObj2 = new Car(); // class Car : IFuelable { }

// ** Fueling code does not need know what kind of vehicle it is, so far 
// as it can Fill Fuel**




考虑一个发送电子邮件的类……它使用抽象来向你展示自己作为某种信使,所以你可以调用emailSender。发送(邮件,收件人)。它的实际功能——选择POP3 / SMTP、调用服务器、MIME转换等等,都被抽象了出来。你只看到你的信使。









Abstraction is enabled by encapsulation. Because we encapsulate objects, we can think about them as things which relate to each other in some way rather than getting bogged down in the subtle details of internal object structure. Abstraction is the ability to consider the bigger picture, removed from concern over little details. The root of the word is abstract as in the summary that appears at the top of a scholarly paper, not abstract as in a class which can only be instantiated as a derived subclass.

I can honestly say that when I plop my butt down in my chair, I never think about how the structure of that chair will catch and hold my weight. It's a decent enough chair that I don't have to worry about those details. So I can turn my attention toward my computer. And again, I don't think about the component parts of my computer. I'm just looking at a part of a webpage that represents a text area that I can type in, and I'm communicating in words, barely even thinking about how my fingers always find the right letters so quickly on the keyboard, and how the connection is ultimately made between tapping these keys and posting to this forum. This is the great power of abstraction. Because the lower levels of the system can be trusted to work with consistency and precision, we have attention to spare for greater work.



 // Abstraction
    interface IOperation
        int GetSumOfNumbers();
    internal class OperationEven : IOperation
        // data hiding
        private IEnumerable<int> numbers;

        public OperationEven(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
            this.numbers = numbers;
        // Encapsulation
        public int GetSumOfNumbers()
            return this.numbers.Where(i => i % 2 == 0).Sum();