License keys are the defacto-standard as an anti-piracy measure. To be honest, this strikes me as (in)Security Through Obscurity, although I really have no idea how license keys are generated. What is a good (secure) example of license key generation? What cryptographic primitive (if any) are they using? Is it a message digest? If so, what data would they be hashing? What methods do developers employ to make it difficult for crackers to build their own key generators? How are key generators made?


还有一些DRM行为将多个步骤合并到流程中。最著名的例子之一是Adobe验证其Creative Suite安装的方法之一。使用这里讨论的传统CD Key方法,然后调用Adobe的支持线。CD密钥将提供给Adobe代表,他们将返回用户使用的激活号码。





只有很少的键是有效的 即使给定用户拥有的一切,有效的键也必须是不可派生的。 一个系统上的有效密钥在另一个系统上不是有效密钥。 其他人

One solution that should give you these would be to use a public key signing scheme. Start with a "system hash" (say grab the macs on any NICs, sorted, and the CPU-ID info, plus some other stuff, concatenate it all together and take an MD5 of the result (you really don't want to be handling personally identifiable information if you don't have to)) append the CD's serial number and refuse to boot unless some registry key (or some datafile) has a valid signature for the blob. The user activates the program by shipping the blob to you and you ship back the signature.












cd - key对于任何非网络的东西都不是很安全,所以从技术上讲,它们不需要安全生成。如果你使用的是。net,你几乎可以使用guide . newguid()。

它们现在主要用于多人游戏组件,服务器可以在其中验证CD Key。因此,生成它的安全性并不重要,因为归根结底就是“查找传入的任何东西,并检查其他人是否已经在使用它”。


Have a checksum of some sort. That allows your Installer to display "Key doesn't seem valid" message, solely to detect typos (Adding such a check in the installer actually means that writing a Key Generator is trivial as the hacker has all the code he needs. Not having the check and solely relying on server-side validation disables that check, at the risk of annoying your legal customers who don't understand why the server doesn't accept their CD Key as they aren't aware of the typo) Work with a limited subset of characters. Trying to type in a CD Key and guessing "Is this an 8 or a B? a 1 or an I? a Q or an O or a 0?" - by using a subset of non-ambigous chars/digits you eliminate that confusion.



Require that the number be divisible by (say) 17. Trivial to guess, if you have access to many keys, but the majority of potential strings will be invalid. Similar would be requiring that the checksum of the key match a known value. Require that the first half of the key, when concatenated with a known value, hashes down to the second half of the key. Better, but the program still contains all the information needed to generate keys as well as to validate them. Generate keys by encrypting (with a private key) a known value + nonce. This can be verified by decrypting using the corresponding public key and verifying the known value. The program now has enough information to verify the key without being able to generate keys.





Most secure schemes involve either the user providing the software supplier with some details of the machine which will run the software (cpu serial numbers, mac addresses, Ip address etc.), or, require online access to register the software on the suppliers website and in return receive an activitation token. The first option requires a lot of manual administration and is only worth it for very high value software, the, second option can be spoofed and is absolutly infuriating if you have limited network access or you are stuck behind a firewall.
