
2008 c Is there a simple way to convert C++ enum to string? 2008 c Easy way to use variables of enum types as string in C? 2008 c++ How to easily map c++ enums to strings 2008 c++ Making something both a C identifier and a string? 2008 c++ Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string? 2009 c++ How to use enums as flags in C++? 2011 c++ How to convert an enum type variable to a string? 2011 c++ Enum to String C++ 2011 c++ How to convert an enum type variable to a string? 2012 c How to convert enum names to string in c 2013 c Stringifying an conditionally compiled enum in C


优雅的方式使用c++ 11、c++ 14或c++ 17的新特性 或者在Boost中使用一些现成的东西 还有一些东西计划在c++ 20中实现


举例往往比冗长的解释更好。 您可以在Coliru上编译和运行这个代码片段。 (另一个前面的例子也可用)

#include <map>
#include <iostream>

struct MyClass
    enum class MyEnum : char {
        AAA = -8,
        BBB = '8',
        CCC = AAA + BBB

// Replace magic() by some faster compile-time generated code
// (you're allowed to replace the return type with std::string
// if that's easier for you)
const char* magic (MyClass::MyEnum e)
    const std::map<MyClass::MyEnum,const char*> MyEnumStrings {
        { MyClass::MyEnum::AAA, "MyClass::MyEnum::AAA" },
        { MyClass::MyEnum::BBB, "MyClass::MyEnum::BBB" },
        { MyClass::MyEnum::CCC, "MyClass::MyEnum::CCC" }
    auto   it  = MyEnumStrings.find(e);
    return it == MyEnumStrings.end() ? "Out of range" : it->second;

int main()
   std::cout << magic(MyClass::MyEnum::AAA) <<'\n';
   std::cout << magic(MyClass::MyEnum::BBB) <<'\n';
   std::cout << magic(MyClass::MyEnum::CCC) <<'\n';


请不要无价值的重复其他答案或基本链接。 请避免基于宏的臃肿答案,或尽量减少#define开销。 请不要手动enum ->字符串映射。


支持从不同于零的数字开始的enum值 支持负enum值 支持碎片enum值 支持类枚举(c++ 11) 支持类枚举:<类型>有任何允许的<类型> (c++ 11) 编译时(不是运行时)到字符串的转换, 或者至少在运行时快速执行(例如std::map不是一个好主意…) constexpr (c++ 11,然后在c++ 14/17/20中放松) noexcept (C + + 11) c++ 17/ c++ 20友好的代码片段





ENUM(Channel, char, Red = 1, Green, Blue)

// "Same as":
// enum class Channel : char { Red = 1, Green, Blue };


Channel     c = Channel::_from_string("Green");  // Channel::Green (2)
c._to_string();                                  // string "Green"

for (Channel c : Channel::_values())
    std::cout << c << std::endl;

// And so on...

所有操作都可以写成constexpr。你也可以实现@ecatmur回答中提到的c++ 17反射提议。

There is only one macro. I believe this is the minimum possible, because preprocessor stringization (#) is the only way to convert a token to a string in current C++. The macro is pretty unobtrusive – the constant declarations, including initializers, are pasted into a built-in enum declaration. This means they have the same syntax and meaning as in a built-in enum. Repetition is eliminated. The implementation is most natural and useful in at least C++11, due to constexpr. It can also be made to work with C++98 + __VA_ARGS__. It is definitely modern C++.


The bulk of this answer is an implementation that I think is suitable for the space constraints on StackOverflow. There is also a CodeProject article describing the basics of the implementation in a long-form tutorial. [Should I move it here? I think it's too much for a SO answer]. There is a full-featured library "Better Enums" that implements the macro in a single header file. It also implements N4428 Type Property Queries, the current revision of the C++17 reflection proposal N4113. So, at least for enums declared through this macro, you can have the proposed C++17 enum reflection now, in C++11/C++14.







struct Channel {
    enum _enum : char { __VA_ARGS__ };
    constexpr static const Channel          _values[] = { __VA_ARGS__ };
    constexpr static const char * const     _names[] = { #__VA_ARGS__ };

    static const char* _to_string(Channel v) { /* easy */ }
    constexpr static Channel _from_string(const char *s) { /* easy */ }


We will end up with something like {Red = 1, Green, Blue} as the initializer for the values array. This is not valid C++, because Red is not an assignable expression. This is solved by casting each constant to a type T that has an assignment operator, but will drop the assignment: {(T)Red = 1, (T)Green, (T)Blue}. Similarly, we will end up with {"Red = 1", "Green", "Blue"} as the initializer for the names array. We will need to trim off the " = 1". I am not aware of a great way to do this at compile time, so we will defer this to run time. As a result, _to_string won't be constexpr, but _from_string can still be constexpr, because we can treat whitespace and equals signs as terminators when comparing with untrimmed strings. Both the above need a "mapping" macro that can apply another macro to each element in __VA_ARGS__. This is pretty standard. This answer includes a simple version that can handle up to 8 elements. If the macro is to be truly self-contained, it needs to declare no static data that requires a separate definition. In practice, this means arrays need special treatment. There are two possible solutions: constexpr (or just const) arrays at namespace scope, or regular arrays in non-constexpr static inline functions. The code in this answer is for C++11 and takes the former approach. The CodeProject article is for C++98 and takes the latter.


#include <cstddef>      // For size_t.
#include <cstring>      // For strcspn, strncpy.
#include <stdexcept>    // For runtime_error.

// A "typical" mapping macro. MAP(macro, a, b, c, ...) expands to
// macro(a) macro(b) macro(c) ...
// The helper macro COUNT(a, b, c, ...) expands to the number of
// arguments, and IDENTITY(x) is needed to control the order of
// expansion of __VA_ARGS__ on Visual C++ compilers.
#define MAP(macro, ...) \
            (macro, __VA_ARGS__))

#define CHOOSE_MAP_START(count) MAP ## count

#define APPLY(macro, ...) IDENTITY(macro(__VA_ARGS__))

#define IDENTITY(x) x

#define MAP1(m, x)      m(x)
#define MAP2(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP1(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP3(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP2(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP4(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP3(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP5(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP4(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP6(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP5(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP7(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP6(m, __VA_ARGS__))
#define MAP8(m, x, ...) m(x) IDENTITY(MAP7(m, __VA_ARGS__))

#define EVALUATE_COUNT(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, count, ...) \

#define COUNT(...) \
    IDENTITY(EVALUATE_COUNT(__VA_ARGS__, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1))

// The type "T" mentioned above that drops assignment operations.
template <typename U>
struct ignore_assign {
    constexpr explicit ignore_assign(U value) : _value(value) { }
    constexpr operator U() const { return _value; }

    constexpr const ignore_assign& operator =(int dummy) const
        { return *this; }

    U   _value;

// Prepends "(ignore_assign<_underlying>)" to each argument.
#define IGNORE_ASSIGN_SINGLE(e) (ignore_assign<_underlying>)e,
#define IGNORE_ASSIGN(...) \

// Stringizes each argument.
#define STRINGIZE_SINGLE(e) #e,

// Some helpers needed for _from_string.
constexpr const char    terminators[] = " =\t\r\n";

// The size of terminators includes the implicit '\0'.
constexpr bool is_terminator(char c, size_t index = 0)
        index >= sizeof(terminators) ? false :
        c == terminators[index] ? true :
        is_terminator(c, index + 1);

constexpr bool matches_untrimmed(const char *untrimmed, const char *s,
                                 size_t index = 0)
        is_terminator(untrimmed[index]) ? s[index] == '\0' :
        s[index] != untrimmed[index] ? false :
        matches_untrimmed(untrimmed, s, index + 1);

// The macro proper.
// There are several "simplifications" in this implementation, for the
// sake of brevity. First, we have only one viable option for declaring
// constexpr arrays: at namespace scope. This probably should be done
// two namespaces deep: one namespace that is likely to be unique for
// our little enum "library", then inside it a namespace whose name is
// based on the name of the enum to avoid collisions with other enums.
// I am using only one level of nesting.
// Declaring constexpr arrays inside the struct is not viable because
// they will need out-of-line definitions, which will result in
// duplicate symbols when linking. This can be solved with weak
// symbols, but that is compiler- and system-specific. It is not
// possible to declare constexpr arrays as static variables in
// constexpr functions due to the restrictions on such functions.
// Note that this prevents the use of this macro anywhere except at
// namespace scope. Ironically, the C++98 version of this, which can
// declare static arrays inside static member functions, is actually
// more flexible in this regard. It is shown in the CodeProject
// article.
// Second, for compilation performance reasons, it is best to separate
// the macro into a "parametric" portion, and the portion that depends
// on knowing __VA_ARGS__, and factor the former out into a template.
// Third, this code uses a default parameter in _from_string that may
// be better not exposed in the public interface.

#define ENUM(EnumName, Underlying, ...)                               \
namespace data_ ## EnumName {                                         \
    using _underlying = Underlying;                                   \
    enum { __VA_ARGS__ };                                             \
    constexpr const size_t           _size =                          \
        IDENTITY(COUNT(__VA_ARGS__));                                 \
    constexpr const _underlying      _values[] =                      \
        { IDENTITY(IGNORE_ASSIGN(__VA_ARGS__)) };                     \
    constexpr const char * const     _raw_names[] =                   \
        { IDENTITY(STRINGIZE(__VA_ARGS__)) };                         \
}                                                                     \
struct EnumName {                                                     \
    using _underlying = Underlying;                                   \
    enum _enum : _underlying { __VA_ARGS__ };                         \
    const char * _to_string() const                                   \
    {                                                                 \
        for (size_t index = 0; index < data_ ## EnumName::_size;      \
             ++index) {                                               \
            if (data_ ## EnumName::_values[index] == _value)          \
                return _trimmed_names()[index];                       \
        }                                                             \
        throw std::runtime_error("invalid value");                    \
    }                                                                 \
    constexpr static EnumName _from_string(const char *s,             \
                                           size_t index = 0)          \
    {                                                                 \
        return                                                        \
            index >= data_ ## EnumName::_size ?                       \
                    throw std::runtime_error("invalid identifier") :  \
            matches_untrimmed(                                        \
                data_ ## EnumName::_raw_names[index], s) ?            \
                    (EnumName)(_enum)data_ ## EnumName::_values[      \
                                                            index] :  \
            _from_string(s, index + 1);                               \
    }                                                                 \
    EnumName() = delete;                                              \
    constexpr EnumName(_enum value) : _value(value) { }               \
    constexpr operator _enum() const { return (_enum)_value; }        \
  private:                                                            \
    _underlying     _value;                                           \
    static const char * const * _trimmed_names()                      \
    {                                                                 \
        static char     *the_names[data_ ## EnumName::_size];         \
        static bool     initialized = false;                          \
        if (!initialized) {                                           \
            for (size_t index = 0; index < data_ ## EnumName::_size;  \
                 ++index) {                                           \
                size_t  length =                                      \
                    std::strcspn(data_ ## EnumName::_raw_names[index],\
                                 terminators);                        \
                the_names[index] = new char[length + 1];              \
                std::strncpy(the_names[index],                        \
                             data_ ## EnumName::_raw_names[index],    \
                             length);                                 \
                the_names[index][length] = '\0';                      \
            }                                                         \
            initialized = true;                                       \
        }                                                             \
        return the_names;                                             \
    }                                                                 \


// The code above was a "header file". This is a program that uses it.
#include <iostream>
#include "the_file_above.h"

ENUM(Channel, char, Red = 1, Green, Blue)

constexpr Channel   channel = Channel::_from_string("Red");

int main()
    std::cout << channel._to_string() << std::endl;

    switch (channel) {
        case Channel::Red:   return 0;
        case Channel::Green: return 1;
        case Channel::Blue:  return 2;

static_assert(sizeof(Channel) == sizeof(char), "");



#define ENUM_MAKE(TYPE, ...) \
        enum class TYPE {__VA_ARGS__};\
        struct Helper_ ## TYPE { \
            static const String& toName(TYPE type) {\
                int index = static_cast<int>(type);\
                return splitStringVec()[index];}\
            static const TYPE toType(const String& name){\
                static std::unordered_map<String,TYPE> typeNameMap;\
                if( typeNameMap.empty() )\
                    const StringVector& ssVec = splitStringVec();\
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < ssVec.size(); ++i)\
                        typeNameMap.insert(std::make_pair(ssVec[i], static_cast<TYPE>(i)));\
                return typeNameMap[name];}\
            static const StringVector& splitStringVec() {\
                static StringVector typeNameVector;\
                if(typeNameVector.empty()) \
                    typeNameVector = StringUtil::split(#__VA_ARGS__, ",");\
                    for (auto& name : typeNameVector)\
                        name.erase(std::remove(name.begin(), name.end(), ' '),name.end()); \
                        name = String(#TYPE) + "::" + name;\
                return typeNameVector;\

using String = std::string;
using StringVector = std::vector<String>;

   StringVector StringUtil::split( const String& str, const String& delims, unsigned int maxSplits, bool preserveDelims)
        StringVector ret;
        // Pre-allocate some space for performance
        ret.reserve(maxSplits ? maxSplits+1 : 10);    // 10 is guessed capacity for most case

        unsigned int numSplits = 0;

        // Use STL methods 
        size_t start, pos;
        start = 0;
            pos = str.find_first_of(delims, start);
            if (pos == start)
                // Do nothing
                start = pos + 1;
            else if (pos == String::npos || (maxSplits && numSplits == maxSplits))
                // Copy the rest of the string
                ret.push_back( str.substr(start) );
                // Copy up to delimiter
                ret.push_back( str.substr(start, pos - start) );

                    // Sometimes there could be more than one delimiter in a row.
                    // Loop until we don't find any more delims
                    size_t delimStart = pos, delimPos;
                    delimPos = str.find_first_not_of(delims, delimStart);
                    if (delimPos == String::npos)
                        // Copy the rest of the string
                        ret.push_back( str.substr(delimStart) );
                        ret.push_back( str.substr(delimStart, delimPos - delimStart) );

                start = pos + 1;
            // parse up to next real data
            start = str.find_first_not_of(delims, start);

        } while (pos != String::npos);

        return ret;



    MY_TEST s1 = MY_TEST::MY_1;
    MY_TEST s2 = MY_TEST::MY_2;
    MY_TEST s3 = MY_TEST::MY_3;

    String z1 = Helper_MY_TEST::toName(s1);
    String z2 = Helper_MY_TEST::toName(s2);
    String z3 = Helper_MY_TEST::toName(s3);

    MY_TEST q1 = Helper_MY_TEST::toType(z1);
    MY_TEST q2 = Helper_MY_TEST::toType(z2);
    MY_TEST q3 = Helper_MY_TEST::toType(z3);



这种代码的优点是自动创建用于反射和查看宏代码,易于理解的代码。'enum to string', 'string to enum'性能都是算法O(1)。

缺点是第一次使用时,枚举relection的string vector和map的helper类被初始化。 但是如果你想,你也会被预初始化。- - - - - -




#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <regex>

template <class Enum>
class EnumReflect
    static const char* getEnums() { return ""; }

//  Just a container for each enumeration type.
template <class Enum>
class EnumReflectBase
    static std::map<std::string, int> enum2int;
    static std::map<int, std::string> int2enum;

    static void EnsureEnumMapReady( const char* enumsInfo )
        if (*enumsInfo == 0 || enum2int.size() != 0 )

        // Should be called once per each enumeration.
        std::string senumsInfo(enumsInfo);
        std::regex re("^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *=? *([^,]*)(,|$) *");     // C++ identifier to optional " = <value>"
        std::smatch sm;
        int value = 0;

        for (; regex_search(senumsInfo, sm, re); senumsInfo = sm.suffix(), value++)
            string enumName = sm[1].str();
            string enumValue = sm[2].str();

            if (enumValue.length() != 0)
                value = atoi(enumValue.c_str());

            enum2int[enumName] = value;
            int2enum[value] = enumName;

template <class Enum>
std::map<std::string, int> EnumReflectBase<Enum>::enum2int;

template <class Enum>
std::map<int, std::string> EnumReflectBase<Enum>::int2enum;

#define DECLARE_ENUM(name, ...)                                         \
    enum name { __VA_ARGS__ };                                          \
    template <>                                                         \
    class EnumReflect<##name>: public EnumReflectBase<##name> {         \
    public:                                                             \
        static const char* getEnums() { return #__VA_ARGS__; }          \

    Basic usage:

    Declare enumeration:


    enumValue3 = 5,

    // comment

    Conversion logic:

    From enumeration to string:

        printf( EnumToString(enumValue3).c_str() );

    From string to enumeration:

       enumName value;

       if( !StringToEnum("enumValue4", value) )
            printf("Conversion failed...");

//  Converts enumeration to string, if not found - empty string is returned.
template <class T>
std::string EnumToString(T t)
    auto& int2enum = EnumReflect<T>::int2enum;
    auto it = int2enum.find(t);

    if (it == int2enum.end())
        return "";

    return it->second;

//  Converts string to enumeration, if not found - false is returned.
template <class T>
bool StringToEnum(const char* enumName, T& t)
    auto& enum2int = EnumReflect<T>::enum2int;
    auto it = enum2int.find(enumName);

    if (it == enum2int.end())
        return false;

    t = (T) it->second;
    return true;


    ValueThree = 5,
    ValueFour = 7

    ValueOne2 = -1,
    ValueThree2 = -4,

void main(void)
    string sName1 = EnumToString(ValueOne);
    string sName2 = EnumToString(ValueTwo);
    string sName3 = EnumToString(ValueThree);
    string sName4 = EnumToString(ValueFour);

    TestEnum t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 = ValueOne;
    bool b1 = StringToEnum(sName1.c_str(), t1);
    bool b2 = StringToEnum(sName2.c_str(), t2);
    bool b3 = StringToEnum(sName3.c_str(), t3);
    bool b4 = StringToEnum(sName4.c_str(), t4);
    bool b5 = StringToEnum("Unknown", t5);

    string sName2_1 = EnumToString(ValueOne2);
    string sName2_2 = EnumToString(ValueTwo2);
    string sName2_3 = EnumToString(ValueThree2);
    string sName2_4 = EnumToString(ValueFour2);

    TestEnum2 t2_1, t2_2, t2_3, t2_4, t2_5 = ValueOne2;
    bool b2_1 = StringToEnum(sName2_1.c_str(), t2_1);
    bool b2_2 = StringToEnum(sName2_2.c_str(), t2_2);
    bool b2_3 = StringToEnum(sName2_3.c_str(), t2_3);
    bool b2_4 = StringToEnum(sName2_4.c_str(), t2_4);
    bool b2_5 = StringToEnum("Unknown", t2_5);



对于c++ 17 c++ 20,您将对反思研究小组(SG7)的工作感兴趣。还有一系列平行的论文,包括措辞(P0194)和基本原理、设计和进化(P0385)。(链接解析为每个系列的最新论文。)



例如(改编自Matus Choclik的reflexpr clang分支):

#include <reflexpr>
#include <iostream>

enum MyEnum { AAA = 1, BBB, CCC = 99 };

int main()
  auto name_of_MyEnum_0 = 

  // prints "AAA"
  std::cout << name_of_MyEnum_0 << std::endl;

静态反射未能进入c++ 17(更确切地说,进入了2016年11月在Issaquah举行的标准会议上提出的可能是最终草案),但有信心它将进入c++ 20;摘自赫布·萨特的旅行报告:



  AAA = "AAA"_h8,
  BB = "BB"_h8,
std::cout << h8::to_string(AAA) << std::endl;
std::cout << h8::to_string(BB) << std::endl;




const std::string& magic(MyClass::MyEnum e)
    static const std::string OUT_OF_RANGE = "Out of range";
    #define ENTRY(v) { MyClass::MyEnum::v, "MyClass::MyEnum::" #v }
    static const std::unordered_map<MyClass::MyEnum, std::string> LOOKUP {
    #undef ENTRY
    auto it  = LOOKUP.find(e);
    return ((it != LOOKUP.end()) ? it->second : OUT_OF_RANGE);


Internal data structures are now 'static' and 'const'. These are unchanging, so there is no need to construct these on every call to the function, and to do so would be very inefficient. Instead, these are constructed on the first call to the function only. Return value is now 'const std::string&'. This function will only return references to already-allocated std::string objects with 'static' lifetime, so there is no need to copy them when returning. Map type is now 'std::unordered_map' for O(1) access instead of std::map's O(log(N)) access. Use of the ENTRY macro allows somewhat more concise code and also avoids potential problems from typos made while entering names in the string literals. (If the programmer enters an invalid name, a compiler error will result.)